Report: The Link Between Denial of Pain Relief and Overdose Deaths in Australia
51584 |
The Constitutional Right to Be a Parent
80151 |
World's top three asset managers oversee $300bn fossil fuel investments
90820 |
Tragedy as girl, 10, dies on school trip to London leisure centre
91654 |
Australian High Court rules the constitution BANS mandatory vaccination
5789 |
test article from ralf
9497 |
Mike Yeadon – Timetable to Tyranny
14433 |
Merck is charging the US $712 for one course of its experimental COVID pill that cuts risk of hospitalization and death in half - 40 TIMES what drug cost to make
11350 |
Palaszczuk Government launches $1.84 billion jobs fund
12935 |
Open letter to all the citizens of the world, and all the the governments of the world
24486 |
Vaccines might have contributed to death of Army reservist
24812 |
The Anthrax Vaccine Program: An Analysis of the CDC's Recommendations for Vaccine Use
24601 |
Vaccines and allergic reactions: The past, the current COVID‐19 pandemic, and future perspectives
31077 |
‘Legal’ Kidnapping By The State To Cover Up Vaccine Injuries
24052 |
Want Assistance from the NSW Office of Public Prosecutions - You're Probably Wont Get It But Here's Some Reference Materials To Help You
82189 |
Adoption from Hansards - Page 6360
89164 |
Trump uses kids sold into sex slavery to score political points
83353 |
The Never Again Education Act
73926 |
Many pleas for the mentally sick
71138 |
Judge rules ‘significant possibility’ Cardinal George Pell didn’t commit child sex offences
81378 |
Australian police authorities buying up sound weapons
3559 |
Parents whose rights were terminated can now petition courts: Champion/Moran bill restores parental rights
3674 |
CPS worker defies gag order, Exposes violent child sex ring in state fostercare system
5526 |
Does this case not show that O'Loughlin failed to acknowledge the difficulties faced with Stolen Generations, by stating they failed to institute proceedings much earlier?
4428 |
Utah guardian allegedly raped girl for years and threatened to kill her family if she ever spoke out
3627 |
Utah man 'in position of trust' faces 26 child rape, sexual abuse charges
4371 |
BOMBSHELL UN DOSSIER UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organisation employs 3,300 paedophiles
4875 |
Queensland barrister guilty of professional misconduct, no longer practicing family law
4482 |
Australia, the land of No Voting Suffrage
5450 |
'I was chosen': Child adopted by alleged paedophile tells harrowing tale of abuse at Retta Dixon
5222 |
South Australia’s Chief Executive Cathy Taylor should be stood down
7173 |
8005 |
Queensland barrister guilty of professional misconduct, no longer practicing family law
8659 |
Out of touch and not very bright: Frank Vincent’s verdict on judges
8323 |
Operation Law Restore – Exposing the Crooked Underbelly of the Legal Profession, its Law and Government
8699 |
Whatever happened to Law and Order? This is not government. This is a lynch mob (Part 3)
8936 |
All the Attorney-General’s Men – Corrupt VCAT Show Trial J134/2011 (Part 3)
8688 |
8183 |
All the Attorney-General’s Men – Corrupt VCAT Show Trial J134/2011 (Part 4)
7547 |
Bully Boy Tactics at the Oz Betray another Great Australian Political Swindle
8369 |
Whistleblocked! Whistleblowing lawyer cops more government reprisals
8048 |
'Insane': Government gets its way on wild horses despite protests from scientists
7565 |
Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Act 2018 No 24
8296 |
Our hate for paedophiles makes it harder for their victims to speak out
6767 |
Man Filmed Allegedly Abusing Brumby In Kosciuszko National Park
8029 |
Ex-foster carer charged with sexually assaulting two young girls under his care
6857 |
Port Arthur Inquiry
11093 |
Curious about the benefits of earthing?
12827 |
NORAD, Northcom move personnel to Cheyenne mountain bunker amid pandemic
14106 |
ACT police admit they unlawfully accessed metadata more than 3,000 times
7982 |
PETITION: Stop foreign ownership of our farms and public assets, protect our food security and our national security
2379 |
Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at home of cardinal’s aide
3179 |
‘Non-conformities have been identified’: Equinor’s poor safety record revealed
5232 |
Carer endangers life of disabled child by administering morphine
5609 |
The conspiracy theories about the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein’s death, explained
8649 |
8871 |
Mental asylum mass exhumations and missing remains: the tale of Wolston Park’s lost and forgotten patients.
8393 |
New Orleans to reopen hundreds of mishandled child abuse and rape cases
8221 |
Fathers denied access in 'minuscule' number of cases, Family Court barrister says
8211 |
Mothers being forced to agree to shared parenting or lose their child
8042 |
Paedophiles use 'junk' theory to win custody
8234 |
Early Mother-Child Separation, Parenting, and Child Well-Being in Early Head Start Families
8238 |
'Mothers labelled as delusional by courts'
8174 |
Banksia Hill: What happens to kids in WA's only youth jail?
9481 |
High court rules AFP warrant for raid on News Corp journalist’s home was invalid
9553 |
Horrifying Berlin foster experiments saw kids DELIBERATELY given to pedos to see if sex abuse was ‘good for them’
9388 |
Lawsuit reveals government experiment That gave kids to paedophiles to see if sex abuse could help them
8607 |
Breaking: Commission recommends removing Family Court Judge Rick Miller
9217 |
The Biosecurity Act 2015 – more than 100 years in the making, a shift to risk-based regulation, and activation of the Regulatory Powers Act
8637 |
White House halts overseas shipments of protective medical gear after embarrassing mix-up, says report
10895 |
Government warned three years ago NHS wouldn’t cope with severe pandemic Comment Officials felt the ‘Cygnus Exercise’ was too sensitive to be published
6991 |
'Broken and unsafe': Child-safety watchdog finds state care often harmful
8574 |
Police: Children Services placed 2 kids in home with sexual assault suspects
9362 |
Royal commission: A parent’s worst nightmare
9066 |
Catholic Church's massive wealth revealed
9761 |
Family law inquiry to hear push for children to have more influence in custody cases
8969 |
Former federal Liberal MP Alasdair Webster facing historical sexual assault charges
10226 |
Financial Rape: Business as Usual in LA County Probate Court
12943 |
Catholic Church lists former archbishop's $3m Kew mansion for sale
13600 |
Walnut Creek arrest reveals secret world of child sex trafficking; girls as young as 9 allegedly being bought and sold in the Bay Area
13664 |
Mother denies injecting daughter with urine causing deliberate harm
14881 |
Sexual abuse charges dropped against Blue Mountains performing arts school family
14907 |
Can’t-do country: how Australia is on the brink of environmental disaster
8031 |
6887 |
Teacher stabs herself 20 times
6438 |
Government's $150 million female sports program funnelled into swimming pools for marginal Coalition seats
7769 |
INPEX joint venture seeks to dump $30 million of federal environmental projects
7150 |
Gambling addict sentenced for embezzling almost $180,000 from government disability department
7715 |
Who is Melanie Shaw, why is she locked up, and what do her supporters want?
