Justice Collier | parramatta family court | parramatta | nsw | Tottally biased from beginning assumed mother was lying. refused to look at evidence of sexual abuse by father. helped the father when asked if he had firearms the judge said the fathers was confused. wasn't lying Father has firemans history of lying allowed supervised by mother and girlfriend and child was sexuall y abused again judge said mother was making up even thou child had swollen vagina was senn by doctor straight after visit. Child now lives with Father and doesn't see mother |
Justice Collier | Parramatta Family Court | Parramatta | NSW | Biased against women CORRUPT Solictors pay him for outcome. Works for fathers rights Groups |
Rod Powe | Slater & Gordon | Maitland | NSW | Told me if I had $100,000, he would win case for me.Of course I didnt have that type of money, (does anyone?) so he didnt bother to make an effort in the case and just made things worse for me for future court appearances. |
Eleanor Canning | Legal Aid-Couldn't get payed work | Parramatta | NSW | Has no thoughts at all for the best interests of the children and hates parents. She is purely a FACS puppet agreeing with whatever they say . This woman has found her little government funded niche and will continue to milk it no matter how much misery her input. brings to the unfortunate young children she's supposed to be representing. |
Stephen Marks | Stephen Marks Solicitors | Gorokan NSW | NSW | We ar Grandparents paying for a service and found out through DOCs that he was no longer allowed to prectice law. He did not send us any corraspondence return our calls or turn up in court. I beleave oure case has been prejadice because of hi incopetance and our grandchildren will suffer. |
Sharona Frid | Frid and Associates | | | She says different and does different to what she is meant to as per family law system.She tells you,your support worker,legal aid and legal commission different to what occurs.She is then protected by legal aid and legal services commission from what she does.These organisations abuse their power,answer what they want,the way they want when they want to.You can write to them again and again stating that they did not answer the questions you raised agaist the evidence you provided.They just claim what they want to claim and you look like the idiot. |
Susan G | Sue Magregors | St Kilda | Victoria | Lazy and useless.Empty vessel.Just makes sure she drains your legal aid funds.Claim to have done things but dozen.She has a history of clients asking her not to represent them for similar reasons but once again legal aid and legal commission find excuses for everything they do.To my opinion ,they are encouraging such hopless lawyers to make money from the government doing hardly anything.She is not reliable or honest.Legal aid and legal commission are aware of it but do nothing and continue funding them although they have rceive complaints of similar nature again n again |
Thomas Flitner | Flitner and Associates | Greensborough | Victoria | Gets his paralegal to do most of his work ,which include preparing affidats.Money hungry.He bills clients ridiculous amounts for doing unnecessary work that's not relavent to case.Misleads client .Very shifty and convincing.Dont be fooled,especially when it come to family law.No clue to what they require to do as lawyers in the best interest of children.Looks are deceiving.Should enter the list of abusive lawyers.spineless.he is a man who commits a crime and plays the victim.! |
Danielle Webb | Own firm in brunswick | Brunswick | VICTORIA | She hardly does anything required in the best interest of children.She is a bully who potrays herself to be speaking the truth when everything she states to the court is based on assumption/false allegations and not the truth.She feed the family report writer Delma d'silva with view that are not based on evidence.The family report writer than writes a very negative report to court that not based on facts or evidence.The family report writer's report is used for judgement cause the ICL who is paied does not file any documents that verify every false allegation on the mother..She hire's a barrister for court who has over 20n yrs experience.The barrister speaks from what she hears and not the information available in subpoena notes .That is a very cowardly way of facing the reality of truth.Unfortunately,the court relies on these people to make judgements.These people actually encourage perpatrators from continuing what they best do,The ICL put both the children and mother through futhur abuse.The ICL contributes to the abuse for her selfish reasons and obvious ego that becomes more important than the children.This ICL is a good example of how Good parents who are doing the right thing loose their children because they cant afford a lawyer because the ICL is too lazy and see saving her pride that she made allegation and assumptions that are wrong over the truth that's evidence based.She rather seperate children from their parent who's being responsible to a parent who is not just cause she has a personal issue with the mother over reporting her tho legal services commission repeatedly.Legal Services as usual stated what they claim to be the truth,the evidence they claim to have and that the lawyer did nothing wrong..I dont even know why the court and government waste their funds paying such unreliable ICL' and family