Editor's note: We have now been informed by Ms Penny Mellor that she did not, in 2005, take up the position of family advocacy co-ordinator for the organisation Justice For Families set up by John Hemming MP. We are happy to clarify this point.
Spare a thought for Christine Hemming, wife of the Birmingham MP John Hemming and mother to four of his five children. Last Thursday, as Hemming continued his extraordinary one-man crusade against the nation's social workers (or, as he prefers to call them, "baby stealers"), she felt obliged to post a qualifying online footnote to a series of articles and comments provoked by her husband in Community Care.
Hemming, she noted, had said that he had "experienced 'lies from social workers in his private life'. I would like to make it clear," she said, "that this was in relation to child protection action relating to a local councillor and her child and not in any way to our family."
In an article published last month in the Mail on Sunday, Hemming had claimed that social workers were "literally snatching newborn babies and children from good, stable, loving homes" for no better reason than to rake in millions of pounds of money offered as an incentive for hitting government adoption targets.
Give us back our children
- Details
- Category: UK Child Protection
- Created: Thursday, 26 July 2007 22:36
- Written by Sue Reid - Daily Mail UK
Six weeks ago, the Mail told how social workers tore a baby from her loving family to put her up for adoption. Since then, scores of parents have contacted us with horrifying stories of children stolen by the state. How dare the courts continue to gag them?
The harrowing film of a young mother with an IQ of 63 cuddling her much-loved toddler daughter for the last time before handing her over for adoption was always going to be controversial.
As the cameras roll, the 18-year-old mother cries pitifully.
Her bewildered child reaches out to hug her when the moment comes to say goodbye for ever.
This raw, emotional footage was to be the centrepiece of a new BBC series called Family Wanted, spearheading a national campaign to increase the numbers of children adopted in this country.
In a bid to find them new homes, children removed from their real parents have been paraded publicly during the TV series. It is, say critics, akin to a human auction.
The story of four children who recently died whilst in foster care
- Details
- Category: Child abuse industry deaths in Australia
- Created: Saturday, 12 June 2010 14:52
- Written by Lukes Dad
Here is the story of the four children, one my own, and the three others belonging to other parents that I have met in the last year since my son died.
Like the others in our sad little group, I do not like to talk about what happened to my beautiful son, Luke Borusiewicz. I will say one thing, when I look at the photos of our last visit together, I can see the love for me in his eyes, on his poor little scratched face. Two days later a scratch on his penis that needed him to be taken to the doctor it was so severe. They ignored pleas from myself and Lukes mother. These people answer to noone.
I have the parents of these deceased children's permission to discuss it though, and to cast it into the public light. None of us want our children to be forgotten, and we all want justice. I know it is inevitable that I will meet more parents whose children have died in foster care due to this departments blatant negligence. If you know of anyone, please send them to me, it is time that we all came together, and expose what has, is and will be happening....
News Inquest into death of Adelaide care home boy who died after eating dirt and stones
- Details
- Category: Child abuse industry deaths in Australia
- Created: Monday, 15 April 2013 23:30
- Written by Tessa Akerman - Court Reporter - Adelaide Now
A CORONIAL inquest is being held into the death of an Adelaide boy, 9, who ate stones and dirt while at a care home.
Deputy State Coroner Anthony Schapel today began hearing evidence int the April 2011 death of Lawrence Betts.
Lawrence was living at a respite facility for children with special needs at the time of his death in April 2011 and was under the guardianship of the Minister for Families and Communities.
He was was born with an intellectual disability, a cleft palate and also suffered from pica - an eating disorder which caused him to eat non-food items that he found around him.
Today, Mr Schapel heard evidence that a post-mortem found stones, soil and a dehydrated rice in his body.
The post mortem found the cause of death was sigmoid volvulus - an intestinal obstruction.