8523 |
Still think Bryant is guilty? OK, answer these questions
9082 |
A huge list of Australian government corruption in Australia
9511 |
Arlene Lester dies in forced euthanasia case
12679 |
Anglicare program keeps vulnerable children safely with family via intensive intervention
13899 |
Columbian police murder and corruption
12553 |
NDIS minister claims no one has died waiting for the scheme, despite agency revealing 1,279 deaths
10698 |
Sutherland police tactical unit use excessive force for a bit of weed
12427 |
List of paedophile judges in New South Wales
16816 |
Justice left hanging in the breeze
14761 |
The case of "the broad discretion of a judge"
14649 |
His siblings were killed by their adoptive mother. He was left in foster care to suffer a more common fate.
11423 |
Model, 22, tragically dies before the monster who raped her and a 13-year-old girl during violent sex rampage is finally brought to justice - as harrowing details about her terrifying ordeal are revealed
11174 |
Serial rapist who kidnapped and repeatedly raped a 13 year old girl has finally been unmasked
12434 |
The heart in the darkness
13684 |
Aged care home carried on 'business as usual' and ignored sexual assault of resident, family says
14357 |
Government considered prosecuting Adani over CEO's links to company convicted over environmental disaster
19377 |
WA Department of Communities assistant director general charged over $2.5 million fraud
19312 |
Nationals leak $1.3 billion drought proposal
22752 |
BOOK EXTRACT: The Lost Boys of Bird Island - We called him 'Ore'
21119 |
Australian journalist issues legal threats over Weinstein book
22341 |
First Reply from (Requested) NSW Police Minister via Customer Service Unit - 31 may 2010
30515 |
Family calls for investigation after Eric Whittaker died shackled by his ankles in a Sydney hospital bed
16215 |
Australian journalist issues legal threats over Weinstein book
10804 |
Cps workers charged
11131 |
Child Protective Services employee charged with seeking out children for sex
15117 |
Get a new job, Barnaby Joyce tells struggling farmers
2186 |
Man who photographed himself raping kids to be freed despite reoffending 'likely'
15359 |
Working with children checks granted to sex offenders and criminals through VCAT challenges
13112 |
Serial rapist Robert John Fardon granted release into community
13778 |
Parental Alienation and the High Conflict Myth
8761 |
Drag Queen in Austin, TX Public Library exposed by MassResistance as convicted male prostitute
3561 |
Christian Porter's press freedom 'safeguard' raises fears over reporters' independence
9830 |
CPS cares more about quotas than kids
9197 |
Australia: Sexual abuse allegations in family law
9660 |
Ex-judge jailed for paedophilia in Australia
9402 |
Judge apologises over paedophile campaign links
8775 |
70-year-old Indiana man accused of impregnating 14-year-old girl
8190 |
Ritual Abuse in Australia
11111 |
Barrister publicly reprimanded over troubling court behaviour
10558 |
Butcher refuses to change ‘not halal’ signage despite being told it vilifies Muslims
12445 |
100 Sydney childcare centres are scamming $750 million
13289 |
Trump takes action against child trafficking foster care system, dealing huge blow to left-wing deep state pedophilia
2677 |
British judge jails Assange indefinitely, despite end of prison sentence
12233 |
Michael Craig Bullock jailed over toddler hit-run death
12285 |
Foster kids fare worse than peers in education and mental health
15782 |
Hundreds of UK child sex offenders spared jail, let off with cautions
14959 |
British MP slams ex PM Thatcher for pedophile cover-up
15431 |
Ex-Army Intelligence officer: MI5 covered up child sex abuse in Belfast, Ireland care home
14007 |
Lord McAlpine denies ‘false’ abuse claims
12015 |
Brian Clare’s Story and Operation Rose
11748 |
Arizona’s Department of Child Safety has A Pattern Of Sending SWAT Teams for ‘Medical Kidnapping’
6409 |
Criminologist Paul Wilson jailed over ‘brazen’ child sexual abuse
6634 |
Parents to Challenge Child Abuse Court Reports by Accused Bond Psychologist Bob Montgomery
6761 |
Adani mine would be 'unviable' without $4.4bn in subsidies, report finds
6790 |
Queensland extinguishes native title over Indigenous land to make way for Adani coalmine
5825 |
Remote Indigenous artists open up own gallery to stop 'dodgy' art dealers
5638 |
DCFS investigating caseworker who said 2-year-old was safe, days before boy was beaten to death
5863 |
Wave of child sex abuse lawsuits threatens Boy Scouts
6464 |
Former scoutmaster Bob Montgomery granted bail over child sex charges
6377 |
Manager stole thousands from estates of the dead
6672 |
Canberra man jailed for almost eight years over role in $1m Public Trustee fraud
7115 |
‘They left only Ross’s hat’
6669 |
The Public Trustee, the Adult (Public) Guardian and their Aboriginal client.
