Federal judge declares constitution void, threatens civil defendant with death
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Sunday, 07 May 2017 19:19
- Written by Tyler Durden

Most Americans believe that we have a reasonably fair justice system with scholarly judges at the helm. Well, how about a federal judge who suspends the Constitution, confiscates all of a litigant’s assets, orders him not to hire defense counsel, and pronounces his orders enforceable by death?
That’s exactly what federal Judge Royal Furgeson did to Internet pioneer Jeff Baron, in a case that, New York lawyer David Relkin says is “the most outrageous denial of a person’s basic constitutional and human rights in this Country since the abolition of slavery.”
In the Texas case, Judge Furgeson “sentenced” Baron to an unprecedented “human receivership” to enable the judge’s lawyers to loot Baron’s Juvenile Diabetes Research Trust.
Judge Stephen McEwen terms child service officials "control freaks"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Saturday, 16 February 2013 00:41
- Written by Adelaide Now Sunday Mail - Chief Court Reporter - Sean Fewster
The protection of troubled children has been hijacked by obstructive control freaks who rely on psychological advice instead of obvious solutions, a judge says.
Senior Youth Court judge Stephen McEwen has levelled scathing criticism against the Department for Education and Child Development - formerly known as Families SA.
In a transcript obtained by the Sunday Mail, he said the department was paralysed by its reliance on a team of highly paid psychologists. He said dedicated, caring social workers had been handcuffed and vulnerable children left at risk of further harm.
"If this sounds a little bit like a dummy spit, that's because it is," he said. "I'm just sick and tired of that entire department being obstructive control freaks, constantly throwing up pseudo-reasons dressed up in social work speak for refusing to just have a look at the blindingly obvious.
"They hire people who are social workers who are trained and probably want to do social work, but they don't let them because no one will do anything without running it past a bunch of psychologists ... I think it is just utterly pathetic."
"When Judges Award Custody to Abusive Parents"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Saturday, 06 October 2012 21:13
- Written by http://www.sfweekly.com/2011-03-02/news/family-court-parental-alienation-syndrome-richard-gardner-pedophilia-domestic-violence-child-abuse-judges-divorce/

Karen Anderson suspected that something strange was going on between her ex-husband, Rex Anderson, and their 15-year-old daughter. Prior to the couple's separation in 1998, the girl would sometimes put on high heels and makeup, "visiting" her dad while he worked late at night in the family's basement. It was the same retreat in which he stored the dildos and artificial vaginas he used to stimulate himself sexually.
After the divorce, Rex was given primary custody of his daughter, as well as the couple's 8-year-old son. Karen says this was because he had a full-time job as a facilities engineer at Santa ClaraValley Medical Center, while she was unemployed. While staying with her on weekends, her daughter would sometimes say she hated herself and wanted to die.
In 1999, Anderson, a resident of San Jose, decided to take her concerns to Santa Clara County Family Court. Like similar courts across the state, it is charged with adjudicating high-conflict divorces — managing the division of property, child support payments, and the often bitter process of establishing a plan for shared child-rearing. She urged the court to investigate whether her daughter was at risk of sexual molestation, and whether Rex's custody rights should be restricted as a result.
Family Court Judge James Stewart temporarily barred the children from seeing their father while the court looked into the abuse claims. But instead of seeking evidence as to whether molestation was taking place, he hired a Menlo Park–based psychologist, Leslie Packer, to evaluate both parents. Among Packer's tasks was to assess, in light of their psychological profiles, whether the accusations were likely to be true. After a series of interviews and personality tests, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, she delivered her opinion: Karen's fears for her daughter were unfounded.
"Judges critical of mum jailing (by corrupt Judge Michael Jarrett)"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Tuesday, 30 October 2007 18:03
- Written by Janet Fife-Yeomans - Daily Telegraph
A MOTHER who could not afford the petrol to drive her children to a court-ordered contact visit with their father should never have been jailed, the Full Bench of the Family Court has ruled.