report writer.These people abuse their power ,knowing that what they say is believed over yours cause they work for the court.If you dont have a lawyer get one cause she will bully you quietly.If you have one,get the print out and what is required to be done by a ICL and ensure you follow it up closely.Cause all their lazy work and neglegance becomes your fault.If you dont have a lawyer,she will say things you didnt say.She will say nasty things to you when you are alone and deny it.Making you to seem like the one who is making up stories.Go to women's legal service and get a list of lawyers they recommend strongly.Cause if you get some lazy lawyer,the lawyer who represents you will believe what she says over actually viewing the actual truth that is available from Subpoena notes that are directly from the people the refer to.Pls remember that Child Protections notes,even if subpoenaed are assumptions and allegation.They are not the actual evidence and CP will never write in the actual truth as they view their image of judgement as being more important than the truth.I have been a victim of it for over 2 yrs ,where repeated negative allegations and assumptions have been written about me.Be careful as what the ICL states is what CP believes over the actual subpoenaed evidence.The ICL works independantly for our children.Immaterial of if parents file documents or not,well the icl has to provide the information that supports her view to court based on evidence in the children's best interest.Dont expect this from her.Its makes you wonder what people like this gain from abusing their power and being so unprofessional |
Brian Samuel | Brian Samuel & Associates | North Narrabeen | NSW | Arrogant, rude, obnoxious interpersonally. No interest in representing my best interest - no advice. No explanation. No strategy. Waste of time. Money seemed to be motivating factor. Only plus side was he did respond quickly but his responses were in the main not helpful |
John Longworth | Dettmann $ Dettmann | Chatswood | NSW | This guy has truely two faces and is very dangerous, in my opinion. Has represented 2 sociopathic men in separate cases in avoiding their financial responsibility and in the process re-abusing and re-traumatising their ex partners plus children. He uses all the tactics that replicate emotional and psychological abuse and is ruthless and does not seem to be interested in negotiating a sensible and fair settlement. This is despite his public profile where he represents himself as caring. Last I looked he was President of Relationships Australia - - God help them and anybody who uses them. |
John Longworth | Dettmann & Dettmann | Chatswood | NSW | This is a very bad man in my opinion. He has represented 2 different fathers in two different cases to evade their financial responsibility and in the process has re-abused and re-traumatised the ex and children. He does not seem interested in fair and equitable settlements that are in the ebst interest of the children and ex. The sociopathic men seem to find him to represent them. He has two faces - the public one represents that "he cares" eg last time I looked he was President of Relationships Australia - God help them and anyone who uses them. In private when dealing with him as the opposition lawyer, he enables reabuse, is punishing and ruthless winning "at any cost" ie the ex and children bear the cost and long-term injuries. He is out to not just win but destroy. |
John Longworth | Dettmann & Dettmann | Chatswood | NSW | This is a very bad man in my opinion – a man of two personalities. Publicly it seems “he cares” and last I looked is President of Relationships Australia. God help them and anyone who uses them. Privately when on the receiving end of his ruthless and shameless tactics, he is out to not only win at any cost but to destroy the opposition as well. The sociopathic men seem to find him to represent them and aid them evade their financial responsibility towards the ex and children. He has represented 2 different fathers in different financial settlements. He and his tactics replicate and enable psychological and emotional male violence that leave the ex and children re-abused, and bearing the injuries of legal abuse plus PTSD. Ruthless and punishing beyond any reasonable norms of ethical behaviour and seemingly operating without conscience. |
John Allanson | John Allanson & Associates | Mona Vale | NSW | This sleezy creep is a crook and should be avoided |
John Longworth | Dettmann Longworth | Chatswood | NSW | I agree. Longworth can act for sociopaths because he is one. He has little man syndrome and is a bully. |
Ross Clake | Ross A Clake & Associates | Sydney | NSW | Just a pig of a man |
Trevor Drake | Trevor Drake and Associates | Newcastle | NSW | Dropped his client the day prior to their Appeal hearing in Children's Court because they refused to pay over $20k up front |
Heidi Muttgaler | unsure | attends Parramatta Childrens Court | NSW | unkept, doesnt understand process at court, wants to adjourn continually, not in the best interests of the children. |
Kate Rafton | Rafton Family Lawyers | Parramatta, Windsor | NSW | Advertises on her website that she will represent families against DOCS, but she is their lawyer for the DIrector General. Very biased against myself and my family and in another case I have had dealings with is very supportive. Sheeps dressed in leopard clothing |