The British Constitution Group Conventions 2010 Lawful Rebellion & Alternative Governance
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Created: Thursday, 13 May 2010 08:36
- Written by Alecomm
What is lawful rebellion?
- What is alternative governance?
- What is the purpose of the conventions?
Lawful Rebellion.
- Lawful rebellion is the coming together of the people to assert their authority and their right of self-governance in accordance with our constitution and the rule of law.
- Lawful rebellion is both our right and our duty. It is the manifestation of our frustration and anger at the endless and blatant deceit, lies and betrayal perpetrated upon us by a discredited and treacherous political elite.
- Lawful Rebellion confronts directly the betrayal of the collective political establishment by setting in motion a series of actions to take back control of our country. It is a process that will unfold, gather momentum and eventually overwhelm the traitors in our midst as our numbers swell and we secure the power to crush them.
- Lawful Rebellion is defiance of the self-appointed and tyrannical elite who claim authority to govern us without our consent.
- Lawful Rebellion is peaceful, justified and lawful.
- Lawful Rebellion is the instigation of justice for the people by the people.
Their plan has been to make us serve their interest, our plan is to make them serve ours.
We are many and they are few.
Alternative Governance.
We will demonstrate our peaceful credentials by avoiding conflict. This would be impossible if we were to endeavour to take control of the present system of governance. This would put ordinary people in the invidious position of either siding with the traitors in office currently holding the purse strings or with those of us seeking to reassert our constitution and the rule of law.
Asserting our authority over the present system would also invite retaliation.
Our approach is to leave their system in place, but defy their authority whilst constructing our own system of governance based on the principles of our constitution, which they have both denied and tried to destroy. Strategic defiance can avoid conflict.
Alternative governance provides the means by which we can set about taking control of our destiny in stages… in accordance with our agenda and in a time frame that suits us.
Alternative governance can be constructed in total disregard to their corrupt electoral process.
The Purpose of the Conventions.
The purpose of the conventions is to provide a rolling forum in which the pro-independence groups can collectively formulate and implement a plan of action to take back control of our country under the banner of Lawful Rebellion.
The conventions are the forums in which alternative governance is constructed.
Our actions are justified on the grounds that the democratic process has been hijacked and the systems of control now in place are impenetrable without conflict. It is patently obvious that the collective political establishment is working to an agenda that is contrary to the best interest of the British people. The system that they have constructed favours the few at the expense of the many – it is both undemocratic and tyrannical, as is evidenced by their continued refusal to consult the people and their refusal to abide by the overwhelming wishes of the British people and our constitution, by refusing to ratify the Lisbon Treaty
This treaty heralds in a new legal and political order and a new constitution in which the power of the state is supreme and the people held in servitude to a political elite who have placed themselves above the law, unlawfully replacing our own Constitution in which the people are sovereign and the state is servant. The connivance of the collective political establishment in bringing about this change is a blatant act of treason and provides just cause to find remedy beyond the current political process, corrupted by self-interest and greed.
The contrast between where we should be as a people and a nation and where we are could not be greater… by stealth, deceit, lies and betrayal we have seen our once proud, wealthy and independent nation diminished in statute and impoverished both economically and culturally on the monuments of ever-closer-union, diversity, multiculturalism and political correctness. Our national sovereignty, individual freedoms, liberty, democracy and the right to self-governance have been discarded as meaningless. Their betrayal knows no equal.
The elite have destroyed democracy and replaced it with a modern day feudal system with unelected and self-appointed overlords whose system of governance relies on corruption, privilege, tyranny, greed and inevitably oppression, to hold down the increasingly angry and hostile masses.
They have build an edifice of supreme greed and self-indulgence – morally bankrupt and in complete defiance of the rule-of-law – a monument to corruption. They have constructed a tightly controlled and pampered bureaucracy that will, for reasons of self-interest, do their bidding without question, conveniently ignoring the corruption that surrounds them in exchange for their own generous packages of privilege.
Small-scale institutional corruption is endemic and so readily overlooked by those who it favours, too easily bought by perks and tax-free allowances not available to the rest of us. The ‘there’s nothing I can do’ mentality is fostered and encouraged in the face of overwhelming numbers involved, all of whom can be persuaded to turn a blind eye due to the low risk of detection and because self-interest to them is a far more powerful motivator than honesty and integrity – especially when these run-of-the-mill bureaucrats have been carefully selected precisely because of their inclination towards subservience and compliance.
But this carefully constructed small-scale corruption serves a higher purpose, it is the foundation on which larger scale fraud and corruption is built to serve the interest of those on the higher rungs of the ladder which in turn provides the means by which the controls are kept in place.
The whole system from the very top to the very bottom is manifestly corrupt and held together by a web of lies, deceit, perversion, greed, fraud and corruption… and all at our expense. But if any of the minions from within the system dare squeak, they are ostracised, victimised and removed… and eventually banished, deprived of their perks and generous pensions.
In their world the wilderness of truth, honesty and integrity is an uncomfortable place to be and few are willing to go there.
But this whole corrupt monolith has been built on the foundation of lies and betrayal and like a sandcastle under the deluge of the tide, their system will eventually collapse as the flow of truth rushes in to undermine the foundations they have built.
The general populace is waking up to the massive fraud and betrayal that has been perpetrated against them by a devious and dishonest political class hell-bent on taking whatever they can get for themselves and in total disregard for the responsibilities entrusted to them. And with this awakening there is a mood of growing resentment and anger that will have to be quenched with retribution, when the time is right. The chickens are coming home to roost.
For now, we must harvest and channel the resentment and anger into a campaign for the collective benefit of the nation. This campaign is Lawful Rebellion… which will empower the people and subdue the betrayers.
The British people deserve better than the political dross that has been foisted upon us.
We have a right to govern ourselves, and that is precisely what we are going to do.