
Elderly amputee wins court battle after being prevented from living on yacht

Editors notes: J refused to consider living elsewhere, so a hospital social worker filed an application to the guardian and administration board. The board concluded that J lacked capacity to make reasonable decisions about his accommodation.
Abusers job or title:: Doctors, social workers and psychologists at Royal Hobart hospital.

Man known as J was held in hospital under guardianship order for eight months

An elderly amputee has been given the all clear to return to live on his yacht after being held in hospital under a guardianship order for eight months.

The case is likely to pique the interests of the aged care royal commission and the upcoming national inquiry into the disability sector.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Dr Madeline Black and Psychologist John Murphy
Abusers Organisation:: Royal Hobart hospital
Type of Abuse:: Financial, Physical, Neglect, Emotional, Psychological or Mental

Share your Story..."Speak out Loud"

Have you been in a situation where the Public Guardian or Public Trustee Executioners took possession of your loved one and their assets.

In my mothers case the hospital held my mother a prisoner against her will, they drugged and tortured her. They prevented the family access by closing of the ward with security guards outside mums room and the ward to prevent us from supporting our mother. Deprivation of Liberty. They took away her dignity and put her in a coma state to stop her from communicating with us. These vultures ended her life like she was garbage.

Families seek big changes to guardianships

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (CNS) -- State lawmakers are about to crack down on guardians after an Orlando guardian allegedly initiated 'Do Not Resuscitate' orders against her patients’ wishes.

People from across Florida whose loved ones are in a guardianship assert major reforms are necessary.

There multiple stories of people who were put into guardianships, isolated from their families and had their assets liquidated.

Their family members came to the capitol to tell their stories.

SA nursing home blocks daughters' unsupervised visits with dying mother

Two older women gather around their bed-ridden mother.Two sisters say they've been left traumatised by a decision to limit their access to their dying mother after a dispute with her nursing home in regional South Australia.

The sisters, Catherine Loran and Sylvia Mullan, have been sole carers for their mother, 86-year-old Doreen Loran, for a decade and feel the issue arose after they complained about the home's "disgusting" level of care.

After a bitter dispute with her Port Augusta-based aged care provider, Edenfield Family Care Nerrilda, the sisters said they'd been limited to just two one-hour supervised visits per week.

Ms Loran has dementia and breast cancer and has been given months to live.

"It's like mum's a prisoner, not a resident," Ms Mullan said.

Tasmanian Guardianship Administration Board and the abuse of Maria Cecylia Borkowski

Maria Borkowski.JPGWhat follows is a disturbing story of a gross lack of humanity in dealing with an elderly lady. The evidence is now very compelling of: cultural ignorance, suspicion and confrontation; misinformation generation; exploitation and intimidation; suspected theft, doping and attempted murder; denial of the right to challenge incapacity; and predatory collusion by incumbents in organs of the Tasmanian state that is more typical of the developing world.


"Elder Abuse is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring in any relationship where there is an expectation of trust that causes harm or distress to an older person”. (WHO)

Tasmania has a close-knit elite, to the point of officialdom on the island being incestuous. Cronyism, corruption and conspiracy appear to be rife. The case of Maria Borkowski illustrates this all too well.

Maria Borkowski was a partially deaf, Polish immigrant whose English was poor and, after she lost her husband in 1984, was initially preyed on only by Beverley Sutherland and Jillian Butler, the children of her late husband's former workmates, as Maria owned three properties and stash of gold coins. After Maria discovered she had been deceived into signing a will in their favour in 2003, attempts were made to have her diagnosed as demented, thus rendering her incapable of validly executing subsequent wills to correct the situation. She was systematically drugged until her health deteriorated and had to be admitted to hospital. While in hospital her house was ransacked by Beverley Sutherland, and Maria was asked to sign a Power of Attorney in her favour. In hospital Maria makes a remarkable recovery and Doctor Radford, her doctor who prescribed the debilitating drugs, urges her to sign a deed of Enduring Guardianship in favour of Beverley Sutherland and Jillian Butler if she wishes to go home.

