Bunbury DCP still rotten to the core

Episode 22 - Take 2: Open-Ended Conversation on Family Law/CPS ...Another heartbreaking story of Bunbury Child Protection now formally known as (DCPFS) Now Community Support Program (CSP).  A young woman (18), ex state ward, gave birth through induction yesterday, to a beautiful healthy baby girl. Her home full of appropriate furniture, rent up to date, bills covered and everything necessary plus more, purchased for he bundle of joy. Her partner bought a car, has his license and works.

What could possibly go wrong?

CSP told her for 9 month's, she would get to keep her baby and no concerns have been raised.  The young mother formed a strong bond with her daughter during her pregnancy.  Yesterday, once her daughter was delivered safe and sound, CSP took the infant, just hours old. 

Another Government sanctioned kidnapping...  With no ability for this mother to prove parenting capacity, and no transparency or accountability by the Bunbury department of CSP, she now grieves...  Her heart is broken.  Her own child now a victim of this criminal organization due to system failures...  Knowing the lies and falsified records of child protection WA, the fabrications just to secure the next UNIT (the child) to barter with and for government funding, the fraud and false criminal convictions, the re-victimization of victims and much more...

We must stand up and speak out.

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