by Malcolm R Hughes

How did Barry Unsworth come to make the prediction in December 1987 that, “there would never be uniform gun laws, until there had been a massacre in Tasmania?” Why Tasmania?
Why did Ray Groom sacrifice a ministerial position in Federal Parliament to take up a Tasmanian Parliamentary career about the time of the above statement by Unsworth?
Why did Ray Groom step down as Premier of Tasmania in 1996, but still retain several ministerial portfolios concerning the up-coming massacre?
Why did the Tasmania Government buy the Broad Arrow Cafe when all governments, State and Federal were privatising other ventures?
Why did the Tasmanian Government ask a Hobart funeral business to tender for a 22-berth freezer mortuary truck in the 12 months before the massacre when no other state had such a vehicle?
Why after the massacre was there an attempt to sell this truck, seeing as its use was so successful?
Why did the aforementioned funeral business buy mortuary boxes to handle the corpses in excess of 22, from a Victorian company, in time for the massacre?
How is it that Tasmanian Police Commissioner Richard McCreadie had Martin Bryant’s file before the gunman had been identified as “Martin Bryant”?

Why were there possibly as many as 30 intelligence agents present at Port Arthur that weekend?
Why were seven of those intelligence agents killed that day (two shot in the Broad Arrow Cafe and five at the scene where the killer exchanged the Volvo for the BMW)?
As the gunman was never reported as wearing gloves, why did the police never recover DNA or fingerprints from his eating tray, utensils, drink container, rifles or magazines said to have been used for the massacre?
Why did the police leave the window down of the abandoned Volvo overnight, causing dew to dissipate fingerprints from the steering wheel?
Why did the gunman need to take the BMW to Seascape when he already had transport via the Volvo?
Why did the gunman need to take Glen Pears as a hostage?
Why did the Victorian bank manager stand up and say, “No not here, not here” when the shooting started in the Broad Arrow Cafe, after which he was immediately killed?
Why wasn’t Roger Larner’s Witness Statement, in which he shows that Martin Bryant could not have been at Port Arthur at the time the shootings began, taken into account?
Why were these Witness Statements or any other favourable to Bryant, not shown to the Judge?
How did Police Commissioner Fielding purport to know there were no live hostages in Seascape, on Monday morning, if he didn’t have radio contact with the people inside Seascape?
Why was Mrs Carleen Bryant, who was escorted to Police Headquarters by police, not asked to identify the telephone caller’s voice from Seascape as her son Martin?
Why was Carleen not asked to persuade Martin to give himself up?
Why did Sergeant Dutton make false statements about the weapons supposedly used?
Why did Sergeant Dutton have a questioner threatened with arrest and escorted from a “Port Arthur Massacre” meeting held in Queensland?

Why, when a sniper at Seascape requested to take out a gunman firing at helicopters, was he told, “negative, this has to happen, negative, this has to happen” (as was overheard by emergency workers on their radio)?
Why did Damien Bugg, the Public Prosecutor, write to Wendy Scurr and other very important witnesses before Bryant’s appearance, stating that they would not be required to give evidence?
Why did the Tasmanian Government confiscate Martin’s assets (approx. $1 million) making him unable to fund his own defence team?

Why was John Avery unethically chosen as Byrant’s defence lawyer, given that he had represented the DPP against a witness in the same criminal case?
Why were military helicopters heard overhead most of the night, given that it was not legal at that time in Tasmania for even police aircraft to fly after sunset?
Why were Wendy Scurr and her husband, Graeme so persecuted by Tasmanian Police that they had to eventually leave Tasmania?
Why was Damien Bugg promoted to Commonwealth Public Prosecutor – and given permission to operate that position from Hobart rather than Canberra?
Why was Justice William Cox rewarded with the appointment of Governor of Tasmania?
What happened to Benjamin Overbeeke, accused by some of being the real gunman?
Why was Federal legislation on gun control drawn up prior to the massacre?
How is it that a rifle handed in during a previous amnesty, was one of the weapons supposedly used in this massacre?

Why did John Howard lie to me personally, saying that the Port Arthur Massacre was outside the Commonwealth’s jurisdiction, even though he had already declared that there would be no enquiry and that the Broad Arrow Cafe was to be destroyed?
Why did the Australian Federal Police attempt to attack my computer three times with viruses and then crash it twice, after I had made attempts to contact the then Governor General, Michael Jeffrey, in regard to my information from civilian investigators on the subject of the massacre?
If the official story is true why did the Justice Cox have all official records locked away, initially for 30 years, (now extended to 45 years)?
What do the authorities have to hide?
Do you still believe that Martin Bryant is guilty of mass murder? If you do, I pity you, as I do Martin Bryant!
Source : https://gumshoenews.com/2019/09/02/still-think-bryant-is-guilty-ok-answer-these-questions/
Get that guy out of jail now.
Interesting that many of the players in this sad story Ray Groom, Police Commissioner Richard McCreadie, Damien Bugg and Justice William Cox all are receivers of the Order of Australia Medal. There may be others that I am not aware of.
John Avery missed out, I suppose because of his criminal record of stealing from a client. Him being a recipient may have been a bit too much for the Australian public. Then again?
Avery gets the Mongrel award! and detention on lying for years! ( I WILL NOT LIE ANYMORE, PROMISE! ) that’ll be the day!
As soon as I saw Carleen Bryant being ‘interviewed’ on 60 minutes I knew her son was a patsy. Poor guy. I think it’s time that all recipients of the order of Australia medal are closely scrutinised. Like the OBE, only ‘special’ people (members of the brotherhood) receive the ‘honour’.
Any comment Leon ?