6533 |
Former Adelaide Public Trustee employee jailed over deceased estate thefts
6994 |
Public Trustee exodus of staff after Peter Carne suspension
7558 |
Don't confine child abuse inquiry to Catholic Church: Abbott
6566 |
Nile claims major parties 'nervous' of abuse inquiry
7185 |
Pedophiles hurt foster children: report
7272 |
Bombshell Beaumont testimony set to shock the world
7547 |
Hollywood releases movie featuring 6th graders using sex toys
7248 |
Australia facing an 'epidemic of child abuse and neglect', according to experts
7773 |
Former Australian Navy commander sentenced to jail for two years for historic sex abuse of boys
7742 |
State AGs are joining with the DOJ in combined efforts to go after Big Tech’s censorship and political bias
8301 |
Banning cash so you pay the bank to hold your money is what the IMF wants
8944 |
Do not reverse onus of proof for black economy crimes, say experts
7960 |
Morrison is banning cash so Australians can’t escape bail-in, negative interest rates
9891 |
Haitian government official found dead one week before scheduled to testify in court against Clinton Foundation
10678 |
The brilliant way technology is being used to fight human trafficking
11512 |
Expert’s complaint against Florida guardian Rebecca Fierle was ignored for years before scandal erupted | Exclusive
11607 |
Former Waukesha County juvenile social worker indicted for possession and distribution of child pornography
12804 |
Missing boy William Tyrrell’s doomed life
12406 |
Class action seeks to end illegal and abusive restraints and seclusion practices used against children with disabilities in California
8443 |
Albo tells caucus to get used to supporting Coalition bills
3385 |
Custody in Crisis: How Family Courts Nationwide Put Children in Danger
5931 |
This new federal law will change foster care as we know it
5945 |
Vera Institute of Justice Final Report (2009): 80 NYC Foster Children Died in AIDS Drug Trials
6189 |
Accountability Demanded – NYC Foster Children AIDS drug trials
5393 |
Government tested AIDS drugs on foster kids
5520 |
Half a million lost childhoods
5309 |
Foster dad begged for custody of girl, 7, he said was in danger then raped her
6747 |
Child protection not improving despite reforms
7043 |
Magistrate Dominique Burns resigns before trial-by-Parliament
7639 |
Magistrate Dominique Burns resigns before trial-by-Parliament
7833 |
A United Nations adviser and the founder of Street Kids International was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia after he was caught with two young children during a police raid.
7853 |
Thousands of bones discovered underground near Vatican cemetery during search for teen
7182 |
Thousands of bones discovered at Vatican
7414 |
Mother files claim against Department of Children's Services after death of her son
7323 |
Native American CPS Whistleblower Goes Missing in North Carolina – Daughter on the Run
8872 |
FBI agent brother to cop accused of murder-for-hire plot, dead by suicide: sources
7992 |
FBI rocked by public suicide of FBI agent who investigated the Clintons
7776 |
Child Safety staff suspected of leaking cases about abused kids
8046 |
Federal Government moves to close child bride loophole
8441 |
FDLE: Boy with autism dies of overdose after Lakeland man gives him drugs, sexually assaults him
6869 |
After saying it would go above and beyond to educate its foster care students, Indiana unveils a plan that is little more than bullet points
9316 |
Aboriginal woman wins battle to keep baby after six court appearances
8381 |
Milk recalled in Victoria, southern NSW over possible E.coli contamination
9262 |
Proposal to let sex offender use Centrelink payments for prostitutes
8425 |
Age Pension ‘generous’, says social services minister
9577 |
Children suffering deprevation while in child placement
8318 |
This guy calls himself “Avenging Angel” and has beat up paedophiles with a… HAMMER.
3893 |
This guy calls himself “Avenging Angel” and has beat up paedophiles with a… HAMMER.
2985 |
Governor-to-be defends use of treatment with links to CJD (Mad Cow Disease)
3011 |
Former GA Deputy arrested for child porn
4163 |
Man, 31, sentenced to 70 years jail for filming, uploading sex with one-year-old relative
5537 |
Political reform of the most fundamental kind.
5675 |
Attorney-General defends release of paedophile
5556 |
The Cracks in the Edifice of Transgender Totalitarianism
7490 |
The Mormon church has been accused of hiding abuse using a hotline
6981 |
US laws have legalised paedophilia with children as young as 10 years old and noone is stopping it
6813 |
Top US psychology group pushes polyamory, sex with no boundaries
6852 |
Maine is removing more kids from their homes — often to stay in hotels
7316 |
Another AFP officer denies child sex offences
7775 |
Dad throws jug at magistrate in NSW court
9775 |
Christian family takes Norway's notorious 'Child Welfare' agency to court
8998 |
Judge upholds CPS decision to remove child for possible medical child abuse
8465 |
Man jailed for 25 years for weed, as child rapist who gave 11yo an STD, gets off with NO JAIL
7670 |
Man who says he’s ‘female’ enters women’s bathroom, sexually assaults 10-year-old girl
6816 |
Fierce reaction to GoFundMe’s move
11955 |
Parental abduction ring smashed after two-year AFP investigation
11259 |
Top NSW cop involved in William Tyrrell case charged
13334 |
Victims of spousal abuse are losing their children to social services
15378 |
Federal judge rules people can secretly record police in public spaces
15134 |
Peter Dutton urges 'sensible' consideration of expanded cyber spy powers
16372 |
Parents of Baby Kidnapped after Forced Cesarean in Connecticut Hospital Call on Public to Attend Hearing to Remove Parental Rights
15701 |
Convicted rapist admits to raping girl at Kogarah dance studio
16485 |
17792 |
In Alabama — where lawmakers banned abortion for rape victims — rapists’ parental rights are protected
13065 |
Almost 200 fake or dodgy care centres shut down across NSW
18344 |
Reported rape of six-year-old girl categorised as 'minor', Child Protection Systems Royal Commission hears
16668 |
Mega-church leader Joaquin Garcia arrested for major sex trafficking crimes
17241 |
Study: We Absorb High Level of Sunscreen Chemicals
14312 |
Waukesha County juvenile social worker arrested for possession of child pornography
15395 |
Employee of PM’s department arrested over child sex abuse
18950 |
A child welfare response to domestic minor sex trafficking
15948 |
7Investigates: Foster Children’s Money
15485 |
Westminster paedophile ring story ‘totally unfounded’, court told
16259 |
GA mother pleads guilty to allowing men to rape her 5 and 6-year-old children for cash
19038 |
Woman accused of kidnapping her daughters from Townsville faces court
16338 |
‘Were you turned on by this at all? Even a little bit?’: RCMP officer asks Indigenous youth during sexual assault report
16996 |
The Watch House Files: Queensland children kept in isolation in maximum security adult watch houses
19065 |
Religious freedom expert: Global war on Christians intensifying
26539 |
Child sex offender given top welfare job despite history of allegations
24336 |
Calls for ACT government to implement trauma-informed counselling when children removed from home
20349 |
Acting DHS chief says family separation 'not worth it'
21367 |
Rocket launcher and firearms seized in raid
22777 |
Brodie Preston receives life term
22340 |
Boardman foster parent accused of beating child in her care
27066 |
Born anxious: In utero and newborn trauma
23710 |
Muslim Students At Public School Walk Out When NATIONAL ANTHEM Plays
23627 |
family court survival wic
29884 |
Baby apprehended at birth dies in foster care
33574 |
Baby apprehended at birth dies in foster care
32391 |
Questa man indicted on child sex abuse charges was foster parent
33833 |
New years eve rapes. Why we can’t stay silent on Germany’s mass sex assaults
36593 |
Encrypted messaging app Signal won’t comply with Australia’s new backdoor Bill
19085 |
Rupert Murdoch's empire receives $882m tax rebate from Australia
20114 |
When is the Australian Human Rights Commission not a Human Rights Commission?
