Child Protective Services or CPS has become a very corrupt government agency. From time to time problems with CPS (such as Justina Pelletier) make the news. However, these are but symptoms of a very large disease. The deep down problems with CPS are not reported on a large scale, and therefore are not addressed. Scandals about the IRS and the VA have been in the news, but the corruption within CPS is far worse. The victims are the most innocent; our nation’s children.
In 1974 Congress passed CAPTA (the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act). This began the feeding of federal funding to state’s child welfare agencies to place children in foster care. The number of children in foster care subsequently jumped to over 500,000 in only a few years. To address the free for all child snatching CAPTA had caused, in 1980 PL 96-272 was passed partly to add accountability to CPS. Each state is supposed to account annually in an AFCARS report each child in care, and establish citizen review panels for CPS accountability. Additionally, the federal government is supposed to perform compliance audits, or section 427 reviews. And if the state didn’t comply or satisfy the audit, they were to voluntarily reimburse the feds for all the goodies they had taken. Upon passage of this act children in foster care dropped dramatically to 300,000. But since there was no enforcement, within a few years, the number of children in foster care again doubled.
Two high-level government child trafficking rings busted and American media was silent
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- Category: Child Protection Truths
- Created: Thursday, 10 May 2018 00:24
- Written by Jack Burns - Waking Times
In late 2016, the government’s spin machine made it a point to feature “pizza gate,” only to mock anyone who would ever believe it to be true. The thought that high-level government officials in the U.S. would or could ever be involved in sex-trafficking or pedophilia was presented as far-fetched conspiracy theory, only believed by the fringe elements of society. But as The Free Thought Project has reported on numerous occasions, pedophilia involving high-level government officials is becoming the norm rather than the exception.
In the North Bengal region of India, a child welfare officer, India’s equivalent of a Child Protective Services official was arrested for her role in a child-trafficking ring. Sasmita Ghosh’s arrest makes the seventh as of late. The State’s Criminal Investigative Department (CID) made the arrests. According to the Hindu, “The CID had unearthed the child trafficking racket during raids at homes and nursing homes in Baduria area of North 24 Parganas district, in Behala in the southern fringes of Kolkata and some other parts of south Bengal in November last year.”
Abortion clinics in the area were convincing mothers to give birth to their children in exchange for money ranging between $1,400 and $4,500 USD. Other birthing centers told mothers their children were stillborn, when they weren’t, allowing the clinic to steal the babies for sale on the black market. The children were transported in bread baskets to nursing homes in the area where they would remain until they were sold into servitude, as sex slaves, or brothels.
“It is a huge network of NGOs, nursing homes, doctors and middlemen dealing in illegal adoption and baby trafficking that the police have busted.
The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services
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- Category: Child Protection Truths
- Created: Friday, 27 April 2018 21:03
- Written by Senator Nancy Schaeffer *RIP
Summary: This article’s author worked with around 300 cases in Georgia, along with hundreds across the nation. She shares heart-breaking stories of CPS corruption, including how children are being taken away unnecessarily and put in very abusive situations. Her conclusion is that “there is no responsibility and no accountability in Child Protective Services.”
My introduction into Child Protective Service cases was due to a grandmother in an adjoining state who called me with her tragic story. Her two granddaughters had been taken from her daughter who lived in my district. Her daughter was told wrongly that if she wanted to see her children again she should sign a paper and give up her children. Frightened and young, the daughter did. I have since discovered that parents are often threatened into cooperation of permanent separation of their children.
The invisible foster care system
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- Category: Child Protection Truths
- Created: Tuesday, 08 November 2016 00:01
- Written by Alecomm2

The "Parenting agreement" is in fact, a "Childcare Agreement / Voluntary Foster Care Contract", and is not really a Voluntary Agreement if it can be forfeited by court orders.
The Department of Community Services outsourced the Out of Home Care contracts to the Department of Education and Communities. The Department of Education and Communities represent and regulate all childcare providers.
Communities which is a part of the Department of Education Communities also known as Family and Children Services provide support through programs and childcare contracted by the Department of Community services formerly known as Social services (DOCS/DHS).
The Foster Care Business
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- Category: Child Protection Truths
- Created: Wednesday, 16 November 2016 15:47
- Written by

Almost 86,000 children were in foster care in the UK last year. The support they receive from their foster carers can make a huge difference to their lives.
Foster care placements are still paid for publicly but they are increasingly organised by private companies, for a profit.* The number of children who need foster care is going up, and it has become a “growth market”, according to the Financial Times. Even with council spending hit by austerity cuts, it is attracting an ever-wider range of companies and investors.
Foster care children are worse off than children in troubled homes – The child trafficking business
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- Category: Child Protection Truths
- Created: Sunday, 28 May 2017 10:59
- Written by Brian Shilhavy - Health Impact News
Social worker and Sheriff’s deputy removing a homeschool child from her family by force. Story here.
Children taken away from troubled families and put into foster care do not do as well as children left in troubled homes. This fact is not even in dispute. So why does the current system still exist, when it is clearly destroying the lives of so many children?
Studies Show Children are Worse Off in Foster Care
There have been numerous reports published over the past several years that clearly show the current foster care system is an abysmal failure. Children who stay with parents who are accused (but not arrested or convicted) of “abuse” or “neglect” clearly do better than most of the children being put into foster care.
In 2007 Joseph Doyle, an economics professor at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, published a study which tracked at least 15,000 kids from 1990 to 2002. It was the largest study of its kind at that time.
Child Protective Services and the Business of Taking Your Children
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- Category: Child Protection Truths
- Created: Friday, 13 February 2015 20:45
- Written by Rob Hustle
Across the country, children are being taken from loving homes by government agencies collectively known as Child Protective Services. Although these agencies are supposed to protect children, they are actually the engine that drives a multi-billion dollar industry.
This industry, which includes social workers, psychologists, lawyers, judges, the police, and foster care, revolves around governmental management of children and families. It profits every time a new child is placed into the system. And its survival requires a constant supply of fresh children.
To feed the machine, CPS has become increasingly intrusive to the point where your child might be taken away from you for something as small as asking a doctor for a second opinion.