Something that I missed out in the article: When Martin Bryant first pleaded “not guilty”, he was entitled to a trial by jury. However Justice William Cox refused to accept the plea of guilty, but nine months later he accepted immediately, pleas of guilty, with no evidence provided, as there was no evidence to link Martin to the crimes. How is this “justice”? It is not!
This is another illustration, that justice in Australia is an illusion.
Hey, Mal, Maybe Tulsi will do a spot of diplomacy to see if she can get her fellow surfer out on a wave..
No shock joke or msm journo will recite these questions for the public to consider.
Why not? Seem to be valid questions that need answers.
Because they are cruel and inhuman, but pretending otherwise to deceive the public.
Same with the 911 mass murders and many other false flag killings.
And — Why the journalist convention in Hobart?
And why PA management/staff were off on a conference that morning… from my recollection?!
Going way back i noted a report that a fellow named Nighting(d)ale’s family was given a 100,000 ex gratia payment and he was a victim. Needs checking as to the report and whether he, if he existed, was involved in any capacity.
Was there a medical convention at the time.
Why did all the media run and still do that picture of Martin skinny and with the gimlet eyes(used again in a US gladio event) even though some other photos show him fit and non gimlet close to the event. . Where’s the girlfriend.
We know why.
Is Sargent Dutton the now Minister Peter Dutton?
Dutton that’s not our Dutton,
The guy loading the meat wagon, he is your Dutton.
And SOG, family old school
To keep the script at a reasonable length there were certain questions I did not raise. However Dee has brought up one topic.
Who organised the journalist convention in Hobart, (the bottom end of the world), for that particular weekend? Who organised “code brown” exercise at The Royal Hobart Hospital,? Who organised the Australian College of Surgeons convention at the same venue, which finished at 1.30 pm on Sunday afternoon just in time to put into practise the information discussed as the last segment, “terrorist attacks and gunshot wounds”? Who organised for the senior staff of Port Arthur to travel to a destination, two hours away for a staff seminar on that day, an exercise that had never happened before or since.
I believe that all these events were organised by the same very busy person. I have a name in mind but will allow others to contemplate.
Who organised that police would not attend Port Arthur until 3.5 hours after the massacre was reported to Police Headquarters? Not even police from outlying police stations attended. Who made sure that no police officer closed the swing bridge, which could have prevented killer from leaving the peninsular?
There are probably many more questions to asked. But Martin Bryant certainly did not have the intellectual or physical ability organise any of these actions.
As the entire World system is geared to deceive the need to keep asking such questions is critical
and how come (later)Senator Parry included in his report about the mortuary truck being made by nelson brothers IN ANTICIPATION of the event
Gayle Deveney raises an interesting question that I cannot answer. But I will add some points from Wikipedia.
“Dutton joined the Young Liberals in 1988. He became the policy vice-chair of the Bayside Young Liberals the following year and chair of the branch in 1990. At the 1989 Queensland state election, the 19-year-old Dutton ran unsuccessfully as the Liberal candidate against Tom Burns (former state ALP leader) in the safe Labor seat of Lytton.[5][6]
Dutton graduated from the Queensland Police Academy in 1990. He was a Queensland Police officer for nine years, working in the Drug Squad in Brisbane in the early 1990s.[7][8] He also worked in the Sex Offenders Squad and the National Crime Authority.[9] As a second job, he worked with his father in a building business.[5]
In 1999, Dutton left the police force to become a businessman, completing a Bachelor of Business at the Queensland University of Technology.[10][11] He and his father founded the business Dutton Holdings, which was registered in 2000; it operated under six different trading and business names.[12] The company bought, renovated, and converted buildings into childcare centres, and in 2002 it sold three childcare centres to the now defunct ABC Learning. ABC Learning continued to pay rent to Dutton Holdings for a commercial lease until at least 2007.[13] Dutton Holdings continues to trade under the name Dutton Building & Development.[12] ”
The date of the Port Arthur Massacre and the court appearance by Martin 1996-1997 do fit in between Peter Dutton’s police career. (1990-1999)
There was a Port Arthur Massacre meeting that I mentioned above held in Queensland. The fact that he was part of the National Crime Authority is interesting.
I do not know the answer to the question, but I had never been given any reason to think about it.
About the year 2000, I got to know socially an ex Police Commissioner from Queensland that I gave my initial information to read. He stated the information was incorrect, “as he was part of the official investigation into the event.” At the time I did not query him as I did not know him well, But I thought that was a strange statement coming from a Queenslander about an event in Tasmania.
May be this event was much bigger than we know about.
As a one time recipient of the Australian Police Journal, a tri-monthly publication to police force members Australia wide – and one needed to be a registered police officer to receive it – and after the Port Arthur massacre I became aware of Sergeant Gerard Dutton of the Tasmania police force who was employed as a forensic expert and also FBI trained in ballistics and other related and unrelated forensic procedures. The current Home Affairs Minister, Peter Dutton, was employed by the Queensland Police Service in a general duties capacity which is about as related to the Port Arthur massacre as is the distance between the Earth and the Moon.
However, what got my attention about Sergeant Gerard Dutton was his ability to counter queries regarding his own knowledge on how a burnt out and obviously damaged and therefore ineffective firearm, could still fire off under ‘controlled conditions’ a round that put its signature as supposedly belonging to Martin Bryant.
One needs to expand their thinking on many possibilities especially as to how ‘special agencies’, such as the FBI, have been used over the past decades to deceive us all while protecting those at the top of the human heap.