15578 |
Mullighan report details decades of child sex abuse in state care
14457 |
Limitations of Actions (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
13531 |
The feds lost — yes, lost — 1,475 migrant children
14593 |
Trump claims vaccines and autism are linked but his own experts vehemently disagree
35236 |
Supreme Court rejects request from Catholic foster care non-profit that refused to certify married same-sex couples
47863 |
How Family Court cases like Wylie vs Wylie provoke fugitive parents
47280 |
Australia’s sexual assault shame: One in six women a victim, putting Australia way above world average
46219 |
"Protection Reports" : To remove and protect - the Australian government motto of today and yesterday
10915 |
Demo simple article example
37779 |
Trump just declared the ‘Court System’ a threat to national security
31171 |
Child safety at risk as 1500 carers quit
29620 |
Four-year-old boy will be taken away from parents with learning difficulties because social workers say he’s ‘not getting the cuddles he needs’
31936 |
Another collosal f**kup aimed at targetting vulnerable parents dealing with DoCS"
13228 |
Paedophile baby rapist found dead in his cell after inmates took contracts out on him
9841 |
'Millionaire' Muslim woman who claimed she was a single mum so she could live in public housing now wants LEGAL AID to appeal her sentence
9333 |
Centrelink’s debt collection ‘pushed him over the edge’
9887 |
The critical role of Housing
9964 |
NULLIFIED: Seven charged in armed standoff with feds acquitted, including the Bundy brothers
9800 |
Gammy twin Pipah to live with Farnell family despite sexual grooming fears
10148 |
Child trafficking racket sold two babies abroad
9995 |
It's just a matter of commerce
9660 |
Labor labels George Brandis 'corrupt' following new Justin Gleeson revelations
9008 |
Trump to scrap 'disaster' Trans Pacific Partnership deal on his first day in the White House
8643 |
Kalgoorlie is in a racial grip with both Vigilante groups and local Authorities
9058 |
9138 |
Coal hard light of day for dud scheme
8767 |
Former Dandenong high school teacher charged with sexual offences dating back 40 years
10838 |
NSW Families Dept not 'child-safe'
10101 |
Sex Education and the Seduction of Selective Science
10026 |
Unsafe protection system faces judgment day
9346 |
Alleged pack rape won't be investigated
7979 |
The holocaust did occur
9865 |
Former foster child speaks out about alleged sexual abuse at Batshaw
9164 |
The Conversation
6767 |
French icon Brigitte Bardot’s blasphemy against muslims
6495 |
Father who raped daughter when she was aged 9 was given good behaviour bond
5647 |
Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest has slammed the Greens’ opposition to the cashless welfare card
6260 |
Perth child psychiatrist 'caught filming boy' in Canadian toilets
5739 |
Mark Aarons, Sanctuary: Nazi Refugees in Australia
6752 |
Judge criticises social workers for ‘grossly overstated’ adoption evidence
4042 |
The tactics and ploys of the psychopath aggressor in the family law court
4005 |
Referral to AFP required.
4128 |
4455 |
Hollywood's evil secret: Pedophilia
4384 |
Bad parenting is the real disfunction
4520 |
A life of misery that ended in suicide
3989 |
Kim’s Story–Child Protection gone mad
4186 |
The Termination/Cross-Appeal, Part IV - The Court Documents
4140 |
Twelve reasons why you should think twice before supporting the Salvation Army
4351 |
Government Agents Infiltrate Survivor Forums and Online Groups
4003 |
The flagrant fibbs of Gillian Trigge
4005 |
Thought 'death cult' lawmaking ended with Abbott? Think again
3925 |
Think all contact with child protection should be recorded?
3892 |
Seven expected to be charged in Sixty Minutes Beirut kidnap
3943 |
Foster care: Where good kids go to die
4464 |
Make them prove abuse
3208 |
"Paedophiles walk as their victims suffer"
6984 |
Is "Herd immunity" is a myth?
3470 |
Alan Jones says Australia needs another stolen generation 'to protect children'
4254 |
South Australians banned from knowing about alleged Salt Creek attacker
4220 |
Babies at risk?
4534 |
"NSW Stealing Another Generation of Children ..."
12823 |
"Abductors Awarded Full Parenting Rights of Two Children in Australia"
11197 |
"Lawyer of the Week … 29 November 2011"
10332 |
"Joke of the Day"
8877 |
"Courts are Government"
11479 |
"The Battle for our Courts has begun and is mounting, day by day!"
9968 |
"When Legal Aid is Available"
7636 |
"Solicitors We Want Kicked Off the Cushy-Arse Care Panel for Central Coast 2011"
7879 |
"Legal Aid Care Panel Solicitors not worth a Pinch of Shit"
9773 |
"Human Rights Day - Saturday, December 10, 2011"
7038 |
"Vanessa Bertram - DoCS Child Stealer of the Week - 9 December 2011"
17135 |
"A Prisoner at Seven "
11085 |
"Commonwealth and NSW Government Out to Destroy Malabar Headland in Sydney"
19273 |
"Court of Protection Theft, Families Against Court of Protection Theft, FACT, F.A.C.T UK - Families Against CoP Thefte"
29236 |
"How did a Mother Lose Custody of her Only Child and what was the Abuse by the Grandparents?"
5737 |
"Money and Banking"
5330 |
"The Battle for our Courts has begun and is mounting, day by day!"
5293 |
"Liberal or Labour?"
8207 |
"Help Make "Expert" Court Reporters Accountable for their Actions"
8690 |
"Who’s Speaking Out on White Ribbon Day for Mothers Abused by the Family Law system?"
27203 |
"Australian money is not legal tender currency of the commonwealth"
33820 |
"Grandmother Prosecuted for Crime of Wanting to Bring Her Grandchildren Home"
12303 |
"Merry Christmas not so Merry for Kids and Families whom are Victims of Government Child Trafficking"
25841 |
"So You Lost Your Kids To DoCS - You Must Have Done Something WRONG !!!"
