Democracy defined : regarding Australians and their constitutional protections

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 All the natural liberty, rights and equal justice of the civilised, definitively democratic society and the cherished heritage of "Australia, the lucky country," are available immediately once again when the People RESTORE and uphold their Constitution and its Constitutional Trial by Jury Justice System.

Yet you, alas, in order to persuade people that there is a basis for your fictions, adopt and support the Illegality of the Status Quo; you genuflect to the judges and legislators who spurn the Constitution with their illegitimate usurpations. Instead of justified vehement opposition, you shamefully accept the inadmissible "authority" of de facto corrupt criminals posing as 'judges': "the laws of colonial legislatures were tested against the Laws of England, by the relevant Supreme Courts Justices." You thereby contribute to the overthrow of Australian democracy.

The treacherous activity of gainsaying the Constitutional modus vivendi is a potentially fatal malignance which is currently vitiating the well-being of the entire populace. Whether from ignorance or by design, when individuals undermine the established legal, moral and philosophical supremacy of the secular Common Law Constitution governing us, they aid the malicious criminal intent of despots who seek impunity to overthrow the just Rule of Law which binds all men and women, and governs government.

Any person's participation in anti-Constitutional miseducation abets the downfall of the people's beneficent inherited Culture and compassionate Civilisation founded in Democracy's concomitant attributes of Human Liberty and Justice. Visibly foremost amongst the felons involved in the activities described, are politicians and judiciary. These latter are culpable willing servitors of the more discreet supra-national clique of private bankers of the new world order; the one world government dictatorship answerable to no one. The NWO operates through the privately owned-and-controlled Central Banks, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund supervising the United Nations Organisation treaties made binding upon populations by criminal national government politicians' collusive, illegitimate enactments.

Always bear in mind that the acts of legislatures and the decisions of courts can NEVER alter, amend or supersede in any respect the strictures of The Constitution. The rulings of courts and legislatures are not binding on a Jury. The Jury decides the law.

If, by illegal acts of tyranny, government oppresses members of the public, the appropriate response is to invoke the existing Constitution; to do all you can to educate the population; and elicit popular support. It is the act of a dishonest opportunist instead to endorse the fallacious and iniquitous government pontifications in order to try to gather support for your personal 'program'.

Likewise, debate on whether or not Britain has fully and finally devolved the legislative function of government to parliament in Canberra and/or the localised legislatures is irrelevant speculation. These issues give NO basis for, nor direction to, postulations about Constitutional matters.

Put another way: You must be aware that is one of the prime tenets of a genuine Constitution that judges and politicians are legally incompetent to interfere in the Constitution. All such matters require the participation of the adult population en masse. So, in the constitutional context, you find yourself going up a blind alley when you start quoting and debating "laws" passed by parliaments and "rulings" of courts. Legally, these cannot impinge upon or in any way affect the Constitution.

[(i) From the justice, experience and wisdom of our finest forebears, under the timeless pan-European Legem Terræ and our exemplary Common Law Constitution, it is intentionally non-government men and women who decide all law and constitutional issues within the Trial by Jury. Common law specificially excludes from Juries those who frame, make and enact legislation; see TRIAL BY JURY ISBN 9781902848723.

That is, governments retain the legislative function but not the judicial. Governments never admit their legislation could be unjust or oppressive: for this reason, the Constitution excludes government personnel from judging on the merit or otherwise of laws, conveying this judicial function and authority upon the people in Trial by Jury, to judge and if necessary to annul legislation and its prosecution.

(ii) Viz. Article 24 amongst others: The judiciary is an arm of government and for this reason (and others), the Constitution explicitly renders the convenors of courts (nowadays misnamed 'judges') legally impotent, and prohibited from deciding constitutional issues; and from intervening in Jurors' decisions over the law in due process, Trial by Jury.

Completely to the contrary of Gerrit's misleading opinion, the 'rulings' and 'interpretations' of the Justices (judges) of the High Court or any other judge are NEVER binding on the People. This is exclusively for the Jury to decide as convened in the Common Law Trial by Jury. Under the Constitution, the people responsibly control the government through the Trial by Jury, not the other way around. The people rule. This is definitive democracy.

(iii) There would be NO utility or justice in having a Constitution with its Constitutional Trial by Jury "to control and guide government" -- or any new constitution or 'Compact', or Gerrit's 'office of the guardian' -- if judges had final power to decide over constitutional issues and the law ! The whole point of the Constitution is that judicial Power is devolved to the people.

It remains a universal eternal criterion of justice recognised by our Constitution that: the validity and justice of laws and all acts of their enforcement require to be judged not by those who make and enforce the laws (government), but by those who voluntarily agree to abide by the laws (all the adult citizens).  (Source : DEMOCRACY DEFINED ISBN 9781902848228).

Yet, Doug, you and Gerrit both abet the statists' crime by submitting meekly to the 'decisions' of corrupt judges who, for whatever motive, spurn the Constitution and overturn the just Rule of Law; e.g. Gerrit frequently opines along the lines that, "...the High Court of Australia in its own right determine the matter."

Gerrit's 'guardian' proposal is not only naïve and wrong, but it is also manifestly anti-constitutional. It removes the supreme decision from the People to decide their laws and liberties for themselves in Trial by Jury, and he invests importance in an 'official', a new bureaucracy and one permanently vulnerable to bribery, carnality, intimidation, and becoming a despotic government poodle, like the current judiciary.

As shown, there is no 'basis' for your illusory suppositions -- and no need whatever for your homespun 'Compact'. Yet, in order to persuade people to your unfounded viewpoint you adopt the politicians' mendacity and quote the judiciary's void rulings which are the very embodiment of the Illegality of the Status Quo. Amongst the other flawed, shameful opinions in your e-mail and 'compact', you say:

"the laws ... were tested ... by the Supreme Courts Justice(s);"

"the Constitution is a neutral document;"

"the legislatures are supreme"  

In vain, you try to lend substance to your misconstrued ideas in the hope that credibility will accrue to your wildly apocryphal and de facto, treasonous, writings. By quoting their putrid pronouncements as if they are of some consequence -- instead of deriding them for the transparent subterfuge that they are -- you spread and give undeserved 'credit' to the lies of the government crooks and felons who are destroying our way of life.

[If the authentic Constitutional Trial by Jury were restored and functioning, there would be: no political prisoners; no innocent people in jail; no privately-owned banks involved in the issuance of national currency and credit; no interest on the same; no fictitious ‘National Debt’; no private-bank Fractional Reserve Lending (fraud); no common law Crime of Usury (money-lending-at-interest); and no involvement in illegal Wars of Aggression. (Just for starters.) 

It would be far preferable if you [both] invested time into learning the basis of, and spreading the information about, the Universality of the timeless, eternal Secular Natural Law from which Common Law derives; and by which humankind shall achieve RESTORATION and UNIVERSAL ADOPTION of the nonpareil Constitution: The Constitutional Common Law Trial by Jury Justice System.

Only then do worldwide elimination of tyrannies and the Crimes against Peace and Humanity by politicians and governments, and permanent relative peace on Earth become feasible.

Yours sincerely,
Kenn d'Oudney.

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