Centacare Library

altThis section is for reference material on Centacare.  You may find some interesting reading regarding their goals and how they totally conflict with what they actually do.  Centacare's budget is based on fostering children out for 18 years.  Do you realise this means from the moment they leave their mothers womb until adulthood?  I'm quite sure some of you are aware that this IS child trafficking.

Are you also aware that the fact that they base their budget on such assumptions (literally) means they quite often demand to have children with no more than 6 family visits per year?  To the average joe this may not mean much, but what it ideally means is that CatholicCare and other such agencies have no interest in helping send your children home,  let alone advocate for childrens rights and the poorly disadvantaged.  Helping keep families intact goes completely against, and creates a major conflict of interest, on how they intend on keeping themselves in business.

We have one case listed on our books where DOCs NSW stole the children, lied to the NSW magistrate stating there was no maternal family available to keep the children and then carved them up and farmed them out to 3 different child trafficking organisations.  Centacare being one of them.  Three years down the track and very aware of the situation both Centacare and DOCs heirarchy will not return the children. 

Family members have been assessed by Australian DOCs Assessors as being more than competent to care for the children, yet they will not send those children home.

Since creating waves, Catholiccare has restricted sibling visits even more.  These 5 children have been at most only allowed to see each other 5 times a year, that being their birthdays.


How disgusting for an organisation that claims the below stated material: 


Centacare, the official welfare agency of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, strives to provide high quality
services that promote a just society and encourage individual growth and community.  We aim to:

• Provide a range of professional welfare services within our resources to individuals, families and groups
• Advocate for families and individuals who suffer injustice or disadvantage
• Respond within our resources to the needs of local communities, particularly those who are marginalised
• Undertake research and analysis into agency practice and into the social condition of people in the diocese
• Articulate and promote Catholic Social Teaching
• Facilitate collaborative networks with stakeholders
• Advise the Bishop and diocesan organisations on matters of social policy and practice

Source : http://alecomm.com/attachments/036_centacare_annual_report_0506.pdf


+4 #3 RE: Centacare LibraryGuest 2010-10-11 12:42
Mary Mackillop was banished by the Catholic Church due to uncovering and EXPOSING the SEXUAL ABUSE of CHILDREN.

BROKEN RIGHTS are demanding Mary MacKillop becomes the saint for CHURCH ABUSE VICTIMS.

Not a day goes by where a Catholic Preist is not in the headlines for SEXUALLY ABUSING innocent children.

WHY IS OUR GOVERNMENT STILL HANDING INNOCENT CHILDREN OVER TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH for profit re: Centrecare/Cath oliccare when all the Catholic Church has ever done is COVER UP the serious SEXUAL ABUSES of CHILDREN

The Catholic Church are a pack of hypocrits ..nil transpaency .
#2 Guest 2010-10-11 12:42
Mary Mackillop was banished by the Catholic Church due to uncovering and EXPOSING the SEXUAL ABUSE of CHILDREN.

BROKEN RIGHTS are demanding Mary MacKillop becomes the saint for CHURCH ABUSE VICTIMS.

Not a day goes by where a Catholic Preist is not in the headlines for SEXUALLY ABUSING innocent children.

WHY IS OUR GOVERNMENT STILL HANDING INNOCENT CHILDREN OVER TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH for profit re: Centrecare/Cath oliccare when all the Catholic Church has ever done is COVER UP the serious SEXUAL ABUSES of CHILDREN

The Catholic Church are a pack of hypocrits ..nil transpaency .
#1 Guest 2010-10-11 12:42
Mary Mackillop was banished by the Catholic Church due to uncovering and EXPOSING the SEXUAL ABUSE of CHILDREN.

BROKEN RIGHTS are demanding Mary MacKillop becomes the saint for CHURCH ABUSE VICTIMS.

Not a day goes by where a Catholic Preist is not in the headlines for SEXUALLY ABUSING innocent children.

WHY IS OUR GOVERNMENT STILL HANDING INNOCENT CHILDREN OVER TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH for profit re: Centrecare/Cath oliccare when all the Catholic Church has ever done is COVER UP the serious SEXUAL ABUSES of CHILDREN

The Catholic Church are a pack of hypocrits ..nil transpaency .

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