
Parents whose rights were terminated can now petition courts: Champion/Moran bill restores parental rights

Walz-Moran[Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed into law legislation allowing the reestablishment of the parent/child relationship. At left, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and Sen. Bobby Champion, at right, Rep. Rena Moran and Sen. Jeff Hayden.]

Gov. Tim Walz signed into law HF 554, a bill authored by Rep. Rena Moran (DFL – St. Paul), that allows parents who had previously had their parental rights terminated for non-egregious harm to directly seek reestablishment of these rights from the courts.

Currently, only a county attorney can make this petition.

“Whenever we’re able to, we should keep families together and our children deserve to be protected, loved, and nurtured. When they can stay in their community with their parents, this gives them the best outlook in life,” Moran said. “We know all too well that our child welfare system doesn’t seem to always have the best interest of the child in mind, and that’s why it’s important for us to keep working to improve it. Every child deserves a strong future and I thank Governor Walz for signing this important bill into law.”

The House approved the measure by a vote of 130-0 on April 4, and the Senate followed on April 29 with a vote of 66-0 and the governor signed it into law May 6.

Under the bill, petitions for reinstatement of parental rights would only be allowed in cases in which the rights were terminated for non-egregious harm, such as chemical dependency or mental illness, and not for physical, sexual, or psychological abuse.

Studies have shown when children, especially African-American children, remain in the foster system, they face poorer life outcomes than those who remain with their biological families. These include lower lifetime employment rates, a greater chance of experience with the criminal justice system, and higher rates of mental illness and addiction.

The legislation requires the parent to clearly demonstrate the steps they’ve taken to address the underlying issue which led to the termination of rights in the first place, and a judge would make the final decision.


Yes I would love the steps also! And for my sister !! My niece was taken from dyfs and they took my sisters rights and lying about reunification with my niece having her do whatever they asked of her and they still adopted out my niece ! Please if this is legit I would love more information!

Joseph Brown 

3 of my children were taken away in 2015. I fought appeal after appeal in court and they terminated my rights. Prior to the termination of my rights I had visits at the court house with cameras and they humiliated me and had a foster family picked out to adopt them. My children were more traumatized by c.p.s. and foster family would come in after visits pulling my children away kicking and screaming!! It was due to me and their Mothers chemical dependency. It was fair to have taken my kids for a little bit but not forever!! Please help!! Somebody reach out to me. 7632049311 Joe Tyler Brown fb


I would love to have more information about how to go about this in Kentucky. I’ve been fighting to have this state invested for 6 years now since my granddaughter was taken, put in a foster placement with a couple who snapped her femur bone causing my baby to be in a body cast for weeks. She was 15 months old. The state never took my granddaughter out of the home to investigate the situation nor was my granddaughter given the chance to come back home. They refused our entire family. We have family working in Homeland security that also was turned away. I have enough paperwork & evidence to get my granddaughter back but if you happen to be dealing with corruption in a county, there is not enough money in the world to get our babies back. Please help me figure out what avenue to go down in order to help bring our baby Jordyn home. This corruption needs to stop. Our babies are not for sale for the States profit and this is a serious crisis area all over this country. Please help educate me on how I can get this started.


How can we get Iowa to do the same?



I think You can petition the same court that took Your kids?
I guess that sounds like a winning scenario. More bs.
The people have a right to petition the government with Their grievances. And to receive a hearing and a solution.
I am not sure this is quite enough rope for Us to hang onto but at least Minnesota is taking a progressive step.


I would like to the steps to take to bring my kids home please


I want to know the step also..


I need to know what steps I need to take to appeal to get my children home


I'm wondering the same thing

Source : https://www.insightnews.com/news/parents-whose-rights-were-terminated-can-now-petition-courts-champion-moran-bill-restores-parental-rights/article_536d3b6e-75fd-11e9-8cbc-ffb466b2d03b.html?utm_medium=social

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