In an extraordinary judgment, the court said not only did Federal Court magistrate Michael Jarrett get it wrong, his considerations fell "far short" of what was required by the Family Law Act.
With no money to put petrol in her car and without a lawyer, she had represented herself before Mr Jarrett, who earns $239,430.
She was jailed for four months in March but released on appeal on the order of the Full Bench after eight weeks and reunited with her daughter, 6, and son, 8.
The Full Bench of the Family Court reserved its reasons which were published yesterday.
Justice Mary Finn, Justice Bernard Warnick and Justice Jennifer Boland said prison should only be invoked as a last resort.
"For this mother, with primary care of two young children, the more so," the judges said.
They said they expected Mr Jarrett would have "cogent and thorough" reasons for such a serious decision however his reasons were "deficient in detail and lacked clarity".
The parents split up when their son was 14 months and the mother was pregnant with their daughter. The children have always lived with their mother, who has since remarried.
The three judges said Mr Jarrett was also wrong in sending the children to live with their father indefinitely when he jailed their mother.
Just three months earlier, a Family Court judge had granted the mother custody, saying she was an outstanding parent doing an outstanding job and living with their father would expose them to "too much prospect of harm". (Source : http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/no-petrol-so-mum-jailed/story-e6freuzi-1111114751899)
"Appeal Court Judgement - Kafkaesque Trial - Help Beth and Her Boys"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Friday, 15 November 2013 10:24
- Written by HelpBeth.blogspot.com

The Appeal Court Decision is outrageously unjust, totally biased and massively scandalous. If anybody is in any doubt that this process is a sham and a mockery of the EU Human Rights Charter, please keep reading.
One of the top divorce lawyers in Austria submitted my appeal: 60 pages of concrete evidence of gross misconduct by the judge Susanne Gottlicher and Social Services in the father’s district.
All applications;
- for custody,
- for better visitation rights,
- to fine the father for cancelling so many of my visits
- and the chance to hold more hearings and reconsider the case,
"Judge Munby - Yes another plea from a parent who is abused by the UK families court who try to hide the crimes of their actions!"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Saturday, 21 December 2013 04:54
- Written by mrnigelcooper
Dear XXX
So in the end I do have capacity - but Elliott Maher - stolen brutally by the British criminal systém, the sitting judge Sir James Munby decides to hide attrocities and most serious violations against humanity covering up the crimes of the previous judge and all criminals involved - the parties in this case at the expense of my sons life, at the expense of life of innocent Eliott Maher. Sir judge munby knows he must hide and decides to hide the brutality and criminality of his colleague royal judge sir peter singer- the judge who gave death sentence order to my son and who fled the court room when his crimes were found out by a prominent UK London Chelsea private international lawyer, who also proved the criminality of this case, proved criminality of the SS and their psychiatrists and criminality of Caffcass nora Bukley. The current judge Munby also received the copies of these important documents re the brutal criminality of this case but hides them to protect all criminals ie parties in this case.
Elliott´? best lifetime interest ie his mother therefore play no role whatsoever and flie out of the window. This despite being the paramount requisite legal condition for his decision, to také into consideration when making his judgement- Elliott whole lifetime since birthe brought up and cared for solely by his mother as a single parent securing only best interest for her son, Elliott being a professional athlete, always a healthy happy boy also excelling academically, brought up in extremely close, loving, caring home with his always responsible and loving mother leading together a meaningful and fulfilling life in honesty. Elliott begging for his mother since brutaly removed is in his best interest, deprived of everything he ever had and loved-this is the UK child protection systém- the whole world knows now what the UK has been up to in secret courts, and the consequences are being publiced around the world, I fail to see their last effort to gag and silence the mother through RRO and the rest of the Slovak Republic and International, Global community.
Conflict of Interest - Judges on NGO Panels
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Sunday, 21 February 2010 15:12
- Written by Alecomm
A Judge being on bench in Children's Courts and being Council Member for NGO's such as Centacare / Catholicare, does this constitute a conflict of interest?
Centacare 2008-2009 Annual Review p23 - Council Members shows the below mentioned judges on the board of Centacare.