On the road to that realization, should one pursue it, one must also take on board that the FBI became a politically controlled agency under J. Edgar Hoover who kept ‘dirt files’ on all the Presidents he supposedly ‘served under’. My question would be this as to the credibility of the FBI: To what extent has the FBI been used to subvert the role of law enforcement to enable the alphabet soup of so called ‘intelligence agencies’ world wide, and that includes our own, to carry on a Western based agenda to rid all Western nations of their firearms and for what ultimate purpose?
If you can answer that question then you are well on your way to understanding the who and what that controls this world.
And just to assist you along that journey of discovery here’s a little clue that Winston Churchill once quipped: “When people find out who really controls this world, and after they pick themselves up and dust themselves off, they carry on as if nothing happened.”
Yes, as mentioned once, American, Ted Gunston said openly to the public, in the late 80’s Tasmania will have a massacre, gun laws, its being planned as we speak!
The NWO is on the way folks!
Hi Ms Bonney. Nice song. Nice voice. Great insight.
It strikes me Ted Gunderson (1928-2011) would not have had loose lips back in the 1980s. He was a straight FBI guy until his later years, at which point I suspect he was used as a trial-baloon whistle blower. See his bio:
I , Ted L. Gunderson, hereby swear under the pains and penalties of perjury that the following statements are true and correct:
1 . My name is Ted L. Gunderson. I am the owner and operator of Ted
L. Gunderson & Associates, an international security and
consulting firm based out of Santa Monica, California.1 979. 1 have worked for, amongst others, F. Lee Bailey, Esq., The California Narcotics Authority by
appointment of Governor Jerry Brown, The 1984 Los Angeles
Olympic Committee, and The 1979 Pan American Games in San
Juan, Puerto Rico by appointment of then U.S. Attorney Genera)
Griffin Bell.
Previous to my work as a private investigator I spent nearly three
decades in the F.BI. Between 1951 and 1960 i was an F.B.I.
Special Agent. In 1960 I was promoted as a supervisor at F.B.I.
Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where I was in charge of
Organized Crime and Racketeering investigations covering 26
F.B.I. Field Offices nationwide.
Hi there, thank you for the lovely comments…
Correction on Teds surname, missed a few letters…
Yes I may have the date wrong of when he spoke about this.
I went to retrieve the actual vid on my petition, obviously took the vid down, wonder why! too much info for the government to handle!
Below is all I recovered…The Google link cant be recovered either.
JUL 5, 2016 — PLEASE ESPECIALLY LISTEN TO TED from 2 HRS 12 min, Guns & Port Arthur Massacre, literally saying this WAS ALL A SET UP!!!
Request to all the members of the United Nations (UN) and beyond concerning international support saving Europe, America and finally the rest of the world from total destruction by stopping Agenda 21 and still implementing the on January 25, 1944 by de Belgian King Leopold III completed, but for public withheld “political testament” which is still to be carried out as the Belgian Constitution provides. https://sites.google.com/site/nocance…
Ted passed in 2011……….
Born: 7 November 1928, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Died: 31 July 2011, Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Education: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Employer: Federal Bureau of Investigation
In answer to Gayle’s question the Police sergeant involved with rifle investigations at Port Arthur was Gerald Dutton.
And Sgt Dutton was in on the cover up. Here’s a bit of a scene from the draft screen play that explains Dutton’s ‘evidence’
Andrew: “I got the message, what did you want to talk about?” Hill: “I figured out that neither of Bryant’s guns were used in the massacre.” Andrew: “Interesting, what about the SLR, you confiscated his AR-10, any idea where the SLR came from?” Hill: “Well, Bryant doesn’t know, he even says he’d never seen the SLR before. That’s not surprising, it wasn’t an Australian SLR, it is a metric thread SLR from Europe. There were only 5 known metric SLRs in Australia prior to the massacre, now we have a 6th that nobody knows where it came from.” Andrew: “Sounds like they needed an untraceable rifle and got one from an overseas armoury.” Hill: “Probably, these kind of rifles would be difficult for an average Australian bloke to obtain.” Andrew: “What about the AR-15?” Hill: “I figured out the shooter used his own rifle, then they did a botched job of trying to cover it up.”
Hill begins to set up rows of spent brass on the table. Andrew: “What are you doing?” Hill: “Giving you a graphic illustration of how absurd their story is. This is 29 rounds, the same number of rounds fired in the Café. The Police are saying that they couldn’t do a projectile match to Bryant’s rifle barrel as all those projectiles were destroyed.” Andrew: “You’re joking.” Hill: “Nope, they said there wasn’t even one fragment available to do forensic analysis on. Hell, it would only take one fragment to do a match and they said that it couldn’t be done. Here’s what I think happened, the shooter refused to use Bryant’s rifle, it was just an off the shelf rifle that had been maintained by a moron and that he had no idea if it even worked. So he used his own rifle that he had practiced with. Then they tried to implicate Bryant’s rifle.”
Andrew: “How could they do that?” Hill: “When the shooter got to Seascape they swapped the bolt from his rifle into Bryant’s, that way the bolt face, firing pin mark and the extractor mark matched the brass left in the Café. Here’s where their little plot went off the rails. Each barrel has its own chamber dimensions and head space. They needed plausible deniability as to why the chamber dimensions were different, so they put together a ‘hot load’ to blow up the rifle. They are saying that the explosion was an accident caused by a bad batch of ammunition. However, the brass was PMC and they don’t make ammo by batches, only by years. Nobody in the firearm industry that I talked to had ever heard of such a thing. If such a thing had ever happened, we would have all known about it quick smart. We wouldn’t want to be the next person to sell bad ammunition.”