12593 |
"A Jolly Good New Year to Grace Adura and the Other Kiddy Stealers at Eastern Sydney CSC"
11458 |
"Attention Kiddy Stealers at Eastern Sydney CSC Laura Sidharta, Grace Adura, Alyta Rowe, Ashleigh Price & Colleen Links"
15668 |
"What Are Your Rights When Your Children Are Being Abused In Care ?"
9088 |
"I think there is something big missing from this AAO?"
35011 |
"Burnside Council Corruption Inquiry Dismissed by SA Minister Petition after Discovering Numerous Breaches of Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 by Former Burnside Councillors"
43447 |
"Falsely Accused of Child Abuse by Anthony Tadros , Miriam Ekladious and Kirran Jones"
6792 |
"Family Court Juries"
9562 |
"Liberal and Labour History: The Condensed Version"
5356 |
"The Battle for Our Courts has Begun and is MOUNTING, Day by Day!"
10722 |
"Mental Health - Can They Just Keep You? And for How Long Against Your Will ?"
6551 |
"NSW Family and Community Services Departments (DOCS) "
9236 |
"The NSW Child Protection Department DoCS / Community Services / Family and Community Services Will Go Down in Australia's History Books as the Worst Government Department this Country Has Ever Wittnessed."
7432 |
"The European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France."
5926 |
"This Nigerian Family wants to go Home – WITH their Six Kidnapped Children! "
10354 |
"Maurice in Haringey Court courtesy of Child Snatchers"
6806 |
"What is Organized Crime? How is it related to Family Court?"
27494 |
"Hardly Fair to Vulnerable Children"
10218 |
"Argentine advice for Greece: ‘Default Now!’"
7023 |
"Government gets to have it both ways!"
9869 |
"DHS Child Protection Safety Regulations - VIP "
9245 |
"Kim Rowley and Peter Braine or is it Peter No-Braine ???"
24807 |
"Preparing a Case for the European Court of Human Rights"
10223 |
"Is local MP Darren Weber complicit with the corruption in his local directorate?"
13571 |
"A Massive Big NO to Bravehearts Government Propoganda "Feel Safe" Programme currently in NSW Schools"
6695 |
"Is Australia a country ruled by Thieves and Thugs? "
10533 |
"International Bankers & World War II"
5605 |
"Caroline Quaddrio – Dark Queen of the NSW Children’s Courts is at it again!"
9122 |
"Who is James Johnson ???"
11888 |
"Man Jailed for Child Support Arrears for Child Proven not to be His Own."
20745 |
"Is Departmental Child Support Fraud committed more by the Department than the other Party?"
8387 |
"More on Government Fraud in Child Support Enforcement…"
11766 |
"Texas Paternity Fraud: I’m Not the Father So Why the Child Support? Progress!"
5691 |
"Help Save Four Abused Girls from Being Handcuffed, Drugged and Kidnapped back to Italy to Abusive Father - Please Sign the Petition."
11317 |
"Legal Authority warns that Family Lawyers are a Family and Community Health Hazzard"
24215 |
"Fast track your human rights violations right here!"
38311 |
"When are the victims of Family Law going to get an apology?"
25778 |
"North Coast Brothel shut down after Child Sex Slaves found, and Tweed Head Community Services Manager identified as a "known" client. Investigation into the International Sex Trade of Children continues ..."
7273 |
"Lukes Army hot on the tail of Kathie Parker Now a Manager in DoCS Armidale. Ex-Husband who had sex with foster child tells all."
15026 |
"IoS exclusive: Problem families told - 'Stop blaming others' "
13710 |
"PROTEST PROTEST PROTEST! Thursday 21st June. DoCS / FACS Child Protection Corruption PROTEST."
10552 |
"Damon's List"
12036 |
"MP Bernard Finnigan Charged over Alleged Possession of Child Porn"
4873 |
"Daily Telegraph puppets for Government Propoganda"
12753 |
"Pledge to Shut Down Australia’s Genocidal Family Law Courts"
23755 |
"Community officer Allan Ray Gollan sexually abused kids "
4856 |
"The Failure to Protect Foster Children and Children on Medicaid"
5221 |
"Whoever was the primary carer before the divorce / separation should remain the primary carer thereafter."
7672 |
"Definition of Corrupt Conduct by the Independent Commission Against Corruption"
7290 |
"Can the child protection trafficking racket be defined as a terrorist act?"
10733 |
"How Child Protection Services Buys and Sells Our Children"
13074 |
"Did you have your Newborn Baby Stolen by the Department of Community / Human Services ?"
8611 |
"Survey for Independent Children's Lawyers"
8447 |
"Leading Senior Constable Rebecca Cook does not care about sending children to abusers"
8885 |
"Campbelltown Hospital breaching Mandatory Policy Directives and Abusing Newborn Babies"
5566 |
"Stop Funding the Cabal"
4454 |
"Vatican rules Pope’s butler must stand trial"
4992 |
"Australian Human Rights Commission fob Emily Brown off .. AGAIN. "
6454 |
"When are the victims of Family Law going to get an apology?"
21853 |
"Senior Mentoring Solicitor for NSW Children's Court Blames Mother for Sexual Abuse of Daughter."
10752 |
"Apologies worthless whilst Australian Government continues with Past Forced Adoption Practises"
5161 |
"Ex-Foster Child Has Word to Say to Government"
6252 |
"Child Protection in Northern NSW lets Sexual Offender visit his Victims once a month"
5301 |
"Child Protection Caseworkers"
4454 |
"Child Protection Caseworkers"
4100 |
"Out of Home Care"
4636 |
"Forced Adoptions"
4490 |
"Child Protection Caseworkers"
4551 |
"Out of Home Care"
4350 |
"Post Adoption Allowances"
3964 |
"Tribute to Annette Gallard"
4643 |
4256 |
"Out of Home Care"
4057 |
"Department of Family and Community Services Budget"
4166 |
3978 |
"Community Services"
4302 |
"Child Protection"
4093 |
"The Forgotten Australians"
4095 |
"Out of Home Care"
4292 |
"Department of Community Services Caseworkers"
4181 |
"Department of Community Services Caseworkers"
3872 |
"Child Protection"
4140 |
"Heather at Coffs Harbour Community Services removing children because house is untidy and yard has some garbage."
5578 |
"Is it Discrimination toward a Newborn Baby to treat them different if there is Child Protection involvement?"