Source : http://www.centacarebrisbane.net.au/resources/
Federal Magistrate Paul Howard - Brisbane (appointed 9 July 2007)
Source : http://www.fmc.gov.au/html/magistrates.html and
- Judge Administrator, District Court of Queensland (2008–)
- President, Children's Court of Queensland (2002–2007)
- Judge, District Court of Queensland (1989–)
Source : http://www.sclqld.org.au/qjudiciary/profiles/kjobrien/ and http://www.fmc.gov.au/html/magistrates.html
"Judge Carnage delivering Devastating Verdicts to Innocent Babies in Sydney"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Friday, 12 October 2012 22:44
- Written by Alecomm2
Judge Carnage - better known as Federal Magistrate Carney is working full on to enhance this New Stolen Generation with continual judgements being made to the Department of Community Services where there has been NO intervention prior to removal and no hard evidence of any abuse of children. For anybody to take a child without lawful means is Kidnap, and it comes with a 10 - 14 year imprisonment time.
If a child is removed - whether by the government or anybody - without lawful means - it constutes kidnap, and what is currently happening is exactly that. Children are being removed (kidnapped) from their families on nothing more than a signed piece of paper on behalf of the Director-General of Human Services. There is no evidence of abuse. Nothing. There is "at risk of emotional abuse", here is "has had a prior history of ...", and identifying reasons as low as "Failed to protect the child" when the department has forced the mother to send a child unsupervised to their father / step-father AFTER the mother has left the father / stepfather for domestic violence. How is that abuse? It is not. And in any other court of law, the matter would be laughed out of the court.
This is NOT a laughing matter. This is what is happening each and every day beneath the noses of the ignorant and disbelievers. Judge Carnage is delivering verdicts, at least three times per week, of "Legalised Kidnap" by the Australian Government, again, on presumption of guilt before evidence. Some children are fortunate enough to go home, maybe one in one hundred, after months, sometimes years, of litigation between the parents and the department - however by then, the damage is done. The child / baby is already scarred forever and so is the rest of the family.
"Sahin v. Germany, Application No. 30943/96, Judgement of 8 July 2003"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Friday, 02 November 2012 14:44
- Written by Alecomm2
European Court of Human Rights
Sahin v. Germany, Application No. 30943/96, Judgement of 8 July 2003
This judgment is final but may be subject to editorial revision.
In the case of Sahin v. Germany,
The European Court of Human Rights, sitting as a Grand Chamber composed of:
"US judge receives 28-year jail term for his role in kids-for-cash kickbacks"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Friday, 21 June 2013 12:05
- Written by Alecomm2
"Girl raped after judge sends her to live at home of sex offender"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Wednesday, 09 October 2013 23:30
- Written by Bob Unruh - Wind Publishing
Lawsuit details allegations that teachers also knew of threat Edward Clinton Lee, pleaded guilty to capital murder and sexual assault, is serving a life sentence with no chance of parole.
Charges are being considered against a Texas judge who sent a minor back into the home of a guardian who was living with a sex offender who later murdered the guardian and raped the juvenile, according to a lawsuit.
Also, three Texas teachers were indicted for failing to tell authorities about the student’s report of threats from the sex offender, the suit notes.
The consequences of the judge’s decision and the actions by the teachers were severe: The student was tied up and raped by the sex offender, who also murdered her guardian in front of the student, according to the lawsuit in Caldwell, Texas.
The Texas Center for Defense of Life late Tuesday filed the action on behalf of the juvenile, identified only with the initials S.R.L. The case seeks a court ruling that the teachers and judge “breached their duty” to the juvenile and compensation.
The defendants in the case are teachers Bliss Bednar, Vance Skidmore and Bradley Vestal as well as the Caldwell Independent School District and a retired judge, Terry Flenniken.
“There is no excuse for Judge Flenniken’s poor decision,” said TCDL attorney Greg Terra. “He knew exactly what the minor was dealing with in her home situation and that she lived with Edward Clinton Lee, a registered sex offender, and yet still sent her back to live with him and her guardian instead of granting the petition to release her to her biological mother.”