Hill continuing, “It gets worse, Bryant states to the Police negotiator that the guns will be destroyed before he comes out in the morning.” Andrew: “So Bryant was able to predict an accident that was going to happen, now that’s believable.” They both laugh. Hill: “Hang on, it gets worse. It is a simple test to check the powder residue left in the cartridge to see if it was an intentional hot load of fast burning powder or whether it was the same factory powder. They said they couldn’t do the test as they didn’t have the funds.” Andrew: “Oh yeah, that’s believable too. Bryant says the rifle will be destroyed and the Police can’t find any funds for a test to see if he did it. – It was just an accident, nothing to see here. – Unbelievable.”
Ned, the same fellow. We are told he was an intelligence agent. Presumably that is how he knew the action was supposed to be at the wharf, not at the café.
Crikey, this question about Bryant’s guilt has been asked and answered so many times in spades it is surprising that any Ozzie could be so clueless as to not know the answer.
So intersting that the official records have been locked away for 30-40 years.
Let me get this straight.
We are subject to all manner of investigation, spying on us etc. And expected to wear it on the basis: ‘why not, what have you got to hide’?
Ok, ‘OUR’ government, what have you assholes got to hide? After all, Bryant did it, did he not and it is all there!?
We the public own you and pay for you, so fess up and let it all out.
The goose and a gander come to mind.
Cowardice comes to mind.
Just keep letting these criminals know that we know they did it. Keep reminding them so that they take the guilt (hopefully) to the grave. Stuff their Order of Australia Medals right up their noses or elsewhere.
Hey Hughsie, I have another qq — why did Tassie Attorney General Vanessa Goodwin have to die?
what’s the story there Mary?
Dear Ms Duggan, Yo can go to the article I wrote on May 16, 2018 or just put the word “Vanessa” in the search engine and look for a big funeral wreath. Here i will just display 3 comments that day:
Dee McLachlan May 16, 2018 at 10:11 am
Are there any honest / honourable people in top positions ?
donWreford May 16, 2018 at 11:15 am
No, to have a truthful individual at the top would mean the end of the world as we having been led to believe, meaning to dismantle the military empire of the first world and have one military organization representing the world countries whom all pay for this one military representation would save trillions of dollars rather than segmented armies who make money for finance corporations, rather than the cost being born by taxpayers who in the main not only become financial victims but also victims of war.
Terry Shulze May 16, 2018 at 11:38 am
Interesting question, all I hear is a deafening silence…
Responding to Cherri Bonney. Thank you, Cherri. Here is a long talk by Gunderson; I have not gone through it but if anyone finds the ref to PA, please tell us at what minute. Thanks,
AN EMAIL FROM WENDY SCURR TO ME, saying it as it was!
Dear all, The link below makes me feel sick, I know what really happened at Port Arthur on the 28th April in the Mikac household. I have kept it to my self for 20 years, I am seriously thinking of releasing this, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right and I keep that “old saying” in the back of my mind “what would his wife Nanette think if I do this.” she told me this on their trip to the isle of the dead with me as their tour guide only 2 hours or so before they were “butchered” I think of this and the fact that he was the girls father.
Very few would believe me as I’m not cow tailing to the govt. like Walter does at every opportunity. Another statement that upset me was the fact that John Howard rang him on the night of the 28th…read on. Its on the transcript of the video. I am sure Australia,s gun owners won’t be happy about that, further proof the the Government was involved here.
Hey John Winston Howard. Anything you wish to mention or has the cat got the rodents tongue.
What I find more disturbing is that NOT ONE investigative journalist or any of the current affair’s programmes will go near this case and openly present all the contradictions to the ‘story’ we have been fed! A 12 year old could figure out we have been fed nothing but lies and that Martin wasn’t the one who murdered all those people!
Johnny Howard will never say anything, except what a great job he did banning guns.
Heck, even the ‘gun lobby’ is keeping their heads down. I double dog dare anyone to contact the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) and ask them to comment on this article. Go ahead, try it.
You would think they would have a very strong interest in this topic.
The SSAA is commandeered by a bunch of compromised wimps whose sole object is to keep in the good books of the Po. When I raised the subject of Port Arthur at one of the affiliated clubs back in ‘99 I was categorically shunned. A local secretary later did the dirty on two of my sons.
As I’d already encountered the very same attitude within most purported home-ed support groups I wasn’t that surprised. The unfortunate truth is that most people don’t give a damn about anything other than short-term personal benefit; in other words they are their own worst enemies.
“The SSAA is commandeered by a bunch of compromised wimps whose sole object is to keep in the good books of the Po.” – Yep, you have NO IDEA ABOUT WHAT I WENT THROUGH WITH THE SSAA.
The whole idea of the ‘gun lobby’ is a pathetic joke from the MSM.
Perhaps the more recent additions to the SSAA leadership MAY be a step higher than the previous clowns seeking to become an ‘approved club’ under government supervision. However, since they are part of the ‘system’, it is best to keep their influence in your life at least an arms distance from anything important.
The nature of the organisation is spelled out in the name itself: Civilian gun ownership is only OK if you don’t care about anything more than recreation; for anyone who’s prepared to challenge the Powers that Be in any way they’re a complete no-no.
I find Malcom Hughes’article frustrating for the same reason that I found Keith Noble’s 718 page book: http://members.iinet.net.au/~nedwood/CONTENT.MASS.MURDER.pdffrustrating.Except that Noble at least made an effort to footnote, even if no list of primary and secondary sources is given in such a way as to allow an overview.
Now Mal gives no sources for anything he says. For example, it is just not good enough to say “possibly as many as 30 intelligence agents were present.” who said that and when?
Anyone trying to persuade Australian sheeple, none of whom frequent Gumshoe, is going to have to say (for example) how he knows about the oversized hearse or any other of the many startling Port Arthur facts. We need a listing of any and all sources; when reading Noble, it seemed to me that he was quoting from internal police “running sheets”, but how did he get hold of them ?