5242 |
"Terry Williams Sentenced to Execution for Killing Two Men Who Sexually Abused Him as a Child"
4817 |
"To all Social Services / Child Protection Services / Department of Child Services / Human Services Worldwide :"
5523 |
"Incomplete records latest failure of an overwhelmed CPS"
6142 |
"NSW Interagency Guidelines for Child Protection Intervention"
8366 |
"Four Italian girls drama not over yet"
6407 |
"DoCS knowingly sent innocent children to known Sex Offending Grandfather ... The Victims Statement"
4674 |
"Stop DoCS Stealing Innocent Children Without Evidence"
5032 |
"Pru and her plans"
5055 |
"Pru will not change anything."
4030 |
"No Way But One"
7657 |
"Do you actually know what the hell your are talking about?"
6855 |
"Four Italian Girls - Press Release October 7 2012"
4072 |
"Four Italian Girls - Press Release 4 October 2012"
4087 |
"Four Italian Girls - A More Indepth Understanding "
4044 |
"The Legal Aid Spiel : Give Up Your Children for Two Months Only"
5945 |
"Bitter Pills - Sydney Morning Herald Article"
8881 |
"Bad Habits: Sex and the Catholic Church"
4391 |
"Kevin Yarber - Needing all the support I can get ...Please and Thank You all"
7681 |
"To: Clarke County, GA CPS and Juvenile Court"
7203 |
6653 |
"'Compulsive' Foster Mother Axed"
5939 |
"Toni Single & the Compulsive Carer Syndrome"
5907 |
"Grandmother on the run with granddaughter, 4, amid claims of sexual abuse by girl's father"
5723 |
"The Eureka Tax System"
4304 |
"Aboriginal Mother Suicide linked to pressure by DoCS Tweed Heads"
7093 |
"Woman gets life for killing, freezing girls"
17977 |
"23 babies, four toddlers, one 5-year-old and three teenagers dead in six month - Department of Children's Services"
10286 |
"Faith Strong: Satan's Concubine works at Department of Community Services Cairns North DoCS"
4898 |
"Network X Produces Pornography"
4653 |
"How many parents were offered PRCs (Parental Responsibility Contracts) prior to having their children removed from their care?"
5334 |
"Australian Institute of Family Services ICL Research slowly appearing to be a Cartel Style Sham!"
3901 |
"Taskforce's house of horror fear by"
18868 |
"This article is being removed from online sources everywhere ..."
5332 |
"Terms and Conditions"
6940 |
"Senior DoCS Worker Laurie Maher - Alleged Child Molester, Child Basher and Wife Basher"
8427 |
"What Statutory Authority is not mentioned here?"
5342 |
"DHS Caseworkers and Misuse of Government Funds – How do we make them accountable."
5105 |
"Are You Scared? You should be."
4950 |
"New law targets false reporting of child welfare workers"
7452 |
"Perpetrators of Maltreatment"
7334 |
"We were accused of abusing the child we adore: It's the most harrowing ordeal imaginable - yet it happens more and more. Three innocent couples share their stories"
7501 |
"Lack of Legal Aid policy, and low ethics allows lawyers to abuse former clients"
4869 |
"UQ Pro Bono Centre"
3846 |
"My 'victory’ over secrecy in the family courts has a nasty twist"
7191 |
"DHS Wodonga and the unlimited tax-payer paid bites at the apple"
7209 |
"Special Services, Referrals and Outcomes"
6415 |
"Australia : A country of slaves ruled by thieves and traitors."
5026 |
"Parents’ right to information concerning progress and development of their children"
6975 |
"Children stolen by the state needlessly, causing utter misery in one of Britain's most disturbing scandals"
7512 |
"The Effects of Adoption on Your Baby: "
4127 |
"Apologies for Forced Adoptions still spewing from every corrupt entity involved - though nothing has changed. The words 'Sorry' are as empty as most child protection workers heads"
4562 |
"Advocate for Children in Care - Get Heard!"
4087 |
"The lawyer mother who beat the social workers"
7764 |
"Haringey council tried to crush our family"
7247 |
"Court lambasts Lancashire County Council for 'Shocking' treatment of brothers in care"
7108 |
"You never took drugs, but you cannot keep your child - Some family court rulings are impossible to understand"
7269 |
"A family who escaped to a happy ending - What is the problem with Britain's social workers?"
7069 |
""When alienated parents give up""
4072 |
"Two government reports - two different stories. Forde Enquiry response by Government proven to be rubbish"
4983 |
"Child tells of sexual abuse so child protection send her back to be abused more "Official failure leads to lives lost""
4288 |
"When the visitors call"
4069 |
"Household Composition and Risk of Fatal Child Maltreatment"
5492 |
"What client type receives more Legal Aid assistance? The criminal or families?"
5616 |
"DoCS Officers make Fake Bomb Hoax (Coniston street, school in lockdown)"
6734 |
"Charles Carroll grandduaghterX4"
7312 |
"Born White Trash"
7362 |
"A new stolen generation"
4209 |
"The familiarity is astonishing ... by Luana"
7060 |
"Child Abductions… This is how easy it is!!! for the Government to seize your children…"
7470 |
"Massive 50 plus state wide or nationwide investigation into the numerous felony crimes being committed by CPS to steal your children."
7562 |
""Operation Greylord" : Investigations of Public Corruption - Rooting Crookedness Out of Government"
10951 |
"768 F.2d 1518 18 Fed. R. Evid. Serv. 981 UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. John M. MURPHY, Defendant-Appellant. Nos. 84-2398, 85-1401. United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit."
11030 |
"California sex offender given custody of daughter now arrested"
7337 |
"Killer Dads: Fathers who ended their children's lives in situations involving child custody, visitation, and/or child support (Minnesota - Wisconsin)"
8556 |
"Legislation Amendments required for Australian Legislation to comply with the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights."
24984 |
"Banker's Lies, Crime and Suicide"
4222 |
"Suicide of teenage girl in Sydney community care to be investigated"
6355 |
"Heiner Affair: Carmody Says Labor Covered Up Child Sex"
5780 |
"Social workers in care cases can be identified online, rules High Court"
7189 |
"Wilson: Child Abuse Victim Described as "Sexual Predator""
7292 |
"Lawyers get $5b a year from family law "
5122 |
"Adoption boom in late 1960s-early 1970s"
3938 |
"Causes of problems in adoptees"
4134 |
"NGOs who allowed babies to be used as guinea pigs in medical experiments for profit"
3973 |
"Kim’s Story–Child Protection gone mad"
5955 |
"Today Systemic Judicial corruption is International Organized Crime. "
4519 |
"Forgottten Australians need Legal Services"
3755 |
"It's just all too familiar ... Raped in "Care, Caseworkers covered up & family contact cancelled"
7219 |
"Do the state Law Society's turn a Blind Eye on Professional Misconduct ?"