Texas Center for Defense of Life Chief Counsel Stephen Casey, left, and President Greg Terra announce, from the Capitol steps in Austin, Texas on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013.
The court filing states S.R.L. was living with Jean Slovacek-Storm, who previously had been married to S.R.L.’s grandfather. Edward Clinton Lee, a registered sex offender, also was living in the home.
The juvenile’s mother, Angela Belcher, had tried to get her daughter out of the living arrangement through the courts months earlier when S.R.L. became pregnant at age 15 with her 15-year-old boyfriend, but she was rebuffed by Flenniken.
The judge was considering a legal request by TCDL to remove S.R.L., during her pregnancy, from the home where she was living with Slovacek-Storm and Lee.
In that case, Flenniken interviewed S.R.L. privately in his chambers.
In the interview, according to an affidavit, the juvenile told the judge of the threats from Lee. Lee, the statement said, “had repeatedly asked S.R.L. to take off her clothes, even offering her $20 to strip down in front of him.” Also, “S.R.L. would move the dresser against the door, rearranging her room to keep Lee out and going so far as to sleep in her day clothes and not in pajamas so that Lee would not be able to see her change.”
She also reported to the judge Lee would come into the bathroom while she was showering to take pictures.
Flenniken apparently disregarded the girl’s statements.
“Flenniken returned to the courtroom with S.R.L. without making any report to the police about the reported sexual offenses and propositions,” the lawsuit alleges. “Flenniken had no discretion, based on his special relationship with S.R.L. not to intervene and protect S.R.L. … Action was mandatory.”
Then on the morning of June 29, 2012, “about four months after Flenniken sent S.R.L. back to the home of Lee, a registered sex offender, Lee shot and murdered Jean Slovacek-Storm and violently sexually assaulted S.R.L., tying her up,” according to the lawsuit.
“S.R.L. eventually escaped her bonds, left the house through a window, and ran naked down the street to a local school where she found a police officer. On April 30, 2013, Edward Clinton Lee plead[ed] guilty to aggravated sexual assault of S.R.L. and aggravated kidnapping of S.R.L. in conjunction with his plea to capital murder, and was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole.”
Judge Terry Flenniken, retired in 2012, Burleson County District Court, Texas.
The case alleges that the teachers also knew of the dangers and had not only an opportunity but a responsibility to call authorities long before the assault and murder
In a statement by Terra that was released to WND, he reported that S.R.L. was in Bednar’s English class and was instructed to write about “the best or worst things that has ever happened in their life.”
Terra said: “S.R.L. asked Ms. Bednar if she could write about something that was happening to her right now. Ms. Bednar responded that she may do so if she
changed the names.”
The essay “details the sexual abuse and sexual assault of ‘Sandra’ by ‘Phillip,’” he continued.
But after the essay was turned in, according to Terra, “Edward Clinton Lee and Jean Slovacek-Storm had been contacted by Assistant Principal Vance Skidmore and Principal Bradley Vestal regarding the paper.”
Lee and Slovacek-Storm “strongly admonished S.R.L. for ‘lying in her paper to get Eddie in trouble,’” Terra reported. “S.R.L. was immediately driven to the school and forced to apologize to Bednar, Skidmore, and Vestal for ‘lying’ in her paper.”
The lawsuit alleges once the educators received the knowledge of S.R.L.’s situation, they “had no discretion and were required to report” to authorities.
“Had they reported the abuse outcry, S.R.L. would like not have suffered aggravated sexual assault and kidnapping,” the lawsuit alleges.
Skidmore, Bednar and Vestal have been indicted on a Class A misdemeanor counts of failure to report, and their cases are pending.
According to Terra’s statement regarding the case, the Texas attorney general is reviewing Flenniken’s involvement and “will consider whether any criminal charges will be filed again him.”
Additionally, TCDL is filing grievances against Flenniken with the Texas state bar as well as the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.