I speak from experience: even fairly radical Australians (as also with their US equivalents on the topic of 9/11) cling to the official Port Arthur version and not necessarily because as Green/ALP voters, they hate guns (but that too) (NB: unless the gun is wielded by a favoured minority or gender questing for Social Justice such as can stand for pre-selection in outer Melbourne and Sydney, but I digress…)
As it is, the Gumshoe discussion above reads like what it is, a discussion among converts.
Being a stickler editor, I knocked off some of the “background” that Mal provided with some of the qq. It is advertised in the title as a bunch of qq. Was not intended by Mal to be a treatise on Port Arthur.
Yes we are preaching to the choir. Good point, Duns Scotus.
Even if we got together the best story we could, with sourced named, we find it had to wish it on the non-converts. (Dee McLachlan and I authored a book Port Arthur, Enough Is Enough.)
Dear Mal, want to submit another shorter article that simply names, say, 8 knock-em-dead discoveries about the case that no citizen can refuse to accept?
Hey, would our convert readers please pick out just one item and record it here? Nothing iffy. It’s got to be a knock-em-dead item.
I’ll begin: Wendy Scurr, who was present at the clean-up of the Broad Arrow Cafe while people were still bleeding, was told by Bugg that she would not be called to testify.
“I’ll begin: Wendy Scurr, who was present at the clean-up of the Broad Arrow Cafe while people were still bleeding, was told by Bugg that she would not be called to testify.
Im sorta old school…
where if someone is accusing someone else of .. say… multiple murder.. then that person should have to prosecute their claim with substantial evidence of guilt..
it should not fall upon the accused to prove their innocence..
as all the “converts” are aware..thanks to articles like this.. there are many unanswered questions regarding Bryants involvement.. due to the total lack of anything of substance that could possibly be used against him, to convict him.
in my unqualified opinion.. Martin Bryant is innocent… case closed!
P.S. Wendy Scurr : brave, heroic, inspirational… awesome. no need to post links to her videos on youtube.. all the converts have already seen them.
“it should not fall upon the accused to prove their innocence..”
This is how administrative processes are run, not true legal processes.
I’ll add #3 from this supplementary list …
“Nelson Brothers in Victoria had special big-job embalming equipment “manufactured ready for the incident.” Why did the government specially order such beforehand? “
(Includes interview with Dr Keith Noble)
Yep, we can just keep talking among ourselves and nothing ever gets resolved. That’s why Dee’s short 10 minute video was so special, it could get the message out there to a broader audience.
If she was ever able to put together a full length movie, like ‘Evil Angels’ did for Lindy Chamberlain, perhaps the greater herd of Australian sheeple might be moved to do something.
tonight–sbs– insight…
This video is a brilliant document.
Dee last night was the 2nd Insight program looking at innocent people imprisoned for life for crimes they did not do.
The fellow in your above video was on the program. Curious how msm are running programs right now 2019–brainwashing us- grooming us-handling us.
Are we all subjects of the very “clever” MKULTRA Computer Programming – all robotically following the script. I am.
Clearly Martin has MPD–he would have been targeted at birth. A top Psychiatrist in Australia says 1 in 100 people in Australia have DID/MPD. The DSM was set up by psychiatry in 1946
This same psychiatrist states that the first case of MPD in Australia was reported in 1953.
The way Martin mentions Hawaii interests me. A huge underground computer facility. Programming Experiments- Bob Hope Bryce Taylor-Snowdon-Assange- Anne Hamilton Byrne—-Martin.
The film Snowdon-explains a lot. Russia of interest.
I reopened this subject for discussion as I have noted new names being added to our comments section. These new people may not be aware of subject matter from the back issues of Gumshoenews.
Yesterday I considered whether I should place a disclaimer in the comments section. Noting that my information was mostly not my investigative work but that of other writers.
The first writer to get my attention of this subject was the now discredited Joe Vialls. Then I followed up with writings of ex-police officer Andrew McGregor, now defunct internet site This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Closed because of regular attacks) gunsmith Stewart Beattie, and Keith Noble compositor of other investigators findings along with his conclusions. My reactions from politicians and public servants also revealed that the official story was a load of crap.
Some time ago I had email correspondence directly with Andrew McGregor, which provided important information, which at that time had not been answered in his works.
I have permission from Andrew to “spread far and wide” the information in regard to the intelligence agents presence at Port Arthur, along with the names of the seven killed by the gunman. However it is an offence to name intelligence agents. How convenient for an organisation involved in criminal action?
what i find frustrating… is that there is no evidence- absolutely nothing, zero, zilch.. SFA! – that could withstand the slightest scrutiny, that could be used in a court trial that would prove Bryants guilt beyond all reasonable doubt.
very frustrating indeed.
“As it is, the Gumshoe discussion above reads like what it is, a discussion among converts.”
converts? converts to what? truth?
more frustration…
no coronal inquest… imagine… !!!!!!
Citing info sources would only benefit those who’ve already reached the point of acknowledging the transparent lies, massive holes & inconsistencies in the official account. Such material would be completely lost on the “sheeple” who, by definition, are those who haven’t got the guts to recognise government hostility when it’s staring them in the face.
But I still think “is Noble quoting from internal police ‘running sheets’ and if so how did he get hold of them?” is a good question, in fact I share the very same “frustration”.