"Elderly prisoner of probate court"

My father and I went to court yesterday on an emergency petition to take my grandpa home.

We proved to the judge that the court appointed case manager and co-guardian violated two court orders and that my grandpa has been confined against his will at a nursing home without just cause.

We also made the argument that we would be able to live with him and take care of his needs.

But the court didn't want to agree with allowing family who loves him and have always acted in his interest to provide his care and free him from confinement, instead the judge opted to keep my grandpa in the nursing home at a huge expense to his estate until strangers were interviewed and could invade his home.

Despite my argument that my grandpa's confinement violates his 14th Amendment right to liberty and property, the judge dismissed the emergency petition.

My grandfather has limited guardianship and yet his due process of law and his rights to attend court proceeding continue to be violated. He has not been in court for the past 4-5 court appearances. My grandpa doesn't even know what is going on, and we can't tell him because of the gag order.

Somehow guardianship has turned my grandpa into a prisoner while his captures legally deplete his assets, deprive him of his dignity and violate his federally protected constitutional rights. The only option my father and I have to save my grandpa is by filing an appeal.

It is important to note that my grandpa has powers of attorney, a revokable trust and all the other legal instruments that are supposed to protect people of their person and estate.

You need to understand and realize that these legal documents are ignored in probate court. That is why I have been crying out and exposing this case because people who think POAs and a trust will prevent guardianship, they won't!

Anyone can be brought into probate court for any reason, and once you are, you will face the same obstacles and crisis my grandfather is suffering.

Denise Rotheimer
34955 N. Augustana
Ingleside, IL 60041

Is Elder Guardianship A New Form Of Human Trafficking?


This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As the 71st session of the General Assembly of the United Nations begins this week to discuss international issues that affect the lives of millions throughout the world, the United States needs to step up its commitment to safeguard human rights and promote the rule of law in its own backyard -- specifically, escalating abuse in the U.S. Elder Guardianship system.

It's legal, but is it right?

Imagine you've worked hard all of your life and suddenly you are deemed incapacitated and are stripped of your dignity and basic individual rights. You have been abducted from your home, isolated from your family, and "placed" somewhere to be medicated while your assets are being pillaged. The authorities that should be protecting you are the ones committing these heinous acts. It sounds like Nazi Germany, but this is happening in the United States today.

The victims are seniors. The partners in crime are financial predators and agents of the Elder Guardianship system -- attorneys, professional guardians, medical experts, and others who are paid out of the senior's assets. There are some good judges but many are overworked and some are actively aiding the exploitation. Anyone can file to deem you incapacitated. The entire process from filing an incapacity petition to plenary guardianship where all rights are removed can happen within days. Yet, once you're caught in the web, it's almost impossible to break free... AND you are forced to pay your abusers in the process.


A 2013 AARP report gave a "best guess" estimate of the number of adults under guardianship nationally at 1.5 million. Idaho and Minnesota are the only states that track the amount of money being controlled by guardians or conservators; the combined total for just two states is over $1 billion. Guardianship is supposed to protect older citizens. However, what happens when the system is broken? A 2010 federal study by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified hundreds of allegations of physical abuse, neglect and financial exploitation by guardians in 45 states and the District of Columbia between 1990 and 2010. In 20 cases, the GAO found that guardians stole or improperly obtained $5.4 million in assets from 158 incapacitated victims.

The Abduction of Lillie

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 was Lillie's 88th birthday and her family didn't know where she was. A week earlier, on August 30, the court-appointed Emergency Temporary Guardian abducted her from a doctor's office while her niece was in the other room filling out papers. Although Lillie was happy and safe in her Palm Coast home of twenty years, the guardian "placed" her into assisted living and refused to tell her family the location. Lillie was not in danger and there was no emergency situation or other credible justification of such extreme and deceptive action. Video of Lillie from July 30, 2016 -- just a month before -- shows a vibrant African-American woman enjoying her home and family, and vocal about her financial affairs and this case. In fact, she does not seem incapacitated at all.