School officials declined to respond to a WND request for comment, and Flenniken declined comment when asked by AP.
“So much pain and agony could have been spared for the girl and her family if Judge Flenniken did what any judge in the country would have done and ordered the girl out of the home of the sex offender,” said Stephen Casey, attorney at TCDL. “The shock and horror of what happened to this girl will have lifelong repercussions. The school officials also failed her by not following the mandatory training and reporting of the abuse outcries. Had they adhered to the law, this tragedy would likely have been prevented.”
Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/10/girl-raped-after-judge-sends-her-to-sex-offenders-home/#xqSxpOZtRZCpMTaX.99
"Corruption in the High court of Australia revealed"
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Friday, 07 February 2014 09:45
- Written by Alecomm2

For the first time in Australian history, corruption has been revealed in the High Court. Australians’ direct access to review by the High Court is guaranteed by our Constitution and it is being refused.
This week Australian Deputy Prime Minister Truss asked High Court Chief Justice French to file a case against corrupt judges, some of them in the High Court itself (letter attached).
Earlier, High Court judges Keifel, Bell and Crennan each defied the Australian Constitution to refuse three applicants their right to justice under section 75 (v). This is corruption at the highest level, according to legal definition of the term. The case has implications for all Australians, many of whom are unaware that this section in the Constitution was deliberately placed there to provide protection against corrupt Federal government officers, such as Family Court judges.
Case Law
- Article Count:
- 1
Significant court case judgements
- Article Count:
- 1
Judicial Corruption
- Article Count:
- 43
Corrupt Magistrates and Judges
- Article Count:
- 19
Chief Justice Robert French
- Article Count:
- 1
Lawyers and Solicitors
- Article Count:
- 21
Lawyers Named and Shamed
- Article Count:
- 4
Heidi Muggenthaler
- Article Count:
- 1
Dennis Chapman - Gosford Lawyer
- Article Count:
- 7
Michelle England - Crown Solicitor
- Article Count:
- 1
Hero Lawyers and Attorneys
- Article Count:
- 1
Law Reform
- Article Count:
- 2
Legal Aid
- Article Count:
- 1
Legislation and Acts
We intend on using almost one dozen different legislation / acts. Below are a few that we feel would have the most impact for class action causes and or entry to Australian Crime Commission help. What we need to be able to utilise the legislations is more than one person claiming the same type of offence, and by different departments and different areas. This can show mass conspiracies so to speak which would then be covered by the National Crime Act.
We also plan to use Crimes (Hostages) Act 1900 as this act allows for persons being held hostage (ie our children) until we agree to submit to persons to what they ask. This is keeping a hostage, and by DOCs taking your children and not returning them until you have signed undertakings is not only hostage taking but blackmail.
There is no such thing as CONsent Orders. You cannot possibly say anybody voluntarily signs these orders when the department has their children and will not return them until the orders are signed. These are not Consent Orders. This is Blackmail.
When crimes total to over 3 years imprisonment which we can make an easy jump to, they are then also available to go to the National Crimes Act.
We also plan on using the Director General as DOCs legislation and code of conduct and ethics documentation available also shows that any crime committed against these acts MUST be reported to the director general. And as such the director general also has an obligation to report fraud and misconduct to the Attorney General and the Australian Crimes Commission.
We will use the evidence we have to submit to lower level figures about their staff and they are then obligated to submit the complaint (by legislation) to the director general. If they do not do this, they are then setting themselves up for charges also. We will know if this is done because not only will we be submitting this information / complaints this way, but we will also be submitting directly to the director general also, who ALSO is under obligation to send to the Australian Crime Commsision and the Independant Commission Against Corruption.
So, you say ... What do you need to do now ??
You need to gather all your documents and evidence and start splitting hairs and complaints down to division / person and complaint type using the register we are currently creating. You also need to contact me for other complaint types that we are not aware of so that we can include this also.
This may take some time but time is all we have and the more the better.
- Article Count:
- 69
SLAPP - Strategic lawsuit against public participation
- Article Count:
- 2