*** UPDATE: Another foster child left for dead by Tweed Heads child protection caseworkers
- Details
- Category: NSW DHS - FACS
- Created: Thursday, 05 September 2013 15:19
- Written by Alecomm2

Since publication of this article in 2013, neither DHS or any NGO have taken any responsibility for this young man. He has been left homless, left with drug addicts receiving hefty foster care allowances to pay their drug habit, and he has been jailed twice. All at the ripe old age of 18. What hope is there for Aron, who was ripped from his mothers arms and left to rot in foster care until he was old enough to run away from the disfunctional placement he was given by people who claim to work in the best interest of the child.
His mother begged for help for many years, has shifted from area to area after being told by NGOs that they are going to reunify her and her children. What a cruel scam to run on a mum who only wanted the best for her kids. None of the four children removed have ever been debriefed, they were just removed from their mothers life where there was no evidence of abuse or neglect and handed around to various foster carers and agencies where everybody flourished except them.
When will DoCS be held accountable for their crimes against humanity?
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After I went to the local Member of Parliament to get help for the family the JIRT team retaliated by going to court and saying I was not a responsible adult for reporting the risks to the children. They didn't want to know about it.
The court refused to allow me to respond as the comments vilifying me, taking up half the AVO application, had nothing to do with the orders requested.
Thats right folks - report DV and the NSW Child Protection Squad vilifies you instead of reducing the DV ...
They know how bad DV is for children yet they cause it. They make families argue with their lies and dishonesty. Despite all the evidence about the negative effects of DV in front of children the Child Protection authorities not only ignore it but actually support the person committing the Domestic Abuse.
In fact Detective Annemarie Buckland told me it was not her job to be concerned about the children despite being in the Child Protection Squad.
They lie to the courts about the welfare of the children when they dont give a shit about the children, they lie to the public by when they claim they are concerned about children. They lie in their performance measures as none show how well the protect children and they lie to your partner saying that you are not concerned about the children. They cause abuse and split families apart despite this being the worst thing for children.
They only do this because they are more interested in themselves than the children. They need to cover their arses and cover up their lies so they protect themselves rather than show any conce3rn at all about the welfare and wellbeing of the children as required by law.
It is apparently OK to cover up these lies because the NSW Ombudsman says they are not there to protect or prevent harm to children anyway and the NSW Minister's Office lie about internal reviews.
We really need some public accountability for all the lies in Child Protection in NSW