5767 |
"Open Submission / Letter to Deborra-Lee Furness and Hugh Jackman about the push for easy adoption laws"
7850 |
"The NSW watchdog about to be turned upon an unsuspecting public."
4266 |
"We can send you to jail for objecting to an offence we’ve yet to specify"
7110 |
"Ignoring corruption is the real racism"
4131 |
"18 months' jail for rapist of girl, 12"
6643 |
"Another stolen generation looms, warn protesters"
6368 |
"Adoption was a result of Forced Separations."
5067 |
"Did PM Tony Blair cover up paedophile scandal? List of child sex offenders in British government"
4373 |
"Qld boy's horror, raised by global pedophile ring"
4889 |
"Annette Rearden - Manager at CatholicCare Campbellown NSW"
5279 |
"National Apology to Forgotten Australians: Never Enough"
4194 |
"Mandela is gone, but apartheid is alive and well in Australia"
5413 |
"Legal aid lawyer, secret court and social workers ‘colluded’ to adopt boys"
7054 |
"The real scandal hidden by gags is what goes on in family courts"
7408 |
"Social Workers tart up the reports to get their targets"
6306 |
"Out to seize their children, courts hound a reformed family"
7409 |
"Dutch family is still fighting the system"
6835 |
"UK Establishment Closes Ranks as Organised Child Sex Abuse Network Leads Back to No. 10"
5341 |
"Prisoners have all human rights children have none"
6205 |
"People to be warned of the dangers in the GP's surgery"
7387 |
"hugh jackman steals child causes mother to commit suicide"
6355 |
"Patricia Hansen - Social Worker of the Ages"
7173 |
"Report of Elder Abuse against my grandpa"
4266 |
4317 |
"‘You have utterly undermined our work and purpose’: A social worker responds to John Hemming MP on the family courts. Social worker Esther Clarke shares a letter she sent to John Hemming MP following an interview he gave to BBC Panorama this week"
7267 |
"Experience shows Children's Aid needs reform."
8709 |
"Forced Adoption in the UK very similar to Australia : Letter from UK Resident to Queen begging for assistance"
6013 |
"Brant Children's Aid Abducted & Abused My Grandson"
7278 |
"Reports of children abused in state care at rate of nearly one a week for five years"
5963 |
"My story about DoCS"
5799 |
"Changing Parental Responsibility following Final Orders in the Children's Court..."
6697 |
"Statement of Pastor Ossie Cruse on His Resignation as an Australia Day Ambassador"
10303 |
"Auscript, transcripts and your right to know what their stamps mean..."
6419 |
"'Fear of prejudice' let gay carers abuse boys"
7753 |
"'Sadistic' Catholic priest jailed for abusing boys in Australia"
4066 |
"“Christian School” charges parent $30,000 for a School Report Card at Emmanuel College Gold Coast Australia"
6360 |
"Rowe v Emmanuel College (No.2) [2013] FCCA 501 (13 June 2013)"
6188 |
"Court refuses to grant consent parenting order – Mother in contravention of earlier order "
4017 |
"Catholic apology over Australia forced adoptions"
4359 |
"The lunatics take over the asylum in 'caring’ Britain"
7672 |
"Government Data Requests Principles"
4106 |
"UNACKNOWLEDGED as at September 2013 : Michael-Coutts Trotter and NSW Child Protection Corruption & Prevention"
7493 |
"Adelaide abuse inquiry hearing to go ahead"
5267 |
"Child abuse inquiry reopens in Sydney"
5349 |
"Patricia Hansen deliberately screwing former clients cases [again]"
11198 |
"Figures show over 300 children absconded from government care last year"
4062 |
"Shocking blowout for children in crisis"
4249 |
"Child protection crisis demands action now"
4137 |
"Police dig for ‘multiple’ babies’ graves at rural property on the outskirts of Gin Gin, near Bundaberg"
4015 |
"Impossible to beat the corruption in NSW government"
6173 |
"Rapist father’s good behaviour sentence bungle overturned "
5700 |
"Quick and easy forced adoptions will now be the first priority of the NSW Government for all children in care .. to save money."
4804 |
"Forced adoptions to continue with support from Labour and Liberal"
6725 |
"Their children were taken but no reasons were given"
3912 |
"Australia government says NO to children having the right to seek assistance from the United Nations for human rights violations"
5765 |
"Wodonga Copper Kylie Clarkson's predatory behaviour needs to be put on a leash"
5197 |
"Keep Them Safe Child Protection Initiative"
4004 |
"Children's Commissioner to mandate schools reporting of sexual misconduct of serious physical assault on a child"
4457 |
"Mass grave of Irish orphans uncovered at former septic tank site"
4309 |
"Jeremy Sammut, the Centre for Independent Studies and the use of tainted data in the creation of reports into child protection"
5113 |
"Parents’ right to information concerning progress and development of their children"
3779 |
"People to be warned of the dangers in the GP's surgery"
4006 |
"Another young girl commits suicide after being removed by Katherine child protective services in the Northern Territory"
5173 |
"Suspected mafia link to liberal fundraising"
3961 |
"Health executives stood down over nepotism claims"
4012 |
"Ten reasons to vote NO to constitutional recognition"
5023 |
""Reconciliation" Australia is a deceitful con by the Australian government"
4821 |
"Mother did a runner with her own kids, found in Northern Territory"
4148 |
"Tony Abbott in Arnhem Land: a display of farce and cynicism"
4902 |
"Sex abuse case reveals family court failings"
5766 |
"Arrested Catholic Archbishop’s computer contained over 100,000 images of children"
4107 |
"Cultural power: the list"
5784 |
"Media release: federal senate calls for action to stop ongoing stolen generations"
6014 |
"Rape of another child in care of WA Child Protection"
4704 |
Dapto DoCS' caseworker Karleen Dove should be sacked
9131 |
Reform for better child protection
15136 |
The Story of Naming ‘Maternal Alienation’: New Research Enters the World of Policy and Practice
13882 |
Australia's worst known child abusers form a coalition to steal more kids and more money.
28384 |
Democracy defined : regarding Australians and their constitutional protections
68858 |
Does anybody find this vaguely familiar?
40523 |
ALECOMM INFRINGEMENT NOTICES - Prepare Your Case Against DOCs / CPS for Prosecution
9814 |
Another example of DoCS working in the 'Worst interest of the Child'
4494 |
St Marys DoCS Wins LowLifes of the Week Again
5671 |
DOCs Worker Breaks Five Year Old Boys' Neck
14237 |
Just How Much Cash do the NGOs Get To Steal Kids ???