2 children trapped in foster care, as adults still debate how sibling died 4 years later
- Details
- Category: Child abuse industry deaths the US
- Created: Sunday, 26 August 2018 21:08
- Written by Rebecca Lindstrom and Lindsey Basye
Police found no crime was committed in the death of 4-year-old Geovannti, but DFCS and the medical examiner still have questions. Four years later the case is unresolved and the family is still torn apart.
Normally when we talk about our child welfare system, we are asking why the Division of Family and Children Services and the courts didn’t do more to protect an abused child. As a community, we ask why the child wasn’t taken out of the home -- and kept out of the home.
Toddler who drowned in a backyard pool while in foster care may have been DRUGGED the day before he died
- Details
- Category: Child abuse industry deaths in NSW
- Created: Saturday, 28 October 2017 16:52
- Written by Kate Darvall and Sam Duncan - Daily Mail Australia
- Toddler who died in foster care might have been drugged, a court has heard
- The court heard on Wednesday Braxton's foster parents pretended to be a couple when at the time, despite having been separated for two years.
- The couple relied on the money they were given from the state to look after the three-year-old, because they were both unemployed, the court heard.
- The 22-month-old boy died just three weeks after being placed into foster care
- He drowned in the unsafe backyard pool of his foster home in September 2014
- Inquest heard he might have been given antihistamine tablets by foster mother
The Statistics Are In... Even Suicide Rates are Higher in Out of Home Care
- Details
- Category: Child protection statistics
- Created: Wednesday, 16 March 2011 16:44
- Written by NSW Childrens Commissioner
- Well under half (38.5%) of the children and young people who died were living in intact biological families at the time of their deaths.
- Just over one-quarter (26.2%) of the children and young people who died had been clients of the Department of Community Services at some stage during their lives.
- Of those, one-third had active Department of Community Services’ involvement at the time of their deaths.
- Thirty-two (48.5%) out of the 66 children and young people who died from risk-taking had been clients of the Department of Community Services.
- Of the 39 (20.9%) children and young people who had been seen by mental health professionals, 25 (64.1%) died by suicide.
- With regard to available human service agencies, the children and young people who accessed mental health and school counselling services were typically those who died by suicide.
- Three males were living in de facto relationships, one of them with his 39 year old partner (who had formerly been his school teacher). Two young people who were wards of the state were living in supported accommodation with youth workers. Two young people were in an institutional residence when they died. One had been living in the mental health ward of a hospital and was on weekend release when she died, and one young person had been detained in a Juvenile Justice facility and had absconded at the time of his death.
One out of four deaths of children from families with a child protection history
- Details
- Category: Child abuse industry deaths in NSW
- Created: Wednesday, 25 August 2021 19:21
- Written by Caitlin Fitzsimmons - Sydney Morning Herald
A report from the NSW Ombudsman criticises the state government for closing cases for children reported to be at risk of serious harm without a caseworker making face-to-face contact with the family.
The findings are in the Ombudsman’s 2018-2019 report, which found almost one in four of the 989 infants and children who died in NSW in the two-year period were from families with a child protection history.
A report has criticised the state government for closing cases for children reported at risk of serious harm without a caseworker making
contact with the family.
Left hungry and too cold to go to school: Urgent review of children in care
- Details
- Category: Child Protection NSW media and newspaper articles
- Created: Monday, 28 November 2022 20:07
- Written by Michael Evans - Sydney Morning Herald

In a devastating assessment of the sector, a children’s court magistrate has detailed the “unconscionable” treatment, “appalling neglect,” and “failure” in care by providers, including Lifestyle Solutions and the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.
In granting an application for a clinical report into the wellbeing of the boys, dubbed Finn and Lincoln Hughes by the court, magistrate Tracy Sheedy put on record details of the plight of the children, including:
- how they complained to their school principal of hunger pains and to their lawyer about not having enough food;
- how they were too cold to go to school because they did not have a winter uniform;
- how their care provider quoted $77,000 per month to care for them;
- and how their psychological welfare was suffering after experiencing a police raid, separation from siblings, and abuse in care since coming to the attention of authorities.