The issue seems to go hand-in-glove with wordiness/ repetition ,the overall effect being that of counterintelligence. Jo Vialls certainly is the worst offender. This extract from page 1 of Andrew McGregor’s “Deceit and Terrorism” is a somewhat more subtle example:
“On the following morning Martin Bryant was arrested naked, after he fled from a fiery Seascape Cottage, unarmed, dressed in black, and with his clothes alight. After he had fled the burning building, he vanished from view for a time, while he removed his burning clothing. This supposed gunman had left his armoury behind, saving himself from becoming another statistic.”
I’ve pinpointed the gaps and excesses as follows
“According to?(Source not cited) at ? a.m. the following day Martin Bryant fled from a fiery Seascape Cottage dressed in black cloths which were alight. .He then disappeared behind a ? for approximately ?, re-emerged naked and was arrested.
According to?(Source not cited) his alleged armoury was later recovered from ruins of the building”
On page 2 of the same write-up McGregor states:
“Andrew and Lyn Simmons heard two shots emanating from Seascape at 10.40 a.m. Douglas McCutcheon another near neighbour heard a series of shots at about the same time”
Is that based on an interview with said individuals ? If not what is the source ?
And why aren’t the two events presented in chronological order? Isn’t that imperative to any investigation?
NB: Neither matter has any bearing on Martin Bryant’s innocence, ditto the alleged ASIO presence
Hey Duns,
I’ll bite too. If this is a echo chamber, what are you doing here? working?
Berry, those items from MacGregor are in the official record. But when he says Martin “left his armoury behind” he is meaning it sarcastically, as in “so who had an armoury?”
Berry, Dee and i want you, and everybody, to criticize us. This stuff is always a work in progress. I take your point about sources.
Yet when I try to ask questions etc, my posts don’t see the light of day?
Maybe Tim wasn’t the real deal after all!
Tim Osman? Please stay on-topic, Commenters. This thread is wonderfully crowded.
Mary, the link to the right vid has been taken down, strangely! its a 4 part vid collection with Ted, the 4th part has been removed with what Ted stated. I’l endevour to find it or another. BTW, your full vid didn’t have Teds statement mentioned, thanks…
Tim Fischer Mary??
Probably that’s it, Diane. i did not know he had passed away. I considered him a good guy. Some Libs have sure disappeared, such as Minchin and Downer.
The girl who passed away was Elizabeth Howard (nee Campbell). Her husband Steven will be down there tomorrow. She and her cousin were trapped behind that door that was nailed up, that I have been on about for the last 20 yrs. All a cover-up.
Thanks, Cherri and Fair. I will take it then that we have 5 knock-em-deaders so far. and are waiting for 3 more, please.
Bugg’s letter to Wendy. [“Stay home, hear?]
Matterson’s letter to Steve. — wrongly overcoming Steven Howard’s complaint that the gift-shop exit door was knowingly put out of service before the massacre (which by the way goes against the Isle of the Dead theory)
[This one is in Fair’s film above at about 3 minutes] : That gunsmith Terry Hill was intimidated in hopes of his giving false information, which he valiantly didn’t give.
(That’s in a letter from Avery, working for the Prosecution!!, which makes for another strike against court rules but I won’t count this in the 8 items, Ok?)
Terry Shulze notes, in his screenplay above, that Martin in the phone call with negotiator McCarthy, predicts that the weapons are scheduled for destruction.
Dee notes, in her film, that Jim Laycock who knew Martin says the shooter he saw ain’t no Bryant boy.
Hurry, Everybody, we’re practically there! Martin is almost out the door. Use only items for which the documented evidence is at hand — as in the above 5, please. I prefer we don’t use indirect evidence such as the fact that the media and the surgeons had conferences that day. You won’t be able to knock non-converts dead that way, in fact it makes them bristle at Conspiracy.
Goody. I can add, as number 6, Fish’s item from above re Nelson. As I said, i don’t want conspiracy stuff but there is documentation in the 1997 seminar papers — which Vanessa Goodwin alerted me to. It was written by Steven Parry (who later became head of senate in Canberra, I think). He said at the seminar that the embalming equipment was prepared in advance. Hence it is documented.
I don’t have the reference on me. I saw it in the Dame Marie Bashir reading room of Sydney public library. They said for $48 dollars i could make the seminar papers an electronically available item for all but after i said OK they said No because of copyright.
We can get the document when needed. Also, Cherri, thank you for plowing thru the Ted Gunderson film. Hope we can find Part 4 of his earlier video (where he is wearing blue blazer and tie).
I just thought of 2 more, but they are negative (something missing) rather than positive (black and white, on paper) so I won’t use them. But for anyone who is also following the Jahar Tsarnaev travesty they are important:
*1. The media has never interviewed the convict — 6 years so far for Jahar and 23 years so far for Bryant. Yet the media often interviews convicts. Heck they even interviewed Charles Manson.
*2. When the media does anniversary memorial of the tragedy, they repeat the same old same old (journalistic recidivism) but never say “And now here are some of the questions that people are still asking…”
You know the Boston Globe did not say “Five years have past and only one Boston girl — who defected to Oz in 1980 — has come up with a book in favor of Jahar’s innocence. And it’s a free download to boot.”
Ted Gunderson speaks!
https://youtu.be/1b-2bczafPo 2hr 12 min onward, ( another copy) found it!
START AT 2hrs 13 min ONWARD!
Established networks
British intelligence will trigger such terrorist events where it has control over the local media, and psychiatric, police, and intelligence networks.
It has this control in Scotland, where a pedophile well known to police murdered 16 five- and six-year-olds and their teacher, in the town of Dunblane on March 13, 1996;
It has this control in the Commonwealth nation of New Zealand, where five such massacres have taken place since 1990; and
It has this control in Australia, to which numerous of Tavistock’s top operatives were deployed right after World War II.