Since the case started in 2012, three good doctor's reports that could have given Lillie her rights back went stale through a legal shell game of loopholes, frivolous objections and unethical behavior. Now, while she is sequestered and possibly sedated, they are pushing hard for plenary guardianship, which would take away her last two remaining rights: the right to vote (she is a registered Democrat excited about voting for Hillary Clinton) and the right to choose with whom she socializes. Over a dozen attorneys and others have been invoicing against Lillie's assets, while the temporary guardian has not paid Lillie's basic bills or given her a penny of her own money for food or personal living expenses. The temporary guardian has been neglecting her fiduciary responsibilities and violating standards of practice, but Lillie's sister and over 50 nieces and nephews are the ones being shut out.


The sudden manner by which Lillie was involuntarily placed in an anonymous location and isolated from her family and support system was likely traumatizing to her particularly given her past victimization. The initial evaluation for incapacity happened in 2012 when she was held captive for eight months at the home of a family friend. She eventually called 911 and escaped. Now, after five years of systemic abuse, Lillie is being violated again -- this time by the temporary guardian who is supposed to be her advocate. Getting old is not a crime, yet Lillie is being treated like a criminal. Tonight, she is somewhere alone in assisted living probably wondering why her family has abandoned her.

Captors use social isolation to torture prisoners of war. Social isolation of otherwise healthy, well-functioning individuals eventually results in psychological and physical disintegration, and even death. Nevertheless, the Emergency Motions filed in court to get Lillie returned to her home and family have been ignored.

Florida's "Liquidate, Isolate, Medicate"

In Florida, there are 5 million people age 60 and older and that demographic is expected to account for most of the state's population growth in the next 15 years. Yet, seniors who have come to this retirement haven are actively being deprived of life, liberty and property without due process of law. The guardianship system oversteps constitutional rights and goes against the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment that forbids states from discriminating invidiously against some of their citizens.


Professional guardianship is considered a "growth business," with the number increasing from 12 registered professional guardians in 2003 to 456 in 2015, according to the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. The abuse is so rampant that the process itself has been called "Liquidate, Isolate, Medicate." With 40 hours of training and a modest background check, a professional guardian can start earning $85 an hour and have control over a ward's property, finances, medical decisions, housing and social relationships. In other words, the guardian has the ability to: liquidate your assets by selling your home, car, etc.; isolateyou from your family as guardian of "your person;" and put you in a nursing home to medicate you until you die. All of this is supposed to be in your "best interest." An ABC13 Investigates report dubbed it "The Grey Prison."

For example, 89-year-old Marie, featured in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune's Elder guardianship: A well-oiled machine, had her rights removed at the request of her stepson-in law. The court ordered a trust company to pay out some $635,000 to attorneys, guardians and other involved in her case. She survived wartime Poland and said even Hitler's Germany failed to prepare her for this travesty. Republican member of the Florida House of Representatives Larry Ahern said, "In extreme cases, the wards are sometimes prevented from regaining their competency and remain, in effect, prisoners of guardians." How many seniors, like Lillie and Marie, are being exploited in this cruel and systemic manner?

Due to a string of horror stories and rising complaints, on March 10, 2016 Governor Rick Scott signed into law Senate Bill 232creating the Office of Public & Professional Guardians to replace the Statewide Public Guardianship Office within the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. In April, they initiated rule making procedures to address the regulation of professional guardians, including standards of practice and disciplinary guidelines. These are expected to be in place October 2016. While these necessary changes are underway, what happens to seniors, like Lillie and Marie, who are being victimized this moment in Florida? Will they get a pardon and be set free?

A New Form of Human Trafficking?


According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Article 3, paragraph (a) of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines Trafficking in Persons as the "recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs."

