Andrew Constance slams Red Cross, Salvation Army and St Vincent De Paul for bushfire relief delays
- Details
- Category: NGOs and other system leeches
- Created: Thursday, 23 January 2020 19:56
- Written by Paige Cockburn and Kevin Nguyen - ABC News
The Member for Bega slams Red Cross for 'drip-feed' of bushfire donations.
At an emotional press conference in Batemans Bay, Member for Bega Andrew Constance came out swinging against the Red Cross, Salvation Army and St Vincent De Paul for taking too long to distribute money.
"The money is needed now, not sitting in a Red Cross bank account earning interest so they can map out their next three years and do their marketing," Mr Constance said.
Bushfire victims vent their fury as Red Cross reveals it will take YEARS for the $95million donated to ravaged communities to reach those in need
- Details
- Category: NGOs and other system leeches
- Created: Wednesday, 22 January 2020 10:59
- Written by Jackson Barron - Daily Mail Australia

- The Red Cross announced a third of their donated funds have been distributed
- Many bushfire victims are yet to receive anything despite losing everything
- Funds are set to be distributed over three years in 'tailored recovery programs'
- Bega MP Andrew Constance slammed the Red Cross, saying help is needed now
- 'Australians donated now so people get help now, not in three years' - Constance
The Australian Red Cross has revealed it will likely take years for the $95million donated to bushfire victims to reach ravaged communities.
Before you donate to the Red Cross, please know this ...
- Details
- Category: NGOs and other system leeches
- Created: Thursday, 23 January 2020 22:34
- Written by Administrator
Red Cross $173m spent /allocated funds at time of senate inquiry into the management of the (almost) half a billion dollars received in the wake of the Haitian earthquake in 2010
$43 million in management fees of the $173m
PLUS 9 percent of overall takings is about $50 million
Then all the money that went to other red crosses- say 1/2 - then loses another nine percent to the other Red Cross charity. Approximately another fifteen million.
So that’s a total of about $108 million dollars out of the money received AND spent to date.
Going on these figures, a further estimated $83 million will go in management fees, and thirty million will go to other Red Crosses.
Totalling a whopping $191 million dollars in “fees” stolen by Red Cross alone - not including fees by the other organisations.
Out of half a billion dollars donated to the 2010 Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Appeal.
Imagine what they’re going to do with all the money they just took for the Australian bushfires.
Figures estimated after a very brief audit of the report the Red Cross filed with the US government when asked what happened to the five hundred million, after it emerged they only built SIX houses in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake in 2010.
Catholic Church in Tasmania won't follow new confession laws
- Details
- Category: The Catholic Church
- Created: Thursday, 12 September 2019 20:55
- Written by Emily Baker - ABC News
The Catholic Church says it will not follow new Tasmanian laws that require priests to break the seal of confession to report suspicion of child sex abuse.
Catholic Church Abuse Claims to be Paid from Interest of $6.3 Billion State Aid
- Details
- Category: The Catholic Church
- Created: Friday, 14 June 2019 14:49
- Written by Alecomm2
The Guardian ( Australia) and the Australian Newspaper have revealed some insight into an ongoing national scandal: the enormous wealth of the Australian Catholic Church and the complete lack of accountability for the billions of dollars of taxpayer funds with which this institution is endowed.
On Wednesday 26 March the Guardian Newspaper reported that the Business manager of the Sydney Archdiocese told the Royal Commission into Sexual Abuse that the Sydney Catholic archdiocese, a ‘voluntary not-for profit organisation’, controls funds worth more than $1.24bn and has regularly made multimillion-dollar tax-free profits.
Catholic Church spent $10.6 million to lobby against legislation that would benefit victims of child sex abuse
- Details
- Category: The Catholic Church
- Created: Wednesday, 05 June 2019 22:30
- Written by Christina Capatides - CBS News
A new report released Tuesday reveals that, over the past eight years, the Catholic Church has spent $10.6 million in the northeastern United States to fight legislation that would help victims of clergy sexual abuse seek justice.
"At the most basic level, we were inspired by frustration," says attorney Gerald Williams, a partner at Williams Cedar, one of four law firms that jointly commissioned the report. "We represent hundreds of people, who have truly been victimized by clergymen in the Catholic Church. We've heard a lot about the church's desire to be accountable and turn over a new leaf. But when we turn to the form where we can most help people and where we can get the most justice — the courts of justice — the church has been there blocking their efforts."
In New York, for example, the Catholic Church spent $2,912,772 lobbying against the Child Victims Act, which Governor Andrew Cuomo ultimately signed into law on February 14, 2019. The act gives survivors more time to seek justice against their abusers, increasing the age at which victims are able to sue from 23 to 55.