Magistrate Carney wreaking havoc on innocent families in Sydney’s South-West.
- Details
- Category: NSW DHS - FACS
- Created: Monday, 25 December 2023 18:23
- Written by Alecomm
Six weeks after DoCS took baby "Doc" into "care," they're still breaking every law possible and getting away with it.
Magistrate Carney seems only too happy to adjourn these newborns lives another three months and into the new year to allow DoCS to entertain the court some more with their shenanigans.
Magistrate Carney may have transpired from the Roads and Traffic Committee, but one would think that before she is allowed to make decisions regarding the lives of children, particularly newborns, she must be knowledgeable of the time limits imposed in matters relating to children's courts.
Whether she knows or just doesn't care is irrelevant, because the damage being done to newborn children, whom she happily boasts about "taking three babies per week," is not only unforgiveable but also unlawful.
Two weeks is the maximum that courts may be adjourned for when it comes to proceedings of children (newborns), and this is to ensure that the best interest of the child is looked after—and not the solicitors whose businesses thrive off adjournments, mentions, and evidentiary hearings.
Magistrate Carney isn't the only magistrate allowing blatant breaches of the law to continue in the worst interest of children. Many magistrates do this as it helps the department build its case and ultimately allows them more time to continue to put more rubbish in their affidavits, which most of the time confuses the judge enough to believe that what they are claiming is credible and to make it impossible for the parents to contest each and every lie they put through.
More Articles ...
- NSW child-protection workers 'regularly' mislead court and needlessly take Indigenous kids: report
- Wyong DoCS prevents mothers from breastfeeding consequently deliberately HARMING NEWBORN BABIES: Government guidelines prove this.
- ‘Absolutely appalling’: 100 vulnerable children died in NSW last year
- NSW child-protection workers 'regularly' mislead court and needlessly take Indigenous kids: report
- Calls for Queensland government to make report into child deaths available
- The death of advocates involved in exposing child protection corruption
- Child protection 'dishonest, dangerous'
- CPS worker defies gag order, exposes violent child sex ring in state foster system
- Child Protective Services and the business of taking your children
Caseworker confessions
- Article Count:
- 1
Child abuse industry advocates
To date, that we are aware of there has been three Georgian senators murdered to cover up child protective services crimes by the state. These are Senator Nancy Schaeffer and her husband, Senator Robert Brown, Senator Bobby Franklin. Then former marine turned child abuse industry documentarian Bill Bowen died, followed later by Martin Burns. Another year later a former foster child Ashley Harris disappeared two days after releasing youtube videos detailing the corruption by Santa Clara County caseworkers and judges.
Given the untimely deaths of child abuse industry advocates, we are now dedicating a section to our still alive advocates. We pray for their safety and that of their families whilst getting their hands dirty in an effort to save our innocent families from fate of the state.
- Article Count:
- 14
Child abuse industry advocates murdered
- Article Count:
- 3
Child abuse industry advocates jailed for speaking out
- Article Count:
- 10
Children in residential care facilities Australia
- Article Count:
- 6
Children placed at risk by caseworkers
Everyday state child protection authorities knowingly place innocent children with sex offenders, murderers, bank robbers and known child abusers. They refuse to intervene in family law matters when they should be protecting children, because they cannot be bothered taking the time to really protect a child. Part of the blame lays on the oversight authorities because they blatantly refuse to prosecute workers who practise unethical and unlawful work ethics, in fact we are unable to find one single case in the past two decades.
- Article Count:
- 3
Children who were raped and beaten in foster care
- Article Count:
- 9
Children abused in residential care facilities
- Article Count:
- 7
Children disappearing in fostercare
- Article Count:
- 15
Missing from NSW
- Article Count:
- 2
Child abuse industry deaths
- Article Count:
- 29
Child abuse industry deaths in Australia
- Article Count:
- 13
Child abuse industry deaths in NSW
- Article Count:
- 7
Child abuse industry deaths in Queensland
- Article Count:
- 1
Child abuse industry deaths in WA
- Article Count:
- 2
Child abuse industry deaths in Canada
- Article Count:
- 3
Child abuse industry deaths the US
- Article Count:
- 9
Mothers who died because of Child Protection
This section is dedicated to the mothers who lost their lives because of the torture to themselves and their children at the hands of the state child protection authorities.
