A Worldwide Protest on August 12, 2011 - To Stop Government Abuse of Our Children for Profit
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Created: Thursday, 28 April 2011 16:03
- Written by GovAbuse is ChildAbuse

We are protesting for REFORMATION but the same government we protest against, needs us now more than ever. Our government is in huge financial trouble- we can save our government financially and our children / families through REFORMATION- A WIN-WIN for ALL!
This International Protest is vital to the safety and future of all families (worldwide) and assuring that justice prevails and those working against justice - to be held accountable. REFORMATION of child protective services, family / juvenile courts, foster care, child support, guardian-ad-litem programs, court evaluators (and more), will save children, families.
Govabuse U.S.A. is made up of advocates and activists from the United States of America (ALL states) working hard to protect our children / families and constitutional rights. Alecomm is uniting to make all of states and by extension our countries, a safer and more productive place to live for our children / families.
Our tax dollars pay government employees (all areas) to works 'FOR US' - It is our job to make certain that they are executing the jobs we pay them to do. Child Abuse for Profit is being executed worldwide. Families are separated everyday, children abused / dying for the profit of a few evil entities. This problem will continue until We the People demand reformation.
* Children are being unjustly removed from their families and right from the hospital as well. $4,000 to $6,000 cash bonus incentive dollars are paid for every child doped up and not returned to their families. [re; The 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act- signed by Bill Clinton]
* State Employees (aka; Foster caregivers) who should not have rights to our children, are granted rights over biological parents and grandparents. Children are being adopted by employees of the state (foster care) INSTEAD of being cared for by their loving biological family members (grandparents / uncles, aunts) due to laws that need revision.
* Judges are prevented from ordering 'joint custody' which forces families who would not have been in litigation, to fight one another for 'full custody'.
*Assigned family court judges:
~ Are 'double-dipping' (abusing tax payer dollars).
~ Family / juvenile court judges pretend to 'retire' from the bench.
~ The same judge is then 'assigned' to hear cases in the family courts and are paid approximately $485.00 per day (taxpayer $$).
~ Due to the fact they are now 'assigned' judges- we cannot vote them off the bench regardless of their violations because we did not vote them to the judicial position.
~ The only criteria for being an assigned judge is to have left the bench (in good standing) which means- they did not get voted out of office.
*THE SCAM: When a family court judge realizes they may lose an election, they simply pretend to retire and are immediately eligible for LIFETIME JUDICIAL ASSIGNMENTS. Lifetime is supposed to be limited to Federal Court Judges NOT lower court judges (aka; Family / Juvenile Court Judges).
* Court appointed guardian ad litem aka; 'GAL';
~ Intentionally drag-out / delay out cases for extreme profits to them.
~ No cap on fee's after the 1st affidavit requesting more fee's is granted.
~ Parents cannot claim bankruptcy against fee's of GAL and GAL's have immunity from prosecution.
~ Itemized fee bills of the guardian-ad-litem are not disclosed to the parties to a case nor are GAL fee's paid by the state (aka; tax payers).
* Unjust Paternity laws are preventing biological parents from their children.
* Child support system needs complete overhaul including;
Parents who lose their jobs, lose their drivers license -preventing
parents from getting to a new job to pay support.
* Secret courts:
~ Family / Juvenile Courts - must be opened to the public.
~ Secret courts and gag-orders, are against our legal rights.
~ Prevent justice from being served- they protect no one.
* Ex parte court orders are severely abused by courts, often protecting the abuser.
* Parental alienation is most often 'rewarded' and alienator's are not held accountable.
* Perjury- has unjustly become very acceptable in the family / juvenile courts to the level that it is 'expected' and violators are not held accountable.
* Some laws need to be enforced.
* Some laws need to be revised.
* Some need to be abolished.
* Nothing will change until WE THE PEOPLE demand the changes.
* Where changes are needed- that is where you will find our advocates!