Solicitor of the Year Award Goes To ...

Stephen Marks Solicitors at Gorokan NSW.  I have never heard so many complaints about one solicitor in the past month as I have about this solicitor.  Generally these guys work for DOCs and are usually hired as the Child Representative in which they sit in the court, freely omit information that is positive towards the parents, and fail to disclose any information showing DOCs on their power tripping control stint bound to destroy families and wreck the lives of innocent children and mothers in the process.

altDon't be fooled guys, they are DOCs through and through.  For those of you whom have hired Stephen Marks and been so utterly disappointed in the work of a legal person, we at Alecomm apologise for not being able to get to you sooner.  For those of you whom have complaints already in at the NSW Law Society good on you, and for those of you whom are just finding out how this organisation operates, don't forget to put in your complaint as soon as possible.

Stephen Marks, shame on you.  Your job as a child representative is to represent the child, not the child traffickers at DOCs whom have created a pandemic of stolen babies straight out of Gosford and Wyong Hospital into a cold heartless crib where they are then told they cannot have their mother for the next eighteen years.  How cruel and disgusting that these tyrants be able to use and manipulate the law and take full advantage of the vulnerable and needy.

How can it be determined that a mother cannot look after her baby when she hasn't even been afforded the opportunity to prove DOCs right.

And how dare you Stephen Marks just sit by and use these children as your own personal cash cows.

For the families of the stolen babies whom Stephen Marks has not even sent one single affidavit of DOCs from, nor any paperwork at all, behold, you are not alone.  This page is dedicated to you today and we request all other families whom have complaints about this solicitor come forward as soon as possible so the complaints already in at the NSW Law Society can have your complaints attached to it as well.  Buddy, You make a hyena look like a god in the animal kingdom.

and PS :  For those of you whom haven't seen Mr Marks in action, wow!  it is really a site to be seen - he has a habit of falling asleep on the job on the bench during a "boring" ... Mr Marks if controlling the life of innocent children and families is boring to you, so much that you fall asleep, we, the public beg you, as a majority child rep on the coast, to piss off and get a job that you're interested in and stop destroying the lives of those whom you find boring.!!!!!  (Don't bother with the defamation claim there are at least three witnesses to the incident).  Mr Marks also has a habit of not even appearing as the child representative in District Court matters ...  i guess that is too boring for him too.


#1 brothers we need to combineGuest 2011-12-02 00:38
im here army on ya tail i got a lot you guys need not sounding pmpus and i need your organisations

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