Mothers in every state in Australia have been unnecessarily lost dir to there being no rules or laws that child protection are forced to abide by.
Innocent children are being drugged, raped and murdered under the care of the state, whilst child protection workets turn a blind eye - because it doesn’t suit their agenda or the “perfect” family they created to make up for their own mesed up childhoods.
How many more mothers have to die at the hands of child protection before the government acknowledges what is happening.
- Article Count:
- 2
Child protection media articles
Many newspaper articles relating to child protection disappear. This section is designed to keep an archive of relevant articles, so that even when they do go missing, there is evidence that the article did once exist. Registered users can upload relevant child protection media or newspaper articles to this section, to assist with the archiving of records the government wants to see gone.
- Article Count:
- 75
Child Protection Australia media articles
- Article Count:
- 48
Child Protection ACT media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 1
Child Protection Northern Territory media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 7
Child Protection NSW media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 16
Child Protection Queensland media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 8
Child Protection South Australia media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 4
Child Protection Victoria media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 1
Child Protection Western Australia media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 3
Child Protection International media articles
- Article Count:
- 24
Child Protection Canada media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 5
Child Protection UK media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 4
Child Protection USA media and newspaper articles
- Article Count:
- 13
Child protection propaganda
- Article Count:
- 11
Child protection statistics
- Article Count:
- 14
Reports on increase in child removals
- Article Count:
- 3
Ex-wards and the child abuse industry
- Article Count:
- 5
DOCS Information
- Article Count:
- 16
In Home Care Fraud
- Article Count:
- 6
Medical kidnap of children by the state for profit
Medical kidnapping is part of a larger problem of State-sponsored child kidnapping. State-sponsored kidnapping is where the State steps in and decides that they know what is best for a child or group of children within a family, and then removes the children without any formal charges being brought against the parents. The parents lose their children immediately, often without any warrant being issued by a judge. They are assumed guilty by social services of something worthy of losing their children, usually with no formal charges filed in a court of law, and no trial by a jury of peers as is afforded by the Constitution of the United States of America. They must spend significant resources to try and get their children back from a family court system that is cloaked in secrecy with little to no accountability. Sometimes the parents are able to get their children back, but sometimes they do not, and the children are adopted out. Even in the instances where the children are allowed to return home to their parents, they are severely traumatized.
Source : http://medicalkidnap.com/2016/03/02/medical-kidnapping-a-threat-to-every-child-in-america-today/
- Article Count:
- 2
Outrageous child protection removals
- Article Count:
- 1
Rallies / Meetings / Protests
- Article Count:
- 8
Research on Child Protection
- Article Count:
- 8
Section 90
- Article Count:
- 5
Schools covering up child sexual abuse
- Article Count:
- 2
Statutory child protection
- Article Count:
- 103
Proposed Child Protection Legislation Amendment Bill
- Article Count:
- 2
International Child Protection
- Article Count:
- 35
International Cases
- Article Count:
- 5
Canadian Child Protection Services
Manmeet Bhullar says no enquiry is needed. Manmeet Bhullar, who will take over the portfolio when the newly shuffled cabinet is sworn in next week, said Wednesday December 18 2013 he doesn't see the need to hold an independent public inquiry into the matter, as demanded by all three opposition parties. Great concerns the 33-year-old Bhullar, who is moving from the Service Alberta portfolio, lacks the experience to shepherd Human Services, which handles child and youth issues, social programs and homelessness.
No inquiry means we do not think these children's lives matter, so much so that we can not even be bothered to look into their deaths. There are no words to describe how disgusted I am.