Australia, which has seen a dozen mass murders since the infamous “Hoddle Street massacre” of 1987, has been subjected to particularly intense Tavistockian profiling and manipulation–in part, no doubt, because Australia broke with the British Empire in World War II, and allied with Gen. Douglas MacArthur and America, against Churchill’s plans to cede Australia to the Japanese.
As an island-nation, Australia also offered a “controlled environment” for Tavistock’s experiments; in turn, the most isolated part of Australia, the island-state of Tasmania, off the continent’s southeastern tip, has served as the perfect Tavistock laboratory.
And, Tavistock specifies that, because of the power of the modern mass media, no matter where a terrorist attack takes place, the shock is felt worldwide–it is a “global event.”
Dear Cherri, I was and still am concerned over the load of crap that Channel 9 aired and I can see more holes in that interview than my flour sifter has.
I am going to contribute to his letter. There are still a lot who know nothing out there and I’m afraid that they have been clever in convincing the population of Martys guilt, have a friend in Tassy who has been heavily involved with us now having doubts, couldn’t believe it. Its all about Bryant admitting guilt on that video and laughing. I saw that video a long time ago in the court at the sentencing hearing of Bryant, he did not admit guilt and he did not laugh. It appears that the beginning of this video is what I saw and the rest has been manufactured. There is also a transcript of this interview in the court documents. I intend to take a look at the court transcript again.
However, after saying all that, channel 7 did a wonderful job for us, so easily to prove there lies a job that was very amateurish. Hard to believe. But for anyone who knows nothing of the cover-up, very believable.
So pleased that you have signatures on the petition, hope your website doesn’t get shutdown again. Please stay safe in Tassy, they are criminals down there so watch yourself. Car accidents are their specialty. They’ll know you’re coming. I am watched even now when I go down, they check plane and boats for any naughty people like me.
Bye for now, keep in touch.
Car accidents. In Stewart Beattie’s book (which I interviewed for Gumshoe in 2016), he says a cop named Tony Bennett started to ask questions, as it were, and the next thing you know Tony’s son died in a one-car accident.
Having now re-read my interview, I now offer this as Number Seven. It’s black-and-white on paper, in the Bulletin’s publication of John Avery’s first interview with Martin Bryant in Risdon.
“Bryant: Okay, will there still be a case. I mean will there still be a trial?
Avery: Well, we’ll talk about a trial or what we’re going to do in a moment, right. Now the next thing is do you understand legally why Mr. Gunson can’t act for you anymore?
Bryant: I think because there’s no defence.
Avery: Well, it’s not really that. Let me just explain something to you …Let’s use a simple example. There’s a fight in a pub and someone punches another person and he is charged with assault of that person. If that person goes to a Lawyer and says yes, I punched him but I’m going to go to Court and say I didn’t do it, it puts the Lawyer in a position of conflict because he can’t allow his client to go to Court and lie.
Bryant: Oh yes.
Avery: Right, now David Gunson I gather has found himself in an ethical problem because of what you have told him and what you want to do now, right.”
GGGEEEEEEEZZZZZ. Your defense lawyer tells you you are not allowed to plead innocent.
This is Chip Gene Tatum Chronicles who had control of many countries round the world, including Port Arthur…Ted mentioned Chip in the previous clip 2 hr 12 min
Like wow, man. Also thanks for locating the Gunderson part 4.
More on Fischer Howard all the Queens men.
Gun laws will be Tim Fischer’s legacy
The late Tim Fischer was a key proponent of overhauling Australia’s gun laws in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre.
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius IX (Holy See) 2012
Yes Diane the Vatican is behind disarming the public as well as the evil Zionist along with the Freemasons which is merely a front of the Jesuits
At last, a story I can agree too ladies.
Thank you for bringing this to everyones attention.
There are so many things I could say about this but i’ll leave it at that..
I believe that Martin Bryant is innocent, but a couple of your original posts are wrong. I won’t go into them here as I doubt this will even make the page…
You can look up Benjamin Overbeekes Facebook page, I believe he had something to do with it along side his sons, one of which has allegedly commited suicide since the massacre.
Another strange thing, the shooter in New Zealand recently is the splitting image of the Overbeeke sons, cousin maybe?
I meant Hans Overbeeke, Benjamin was his son!
“Civil Wars happen when the victimized are armed. Genocide happens when they are not” – A.E. Samann
The massacre was the easy part. The premeditated preparation, the massive cover-up by all of the main stream prostitute media and press and no trial by the corrupt BAR system so no police could testify says it all. No Cold case investigative research just o make sure the lid is kept on the crimes of all those above and of course the killer.
December 23, 2015 at 8:39 am
It reminds me of the black ops of the Hilton bombing by Special branch who were later disbanded. They tried to blame it on Tim Anderson and the Ananda Marga sect but finally after Tim Anderson was found not guilty and the evidence lead to
Their spying had a collection of 60,000 secret index cards on organisations and individuals including politicians, judges and journalists. The Police Integrity Commission report tabled yesterday found Special Branch was “virtually unaccountable.”The examination of a cabinet in the Special Branch records room revealed firearms, weapons and detonators – some of which had been there for eight years and which the group’s commander admitted to having no knowledge about. The retention of “dirt files” on MPs, significantly increased the risk of “blackmail or extortion” through leaks, the report found.
Between 1939 and 1997, Special Branch also established an additional 10,324 in-depth files however, all but 1079 had been destroyed & emdash; the report found their destruction might have been illegal. [my emphasis: this means the truth about the Hilton Bombing may never be know and shows they had a lot to hide.]
Labeling Special Branch a “law unto itself”, Police Minister Paul Whelan vowed yesterday to ensure as many people as possible had access to their files.
