Kylie HENRY | DOCS | TOOWOOMBA | QLD | | DUE TO UNTRUE AND DEFAMATORY statements made in her Court Affidavit; the mother has suffered EMOTIONAL DETRIMENT; SLANDER AND DEFAMATION. Come on DOCS - The court process is NOT about who is the best liars (as obviously you all are) but about the TRUTH so that the court can make an informed decision; not a decision based on your LIES AND FABRICATION OF EVENTS. Kylie Henry - advice is this - GET REAL: GET HONEST: OR GET OUT OF DOCS. |
LISA ESTCOURT | DHS (VIC) - Child Protection | DHS (VIC) - Dandenong | VIC | | Perjury - swore 2 affidavits of service despite not having served a single document MISLED COURT - despite DHS being asked if any other parties were attending when only DHS in court failed to inform Magistrate that mother was in cardiac unit in hospital AND DHS GOT CAUGHT OUT!!! |
Saskia Smith | Toowoomba South Department of Child Safety | DOCS | Queensland | | You would have thought that someone who was mature aged would behave and act in a professional and mature manner. Sadly, even age does not seem to correct the mentality of this child safety officer. She is a team leader who is the most evil and manipulative woman I have ever met. She is the one who approves all the first drafts of affidavits that get ultimately filed in the Childrens Court here in toowoomba. She is a first rate bully. She is a discrace to the professional community here in Toowoomba. She runs her young crew down there in Margaret street like herding cows. They all have no idea what child safety is about. I call them the department of child snatching. They are evil rooted individuals, who have no idea how to run a child safety office; save and except through the use of lies in affidavits to give themselves strength and credence to the stories that they present before the courts about families. |
Sarah Simmons | Child Protection | Boxhill | Vic | | Lying, bullying, manipulating and having no interest at all in the child only the child father whom she 'helping' through the family court with her usual number of fabrications. |
Charmaine matebeau | Child Safety | Bundaberg | Qld | | Falsifying affidavits, abusing decent families,lying,pettiness, |
Bev Wiggins / Dorothy Allen | Community Housing Lithgow NSW | Manager and ring-in | NSW | | Using deceit to facilitate the removal of an old lady's cats so they can throw her in a Nursing Home against her will |
All Case Workers | KATOOMBA | Docs Case Worker | NSW | | Invading our homes, everone should unite and invade their homes. Find out where they live, it's not hard |
Ruth Harris | Blackheath Public School | Kindergarten Teacher | NSW | | Uses her authority as a Teacher to maliciously report parents she doesn't like to Katoomba Docs Office |
Moreen Nesbitt and all case workers | DoCs Penrith | Case Worker, Child Protection | NSW | | Tell people they only work in Admin because they are ashamed of being caseworkers. How pathetic are these parasites! |
1 & 2.Sylvia, 3. Lisa Madden | Docs or Facs now | Narrabri / Moree | NSW | | 1: Lied in court to prevent us from moving away from Narrabri. The court was told that I (Allan Crowther) had paid accomodation from my employer at my new job. I had previously told Docs that I did not have accomodation and was sleeping in my car to save money. 2: We reported that after we got back our granddaughter that the granddaughter was in very bad condition with severe head lice and very red raw genital parts and when we had a sit down meeting with Docs, she denied ever us reporting it when i had told her and also told het that we had pictures. 3: When we told them we had no choice but to move as my work was 4 hours away and was commutting, they asked if we were relinquishing care. We asked whether that was a legal question and was told no it was not only to find out that YES it defintely was. |
Lana Morgan & Amanda Credlin & staff | Department of community ServicesNSW | Wagga Wagga,NSW | NSW | | Relying on false information supplied to them & then fabricating their own to remove a young child from loving family. |
2 X Lara William's , Jodie Borg , Gay ford , Paul Mc Garrahy , Trista Cocker , Leonie Warren , Theresa O'Halloran , Min. Tracy Davis , Cherrie Cherry , Sandy Wilson , Jarrod Bleijie , Moynahan , Martin , | All of the Above | Child safety , Dir Gen Complaints-Review , Dir. Gen Legal S/Q/C , Integrity , Att. Gen , C.M.C , | All of the Above | | Fab. Evid. , Perjury , Intimidation & Sugg. Quest. , With-Holding 18 y.o. Nolle Prosequied Confess Dist. Crt. ''Disposed-Of'' All Perjury false Evid & Using again next week with 2002 Witnesses Crt & Police Clas. Perjurers = |
annette mcgowan | dept community services | sutherland | nsw | | refused access to child hospitalised while in care,had security restrain distraught parents while calling foster parents mum & dad,even though there's been no court action yet |
Fiona Kirkman, Shay Hicks, Leeanne Downs, Kaye Smyth, Michael Freeman, Dominique DiNaro, Sarah Fredericks, Tomeeka Dreher | Department of Child Safety, Drug Arm Family Support Service | Toowoomba | Queensland | | Fabricating evidence for affidavit, taking children without a court order but claiming to have one, victimising parents with false reports to police, sexual discrimination to men, collaborating with other officers to cover up mistakes of wrongly taking children, allowing personal vendettas to impact case management, fabricating third party reports, complete omission of facts, using hearsay as foundation evidence, ignoring evidence contrary to Department's agenda, allowing children to have contact with paedophile family members |
Kirsty Doran | Family / youth support worker | Uniting Care Cairns | qld | | Takes Drugs sells drugs and LIES about people and their children |
shai wink | facs | campbelltown csc | nsw | | covering up childs injurys whilist in care, constant lying with no escuse. with minimual experience |
Rebecca Chivell - | Dept of Community services | Lakemba DOCS | NSW | | Filthy, Lying, Decietful, Bully - that has destroyed lives for a life time with no concern or regard for family welfare she is an imposter hiding behind her position and should be dealt with accordingly as she is on the verge of being completely exposed - legally - she chose the wrong parent to mess with - she shows incompetence in everything she does |
Rebecca Chivell - | Dept of Community services | Lakemba DOCS | NSW | | Filthy, Lying, Decietful, Bully - that has destroyed lives for a life time with no concern or regard for family welfare she is an imposter hiding behind her position and should be dealt with accordingly as she is on the verge of being completely exposed - legally - she chose the wrong parent to mess with - she shows incompetence in everything she does |
Christine Norrieq | CPU | Westmead Childrens hospital | NSW | | Has lied and stolen children. this woman lies every time her mouth is opened. Christine is someone who thinks she can do no wrong and doesnt even know how to do her job properly, she needs further training and nows how to speak with people, her attitude is rude. |
rebecca chivell - senela bardic | Dept of community services | lakemba docs | nsw | | rebecca chivell deceitful lying - racist - shows hatred - she is a bully and has an vindictive nature - this women is being investigated within her field but yet still continues to work on cases and dictate peoples lives - this will not continue for much longer. be warned if she has anything to do with you change case managers and make noise - blatant lies as she tries to climb her corporate ladder. - senela bardic - is her puppet, lying wholeheartedly for her co -worker showing no remorse or compassion for families |