Whatever it takes to keep this out of the public's view. This government's actions speak far louder than their words will ever speak. People with nothing to hide DO NOT act the way these people do. They've been everything but forthcoming with information and openness.Sources:
https://www.facebook.com/manmeetbhullarmla (Source : http://www.advocacycanada.com/Home/AdvocacyCanadaCampaignDetails/17)- Article Count:
- 5
Norwegian child protection (Barnevernet)
- Article Count:
- 3
NZ Child, Youth and Family (CPS)
- Article Count:
- 2
USA Child Protection
Currently, Child Protective Services violates more civil rights on a daily basis then all other agencies combined, including the NSA / CIA wiretapping program.... CPS does not protect children ...
It is sickening how many children are subject to abuse, neglect and even killed at the hands of Child Protective Services. every parent should read this pdf from Connecticut DCF Watch : http://www.connecticutdcfwatch.com/8x11.pdf http://www.connecticutdcfwatch.com
Number of Cases per 100,000 children in the US
(These numbers come from The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in Washington (NCCAN).
Recent numbers have increased significantly for CPS
*Perpetrators of Maltreatment*
Physical Abuse CPS 160, Parents 59
Sexual Abuse CPS 112, Parents 13
Neglect CPS 410, Parents 241
Medical Neglect CPS 14 Parents 12
Fatalities CPS 6.4, Parents 1.5
Imagine that, 6.4 children die at the hands of the very agencies that are supposed to protect them and only 1.5 at the hands of parents per 100,000 children.
CPS perpetrates more abuse, neglect and sexual abuse, and kills more children then parents in the United States. If the citizens of this country hold CPS to the same standards that they hold parents too.
No judge should ever put another child in the hands of ANY government agency because CPS nationwide is guilty of more harm and death than any human being combined.
CPS nationwide is guilty of more human rights violations and deaths of children then the homes from which they were removed. When are the judges going to wake up and see that they are sending children to their death and a life of abuse when children are removed from safe homes based on the mere opinion of a bunch of social workers.
- Article Count:
- 12
UK Child Protection
- Article Count:
- 8
Australian child protection authorities
- Article Count:
- 62
- Article Count:
- 28
Gosford FACS
- Article Count:
- 2
NSW Victims Stories
- Article Count:
- 1
Northern Territory DCF
- Article Count:
- 1
Queensland Child Protection Services
- Article Count:
- 4
South Australia Child Protection
- Article Count:
- 3
Victoria DHHS
- Article Count:
- 12
Western Australia DCP
Western Australia Department of Child Protection
- Article Count:
- 10
WA DCP Victim Stories
- Article Count:
- 1
Tactics caseworkers will use against you
- Article Count:
- 15
Unaccountable caseworkers
- Article Count:
- 7
What do we want?
- Article Count:
- 4
What are people saying about child protection / social services / welfare workers
- Article Count:
- 5
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance, etc.
For example, when people smoke (behavior) and they know that smoking causes cancer (cognition).
Festinger's (1957) cognitive dissonance theory suggests that we have an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and beliefs in harmony and avoid disharmony (or dissonance). This is known as the principle of cognitive consistency.
Cognitive dissonance was first investigated by Leon Festinger, arising out of a participant observation study of a cult which believed that the earth was going to be destroyed by a flood, and what happened to its members — particularly the really committed ones who had given up their homes and jobs to work for the cult — when the flood did not happen.
While fringe members were more inclined to recognize that they had made fools of themselves and to "put it down to experience," committed members were more likely to re-interpret the evidence to show that they were right all along (the earth was not destroyed because of the faithfulness of the cult members).
Saul McLeod, updated 2014
Further reading : https://www.simplypsychology.org/cognitive-dissonance.html
- Article Count:
- 2
Caseworkers Named and Shamed
- Article Count:
- 1
Child Protection Inquiries and Royal Commissions
- Article Count:
- 5
Child Protection Truths
- Article Count:
- 19
History of Child Protection
- Article Count:
- 3
Child Pornography
- Article Count:
- 2
Child Protection Lawsuits
- Article Count:
- 17