4688 |
CatholicCare BabySnatchers Top 10
5641 |
The New King - But the first wrong was not his. Nor was the first wrong the government's. The first wrong was ours.
8553 |
What a Week ...
6638 |
Human Trafficking Library
11898 |
Support Our Work!
7067 |
DoCS Forms / Procedure Manuals / Guidelines
14002 |
The Demise of the Australian Way of Life! by Mark Aldridge - Independant Candidate who Actually Does Care, Not Just Professes To ...
7760 |
Even our Members of Parliament are Concerned about our Laws
7028 |
Kids Going Crazy in the Silenced Hell of Family Law
31508 |
Uniting Church SA - Apology to Victims
23596 |
FIGHT CPS California
9042 |
National Clearing House "Child Abuse Prevention Newsletter"
6614 |
NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet Boards and Committees Registrations
5220 |
"Stop the Foster Generation": Prevention, Intervention and Reunification
7403 |
Idiot of the Week Award Goes To ...
20911 |
Who is Jonathon Harveson?
18331 |
The Childrens Courts are Non-Adversarial
56052 |
Protest Against Childrens Court Coruption and Forced Adoptions - 22 September 2011 - Parramatta Childrens Court
7328 |
How Can You Help !
9191 |
Department of Community Services NSW .. Human/Financial Cost for The Return of Your Child
19899 |
Twenty Year Old Female Prisoner of War by DOCs Drugged & Locked in Sydney Mental Health Institutes For Over 14 Years To Cover Up DOCs Lies / Fraud, Kidnapping / Beatings / Starvation / Deprivation of Liberty and Sexual Assault
10918 |
Port Arthur Massacre Coverup - Conspiracy or Fact
15096 |
Next Request for Assistance to Human Rights for Emily Brown - 25 May 2010
5841 |
The Australian Public Demands Answers to These Questions That Were Raised in Parliament Time in 2008 - The Case of Sexually Assaulted and Kidnapped, AND Still Held Hostage to This Day by DOCs - Emily Brown
11012 |
Maternal Deprivation Abuse
7581 |
A Worldwide Protest on August 12, 2011 - To Stop Government Abuse of Our Children for Profit
5902 |
Solicitors We Want Kicked Off the Cushy-Arse Care Panel for Central Coast 2011
16939 |
Use Your Facebook / Petitions to Lodge a Petition for the Legislative Council
8021 |
Legal Aid Care Panel Solicitors not worth a Pinch of Shit
9605 |
Addressing Our Most Basic Fundamental Human Rights
14086 |
Human Rights make Child Protection Amendments Illegal
18913 |
All Web Links to Relevant Information
16068 |
7448 |
Centacare Library
12176 |
INTRODUCING “The Rule of Law” with Randall Kelton
4971 |
Documentary Opportunties to Expose Child Protection and Government Sanctioned Kidnapping
7614 |
Judicial Corruption is Sending Our Fundamental Human Rights Straight Down The Drain ..
8672 |
Cheryle Macdonald - The Woman Constantly Telling the World How She Has Never Prevented Contact Between Marney and Her Daughter
6144 |
RISK OF HARMS : Number of investigations, by source of notification, states and territories, 2008–09
5771 |
Prosecuting Your Dirty DoCS Worker
7744 |
What You Need to Prosecute Your Dirty DoCS Worker
10976 |
DoCS and Broadmeadow Childrens Court Stealing Children
8061 |
The Games CPS plays ruins Childrens Lives
7892 |
How Many Committees can Child Protection have ? All these committees and all these people are nothing but complete and total failures at Child Protection.
18066 |
Before Making Complaints To Us :
7790 |
Notice To All Users
7527 |
Million Dollar OOHC Reports with Million Dollar Answers
5321 |
6166 |
Were you expecting the Department of Community "Services" to provide "Services" to you?
6953 |
Infant Child Infected with GENITAL WARTS in STATE CARE
9306 |
Woy Woy DoCS - No Investigation Again, SNATCH ANOTHER BABY!
9672 |
CAS Corruption - Child Stealing at its Best
9376 |
It will be another sad and lonely Christmas for both Emily and Julie Brown.
5526 |
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
7357 |
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
5207 |
Jeevani Kooratha - DOCs Legal Corruption Cover Up Extraordinairre
5697 |
In memory of foster kids killed while in the sytem - USA
7123 |
7199 |
Where is Emily Brown
7744 |
Human rights: everyone, everywhere, everyday - EXCEPT FOR EMILY BROWN
8373 |
Why Won't Linda Burney Answer These Questions !!! What Are You Hiding Minister for Child Trafficking?
5326 |
7.5 Legal obligations in relation to pre-natal reports
5859 |
Emily Browns Continual Pleas For Help - Ignored for Over 14 Years
13570 |
Legally Kidnapped
30452 |
This is why DOCs pays Annette Gallard over $350,000 per year ...
7424 |
DOCs / Child Protection Terminology
11944 |
Why is False and Misleading Information a Crime ?
6977 |
Court Security Regulation 2005 - Reg 6 Permissible uses of recording devices : sec 9 (2) (e)
9987 |
Federal Court Rules - Order 10 Rule 9 - Use of recording device or communication device in place where hearing taking place
6831 |
DOCs & Bankstown / Liverpool Hospital Murder Another Baby
11064 |
Apologies from Abusers Makes It Okay For Them To Abuse Again
25104 |
Criminal Charges to be laid against NSW Government Workers for Chemically Restraining Thousands of Stolen Children To Keep Them Quiet
24290 |
Paedophile Priests
6755 |
Second Reply from Human Rights Commission re Emily Brown - 26 May 2010
6370 |
First Reply Received from Human Rights - 25 May 2010
6550 |
What is a Hate Crime?
11370 |
NSW Law Society Needs to Ensure Legal Bullying is NOT ALLOWED
12712 |
The British Constitution Group Conventions 2010 Lawful Rebellion & Alternative Governance
8589 |
Newsflash - Rank Your Lawyer Register Open
5168 |
Western Australia Child Protection Services & Childrens Courts Give the Go Ahead for Convicted Sex Offenders
6352 |
Solicitor of the Year Award Goes To ...
24686 |
18.3 Maternity departments
5802 |
Outrageous Risk of Harm Reports Which Are Used to Steal Our Children!
7533 |
Children's Services Case Law Documents
8911 |