"Patricia Hansen deliberately screwing former clients cases [again]"

arsehole sml 2fd04Social worker turned lawyer, Patricia Hansen is at it again. 

Some time ago we reported that she was refusing to return clients files, unless they signed off on legal aid entitlements that she was not entitled to.

Well it seems that even when she returns files, she makes a habit of not returning them all.  This time she has keep exculpatory evidence that is damning to the department, and refusing to give it to her former client until after the final hearing.

She has stated that the documents are in storage [where the other files are] and that she has "no intention" of providing the client with those documents until after the clients final orders. 

Patricia Hansen is one extremely nasty solicitor, not only does she do all the hard yards for the department, she then continues to screw her former clients by refusing to hand back their legal paperwork.

It's about time NSW Legal Aid pulled it's finger out of its arse, and started sacking those solicitors who deliberately damage clients cases because of thier malicious intent.  We'd like to say that it is the job of the NSW Office of Legal Services, but they are funded by these lawyers and have absolutely no intention of holding them to account - and neither does the NSW Law Society.

Regardless of the fact that any solicitor working for Legal Aid or for the NSW Department of Community Services, is classified as employed by the government, and has many legal and ethical obligations - no party wants to upset their buddies by enforcing these laws, or any other ones that people like this woman continue to flagrantly break each and everyday they are receiving their millions of dollars of government slush fund money that is supposed to be being spent on keeping families together, and protecting children.

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