
"Is the system so stacked against parents, that even the innocent ones do not stand a chance of having their children returned ?"

Too many fingers in the pie eb2caIs it Collusion?  Or is it actually "Bad Parenting" ? Which is what Ms Pru Goward, NSW Minister for Community Services continues to tell the media each time she is interviewed.  Well let's look at the stats obtained over the past four years, anonymously, and without bias or assistance, for the purpose of just that.

Multitudes of parents tell the same story, time and time again.  And a quick view of the Preliminary DoCS Complaints Registers seem to back this up - with over five hundred complaints now listed against Child Protection workers in almost every state in Australia.  Most parents also believe that the Independent Children's Lawyer colludes with child protection also - as does the Court Reporter's who get up to and over fifteen thousand dollars for writing reports that suit the agenda of the department. 

Court Reporter's such as Oli Sharma are well known for being guns for the department, and also for stating to clients that (words to the effect), "the report is ready to go, we just have to send it off to DoCS first to see if they are happy with it".  Meaning, if DoCS aren't happy with what the court reporter writes, the court reporter will re-write the report until the desired report is obtained by the child protection worker.  Don't for a second think we are kidding.

Child Protection Workers even pay Court Psychiatrists / Psychologists to write reports on clients they have never met -  and guess what?  The status quo is that the court reporter will state the client / parent has a borderline personality disorder, and generally some form of mental retardation --- all this without ever having met the person involved.  Court reports cannot be done without parents permission, so how can the possibly be admitted to court proceedings as anything but a joke, when the report is about a person they have never met?  This is absurd. 

You know these persons working for the government are never going to write against the department.  For if and when they do, their lucrative career in child protection instantly dries up.  Wouldn't you like to be paid $15,000 to write a report on a person you have never met? .. particularly when the outcomes and desired statements are already hand-fed to you by a child protection worker, whom is prepared to go to any extreme to get the outcome they want?  Then join the masses at Child Protection worldwide cashing in on kids and families - only thing you don't need to bring along to the party is your conscience.


+5 #4 Bringingthemhom eGuest 2013-08-27 18:44
As a an aunt and family representative to two children in DoCS care who are being seriously abused by their male carer, I was diagnosed by Caseworkers at DoCS Sutherland as having HIGH ANXIETY issues .. their diagnosis came about when I sent an email at 5-30 am .. hence they mentioned to another family member that I may have a sleep disorder due to high anxiety issues. What these two caseworkers at DoCS Sutherland did was make complete and utter fools of themselves in a poor attempt to label me with a disorder and at the same time use divide and conquer methods between family members. Their mind games with families members of children in care are appalling, cunning and unprofessional.
+5 #3 callums protective mumGuest 2013-08-22 21:49
in my case a court clinic report was done without me being there at all on feb 27th 2013 with Dr Carl Scuderi (wanker)from Melbourne Childrens Court Victoria who never met me in person.between the lies in reports from Child Stealers Wodonga office the lies n perjury of the abusers my son is with from Albury NSW n the idiot first court clinician Dr Sharon Gilroy from the same clinic. Diagnosed me as being on the BORDERLINE OF BEING A MILD MENTAL RETARD with make believe problems wrong with me. HOW DARE THESE RUDE A HOLES JUDGE ME FOR BEING A PROTECTIVE SINGLE MUM OF MY SCARRED LITTLE BOY FROM THE ABUSERS HE IS WITH NOW.
+5 #2 Childrens AdvocateGuest 2013-08-17 20:34
We watched Pru Goward in the NSW Parliament on the apology of FORCED ADOPTIONS. So now in an about face we have Pru Goward bringing back FORCED ADOPTIONS ..the woman is a hypocrite of the worst kind ..a smiling assassin so to speak. With almost half the children in OOHC NSW now on Kiddie Cocaine re: State Forced Drug Addiction where the NSW Government is fully supporting Big Pharma profits by the millions on the misery of drug addicting innocent children and where the best interest of the child is therapy and not Kiddie Cocaine .. it is clear that the NSW FACS crew could not give a fat rats bum about the best interest of the child .. but what it does care for is corporate profits for those they are getting into bed with.
+5 #1 StateAbusedChil drenGuest 2013-08-17 00:58
The State has proven itself as the most neglectful guardian of Children throughout Australia's history. Hundreds of thousands of Children have been Stolen,Raped, Beaten and Traumatised by a system that has no interest in the Best Interest of the Child. The Government's propaganda machine is based on brainwashing the mainstream public in order to have them believe they do have their best interest in hand. What Child Protection does in this country and sadly other western countries is employ thousands of middle and upper class to assist the destruction of families in a class they refuse to acknowledge and instead set out to persecute both the families and their children. Reuniting, assisting and supporting families in troubled times is not an option. We witness the cruel cold and immoral neoliberalism of both Liberal and Labour Governments continually sacrificing innocent children as cash cows for it's Children in care Industry.

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