Kids Going Crazy in the Silenced Hell of Family Law

corruptionSo much has been spoken, written, filmed and broadcast about the mental health of men, youth, asylum seekers and others. But there is a deafening silence about what’s happening to children caught up in the damaging and cruel Family Law system.

In Mental Health month 2011, Justice for Children Australia calls upon all governments to work together to protect all children, especially those silenced by the suppression orders in effect under Family Law. Family court decisions are placing children in serious jeopardy. They have to live in situations where they are subject to emotional, psychological and often physical and sexual abuse. After court rulings, they can be cruelly separated from their accustomed parent, home and extended family, without any preparation and may be forbidden to see the person who has been their primary carer (and who has not committed or even been accused of, any crime) or only allowed contact under extremely restricted circumstances.

Many children are forbidden to receive counselling or access to medical services By Order of the Court. This is a violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – to which Australia is a signatory. It is child abuse.

Can you imagine the effect on a child of continual grief and loss? Being separated at the age of four or younger from their protective parent and made to live in an abusive home where they don’t want to be? Some children can never spontaneously contact the parent they love. Not by phone, letter, email, or any other means. They can’t send or receive birthday cards.

The Commonwealth Government must urgently hold a Royal Commission into Family Law. This Commission must have investigative and coercive powers. Children are at risk all over this country and it is surely the duty of the law to protect the vulnerable and not – as the family law system too often does – deliberately expose them to harm.

Justice for Children calls on everyone who cares about children to speak out now.

Ariel Marguin 02 9326 2960
Justice for Children Australia Inc
P O BOX 4042 Maroubra South NSW 2035
Inc 9895470 NSW
ABN 91 969 024 343
NSW Charitable Fundraising Authority CFN/22059


+1 #1 MemKate-RealJus tice.MemKate 2011-12-06 11:02
A new civil rights organisation, .au, is taking the matter of widespread child abuse at all levels of Australian government to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Australia is in clear breach of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights.
RealJustice has legal knowledge to be able to do this, as well as the legal justification under the Australian Constitution. All legal avenues have now been exhausted: two High Court judges has refused to hear Constitutional writs which would require them to sack Family Court judges - yet they cannot refuse to hear this matter under s 75(v) of our Constitution! We need to get this matter out to the people. Read our website for more information: we will FORCE Australia to abide by its obligations under the UN Conventions! We WILL rescue the children and get reparations for those damaged.
Posted by MemKate, contact

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