Terry Griffith, one of the policemen injured by the Hilton Hotel bombing, believes ASIO (Australia’s national secret service organisation) and the NSW Special Branch did the bombing. The information he has gathered suggests strongly that they arranged for the bomb to be planted and then to find it in front of the Australian and world media. This tactic would have halted strong public demands to close down Special Branch and reduce ASIO’s security powers. However, due to an apparent timing mishap, the garbage men arrived to empty the bin before the bomb squad, and it exploded in the garbage truck. The Security Forces then pinned the crime on Ananda Marga to cover their mistake.
At the Hilton bombing inquest Griffith alleged that the private secretary of an unnamed Australian senator told him that he had spoken to an ASIO agent who had said ASIO were involved in the bombing. He said an army bomb disposal vehicle was waiting in the city at the time of the explosion (12.40 am) and Special Branch were observing the hotel from nearby, as part of a prearranged action.
Griffith also gave evidence suggesting that even the then Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Fraser, may have known about the bungled attempt.
He also said that a man called William Reeve-Parker had told him that an army officer had admitted planting the bomb by switching rubbish bins 24 hours earlier. A statutory declaration by Reeve-Parker was shown at the Hilton bombing Coroner’s inquest.
I have been involved in the Edward split case, the Perry poison woman case and I was the state representative especially chosen by Betty Hocking in the Legislative Council in Canberra to bring attention to the Lindy Chamberlain case. All were a serious miscarriage off justice and all found innocent. I was also the state president in South Australia for the Vietnam Veterans Royal Commission into Chemical Defoliates Agent Orange where I researched, collected evidence and presented the evidence to the Royal Commission in South Australia.
The Bryant Martin case is clearly another government black ops and the purpose was to disarm Australia. It is obvious it was and is a conspiracy by the government and its agencies and outside forces. This poor soul was selected, used and blamed without a trial. The so-called mainstream press and media were and are still complicit in this conspiracy and tragedy to Bryant Martin and Australia at large. It must be uncovered at all costs.
MASS MURDER OFFICIAL KILLING in Tasmania, Australia WARNING Residents & Tourists Imprisonment in Australia With NO Trial
Now we know why the false flag was carried out in Tasmania. Tasmania would not go along with the gun control. So the Feds sent them a message.
Does anyone know anything about this sub or is that a distraction?
The Port Arthur Massacre – A Mossad Operation
MrBeatle1963 3 years ago
Those that served at the regiment know the truth. Many still have to hide what they know and face the lies. The SAS was not involved but know the real truth. Try looking and checking US naval sub records!!! A US sub sailed out 45 mins after the shooting.
The Port Arthur Massacre – Was Martin Bryant Framed? – Extracted from Nexus Magazine Between June & November 2006
The following indicates that Andrew spoke at Trevallyn, Tasmania in 2007 on –
The Port Arthur Massacre, and its connections with the London Bombings.
On Wednesday 26 September Mr Andrew MacGregor will present a common sense view of the latest World Terrorist attacks that occurred in London and Glasgow two days after Gordon Brown became the British Prime Minister. He will also discuss the Tasmanian connection to these incidents. It will be alleged that several important bureaucrats some of who are still active in public life, were involved in the planning and execution of the Port Arthur massacre.
Mr MacGregor has had 17 years experience in the Victoria Police Force and has studied Witness Reports, Court Documents,Police Reports and Media Reports.
Churchill knew the truth of what he was saying,
“When people find out who really controls this world, and after they pick themselves up and dust themselves off, they carry on as if nothing happened”,
because he himself was personally ‘dusted off’, ‘to carry on as if nothing happened’ – on account that Churchill, it appears, was an alcoholic, a spendaholic, and “financially ruined”, so that for the purpose of “saving his political career” in order to use him later on. the wealthy Jewish/Zionist Bernard Baruch actually bailed him out, directly out of his own pocket.
Headline from Gefen Publishing (Israel)/ May, 8, 2012:
“The Jew Who Saved Winston Churchill’s Political Career”
By M.S.King,The Bad War. p99
It seems the derogatory term, human resources, makes people into useful means to an end.
And this is what these PA evidences are really showing up…no life is precious to the users of this world! What an eye-opener this event is!
Getting back to Melbourne, fake court cases etc. there is an inquest scheduled at the Coroners Court 18/12 2019, into the 6 people killed, and many others injured at about lunch hour in Bourke St.
I challenge anyone to find CCTV, or personal video or photographic evidence that anyone was killed or injured.
We need sceptical people to attend the ‘inquest’.
Sorry, the inquest into the 6 people that didn’t die is on 18/11 2019
You can clearly see in the video the media has put out people getting hit by this monsters car!!
Back to Bourke St. Deni says “You can clearly see in the video that the media put out people getting hit by this monsters car”
The only footage I have seen that ‘the media put out’ is in Swanston St., and nobody was hit. Despite scores of CCTV cameras in Bourke St. and thousands of camera carrying pedestrians, there is no REAL evidence that the whole event was not a HOAX.
This comment Mary/Dee:
“What happened to Benjamin Overbeeke, accused by some of being the real gunman?”
Benjamin is dead, allegedly commited suicide?
Warren Overbeeke is still alive as far as I know!
From day one I thought He was innocent and that Port Arthur was a federal government wet ops that was carried out with local and state level collusion as there were far to many things that at least were near ompossible at least and at worst a bunch of scripted lies that led to the cover up of the government sanctioned mass murder to disarm the everyday Australian. Remember Hitler , he disarmed the public then took over and took the world to war, look further back and similar has taken place. Australians were duped by lil johnnie coward to get his own way on the back of a human tragedy of the government’s making.