Judge Eddie Vines, AL
Judge Jeffrey Kelley, AL
Judge Charles Short, AL
Judge Sharon L Gleason, AK
Judge Mark Rinder, AK
Judge Andrew Guini, AK
Judge Pamela Washington, AK
It is time to impeach Judge Martin Nolan, and to remove him from the bench
- Judges name: Martin Nolan
- Judges title: Judge
- Judges position: Judge in Ireland
- Paedophile protected: A very long list of paedophiles and rapists
- Paedophile protectors court location: Ireland
- Details
- Category: Corrupt Magistrates and Judges
- Created: Wednesday, 18 December 2019 04:34
- Written by John McGuirk -
On the 20th of October, 2016, a 59 year old man called John Smith invited a 15 year old girl, who he did not know, into his van on the pretext of asking her for directions. Once she was in his van, he took out his penis and began masturbating in front of her. Later that day, he did the same thing again. Mr. Smith has four children of his own. He was in court this morning to be sentenced, before Judge Martin Nolan. The has the details, with emphasis added:
The handiwork of Chief Federal Magistrate John Pascoe – witness bribing, price fixing, succumbing to blackmail to conceal a crime and lying to shareholders etc. Is there anything this man cannot do?
- Details
- Category: Corrupt Magistrates and Judges
- Created: Tuesday, 26 July 2011 20:58
- Written by Shane Dowling - Kangaroo Courts of Australia
John Pascoe was appointed Chief Federal Magistrate of the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia on the 14th July 2004 by his good mate the former Australian Prime Minister John Howard.
John Pascoe’s shady conduct has been written about before to some degree in the press but to the best of my knowledge not to the detail that I am about to get into.
Egregious departure from role of judge': federal judge blasted for unfairness
- Details
- Category: Corrupt Magistrates and Judges
- Created: Monday, 26 August 2019 14:56
- Written by Michaela Whitbourn - Sydney Morning Herald
A Federal Circuit Court judge at the centre of a series of damning appeal judgments has been blasted by the Federal Court for his "intimidating, aggressive and overbearing" behaviour towards a man he unfairly ejected from his courtroom, raising fresh questions about his fitness to remain on the bench.
Brisbane-based Judge Salvatore Vasta, who has developed a reputation for clashing with litigants, courted controversy this year after he jailed a father of two for a maximum of 12 months for contempt of court in family law proceedings.
Federal Circuit Court Judge Salvatore Vasta has been at the centre of a number of critical appeal judgments.
He told the man in that case, whose former wife was strenuously opposed to him going to jail, to "bring your toothbrush" after he allegedly failed to hand over all his financial records.
In a scathing judgment in February, the Full Court of the Family Court said Judge Vasta's conduct in the case gave rise to a "gross miscarriage of justice".
Bruce Bell mysteriously dies in Perth court yesterday
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Thursday, 06 February 2014 17:54
- Written by Alecomm2

In 2012, Australian Deputy Prime Minister Truss asked High Court Chief Justice French to file a case against corrupt judges, some of them in the High Court. Three High Court judges have denied the public access to justice at the highest level, defying a Constitutional right. For at least 15 years the legal and judicial fraternity has covered up injustices and corruption in the secretive Family Court. Only the High Court has power to review the Family Court.
The Untouchables: America's misbehaving prosecutors, and the system that protects them
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Saturday, 02 August 2014 23:39
- Written by Radley Balko
$2.2m in Mafia bribes to NSW judges alleged in top-secret police reports
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Monday, 06 July 2015 02:45
- Written by Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker, Michael Bachelard - Sydney Morning Herald
Australian Mafia: the more it changes, the more it stays the same
An Australian Mafia boss allegedly paid $2.2 million in bribes to NSW judges to get lighter jail sentences, top-secret police intelligence reports reveal.
The reports also reveal how the price of some food – including certain types of seafood in Sydney – may be more expensive due to Mafia control of the supply chain across Australia.
A joint Fairfax Media and ABC Four Corners investigation has obtained a series of confidential Australian police reports written and circulated to state agencies between 2003 and 2014.
Broken System: Electing judicial bias what factors might be at play that could influence judicial power?
- Details
- Category: Judicial Corruption
- Created: Wednesday, 29 August 2018 10:02
- Written by Stephen Krasner - The Good Men Project
What factors might be at play that could influence judicial power? If you're heading into divorce, arm yourself with this knowledge.
Impartiality under the law portrays this idea to most people that they can expect their rights to be afforded equally and fairly before a tribunal within our judicial system—or at least take solace that upon having representation, usually in the form of an attorney, allows for a guarantor to safeguard this notion.
These ideas are the underpinnings of those civil rights and liberties we have come to cherish that are found within the confines of the United States Constitution—but often absent for many parents forced to contend with the many competing interests playing out in family law environments.
Wars of Custody
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- Judge Stephen Thackray no doubt a paedophile
- Federal judge declares constitution void, threatens civil defendant with death
- Justice for none. Whistleblocked! Australian whistleblowing lawyer faces lifetime ban for exposing legal, judicial and government corruption
- Chief Magistrate Carolyn Huntsman, do you know the laws of the NSW Children's Court?
- Sydney Magistrate Terrence Murphy blames mother for child being sexually assaulted in care
- Magistrate Stella Struthridge violating Oath of Office
- Magistrate refuses to use intellectual property to protect three year old boy from harm
- Magistrate Carney devastating Sydney families
Corrupt Magistrates and Judges
- Article Count:
- 19
Chief Justice Robert French
- Article Count:
- 1