Premier Youthworks loses child protection contract
- Details
- Category: NGOs and other system leeches
- Created: Tuesday, 15 May 2018 22:23
- Written by Ian Kirkwood - Newcastle Herald
HUNTER-BASED welfare provider Premier Youthworks has lost a major contract to care for troubled children but the change is apparently part of a broader shakeup of out-of-home care by the NSW government.
Bodies of 'hundreds' of children buried in mass grave
- Details
- Category: The Catholic Church
- Created: Sunday, 10 September 2017 19:56
- Written by Ben Robinson & Michael Buchanan - BBC News

The bodies of hundreds of children are believed to be buried in a mass grave in Lanarkshire, southern Scotland, according to an investigation by BBC News.
The children were all residents of a care home run by Catholic nuns.
At least 400 children are thought to be buried in a section of St Mary's Cemetery in Lanark.
The Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, which ran the home, refused to comment on the findings.
[Un]Safe Pathways: Children's Commissioner's concerns for kids in care of for-profit provider revealed
- Details
- Category: NGOs and other system leeches
- Created: Monday, 10 July 2017 01:45
- Written by Richard Baines - ABC
Tasmania's Children's Commissioner raised concerns about the wellbeing of children in the care of a provider accused of neglect more than a week before the children were removed, the ABC can reveal.
Mark Morrissey wrote to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Minister Jacquie Petrusma about Safe Pathways in a letter, one of a number of documents released after a six-month legal battle in the wake of ABC TV's Four Corners program exposing the allegations of child neglect.
Government recovers over $41 million worth of false claims after 'rorting' of Job Services Australia scheme
- Details
- Category: NGOs and other system leeches
- Created: Thursday, 26 February 2015 15:41
- Written by Linton Besser, Ali Russell and Mario Christodoulou - Four Corners
The Federal Government has clawed back more than $41 million worth of false claims by private employment agencies in just the past three years.
The agencies are contracted by the Government under a privatised welfare-to-work program called Job Services Australia (JSA), a sprawling $1.3 billion-a-year scheme designed to get the unemployed into work.
A Four Corners investigation has found rorting of the scheme is rampant. Forgery, manipulation of records and the lodgement of inflated claims for fees are widespread.
Salvo boy 'not' peadophile [murder] victim
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- Category: Salvation Army
- Created: Monday, 03 February 2014 23:30
- Written by Annette Blackwell - The Australian
A BOY who ran away from a Salvation Army home in Queensland and was feared murdered turned up years later in court in NSW.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has been told records show that the former resident of the Indooroopilly boys home made several court appearances in NSW between 1977 and 1983.
That was years after he was thought a victim of a pedophile ring alleged to be operating between Queensland and Sydney in 1975.
Detective Superintendent Cameron Harsley, operations manager for the child safety and sexual crime squad in Queensland, said there were no historical records to show the boy was ever reported missing.
Investigation exposes fraud within taxpayer funded Jobs Services Australia
- Details
- Category: Salvation Army
- Created: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 15:32
- Written by
AN INVESTIGATION has uncovered a massive taxpayer rip-off perpetrated not by “dole bludgers” sponging off the unemployment system — but instead by the agencies tasked with finding people jobs.
Unemployment in Australia is at 6.4 per cent, its highest rate in 12 years. But an investigation by Four Corners has found that a billion-dollar taxpayer funded scheme created to help job seekers find a work is instead being used to keep the money flowing to employment agencies.
There’s evidence that both private and charity job agencies are “gaming” the Federal Government’s work scheme Job Services Australia, which it spends about $1.3 billion on every year. Some organisations have already had to pay back more than $41 million worth of false claims in the past three years.
More Articles ...
- Nothing to see here? The abuse and neglect of children in care is a century-old story
- Safe Pathways housed girl with staff while getting $240,000 to care for her, says former staffer
- Safe Pathways subject of ‘full investigation’, says Human Services Minister Jacquie Petrusma
- Investigation exposes fraud within taxpayer funded Jobs Services Australia
- "Salvation Army says Sorry for Abuse"
- "Salvation Army victim vows to tell all"
- "Salvation Army 'rented out' boys at Sydney children’s home in Sydney to paedophiles"
- "'Shocking' Salvation Army abuse claims in Australia"
- More failures in foster care system as NGOs continue to breach court orders
- Article Count:
- 5
- Article Count:
- 2
Life Without Barriers
- Article Count:
- 4
Salvation Army
- Article Count:
- 6
The Catholic Church
- Article Count:
- 4