Trafficking involves psychological coercionto render someone a slave. To do this, perpetrators employ "tactics that can lead to the psychological consequence of learned helplessness for the victims, where they sense that they no longer have any autonomy or control over their lives. Traffickers may hold their victims captive, expose them to large amounts of alcohol or use drugs, keep them in isolation, or withhold food or sleep. During this time the victim often begins to feel the onset of depression, guilt and self-blame, anger and rage, and sleep disturbances, PTSD, numbing, and extreme stress. Under these pressures, the victim can fall into the hopeless mental state of learned helplessness."

An argument can be made that the "Liquidate, Isolate, Medicate" Elder Guardianship process in Florida at its worse is a form of human trafficking. On the basis of the definition, it is evident that trafficking in persons has three constituent elements: a) The Act (What is done) -- In this case, the transfer and harbouring of a person, b) The Means (How it is done) -- Abduction, deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, and c) The Purpose (Why it is done) - In the case of guardianships, the purpose is financial exploitation -- a form of servitude. Seniors are sedated in locked assisted living facilities while their assets are spent down.

The Right to be Protected & Respected


Probably the most famous case of financial elder abuse is that of one-time New York socialite Brooke Astor when she was more than 100 years old. Her grandson Philip C. Marshall testified against his father and helped put him in jail. In his 2015 testimonyto the Senate's Special Committee on Aging, Mr. Marshall said, "To be complacent about elder justice is to be complicit in elder abuse."

Given demographic trends, elder financial abuse is expected to grow dramatically unless we do something. The baby boom generation is reaching retirement age at a rate of 10,000 people per day. Those 65+ will make up 20% of the population by 2050. The 2015 White House Conference on Aging has made "elder justice" one of its four tracks. There is now a federal home for Adult Protective Services and a new Elder Justice website called a "one-stop shopping site for victims, families, prosecutors, researchers and practitioners." President Barack Obama declared June 15, 2016 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

Awareness is good, but immediate action is needed. If states are not doing their jobs, the federal government needs to step in. It's time to reform the Elder Guardianship system in the U.S., prosecute predators and hold legal agents -- judges, attorneys, evaluators, professional guardians, etc. -- to a higher standard. As Vice President Hubert Humphrey said, "The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life -- the sick, the needy and the handicapped."

Just as we continue to make strides with human rights issues around the world, we need to shine a brighter light on elder abuse on our soil -- particularly this type of vicious and systemic financial exploitation. To be an elder is a privilege, not a condition causing you to be tossed aside and abused. Our elders need to be protected and respected. If we're lucky, we will all get old. Let's create a society where we can age with grace and dignity.


Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy is a Harvard Business School-trained strategist and President of Power Living Enterprises, Inc. Her mission is to raise the consciousness of the planet and create a more sustainable world by releasing the potential in individuals. A seasoned life coach/speaker and founder of the first yoga studio in Harlem, she has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal, in Oprah's book, Live Your Best Life!, and was selected as a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. An early Internet pioneer and TV executive, she has advised billion-dollar companies on their multi-platform engagement strategies. Her latest award-winning book -- co-authored with her mother Columbia University-trained journalist Janie Sykes-Kennedy -- is Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master on her teacher/mentor 98-year-old yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch.

On June 20, 2016, Kennedy moderated a conversation with Tao Porchon-Lynch at the United Nations for International Day of Yoga on "Yoga for the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals." On October 3, 2016, for International Day of Non-Violence, she will facilitate a conversation with Ms. Porchon-Lynch on Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hosted by the Indian Consulate in New York. On November 19, 2016, she will moderate another discussion with Ms. Porchon-Lynch at the United Nations for Women's Entrepreneurship Day.

Note: Kennedy is the niece of Lillie featured in this article. As of September 13, 2016, Lillie's family still does not know where she is and the temporary guardian refuses to tell them. For more, go to www.elderdignity.org. Watch the video and let us know what you think. For specific questions or suggestions, email elderdignity@hotmail.com.



Concerns continue over guardianship in New Mexico


Commentary: Doris and Rio Hamilton allege that after they consulted lawyer CaraLyn Banks, she proceeded — without telling them — to have Ms. Hamilton declared mentally incompetent and Advocate Services (AS) appointed to take over her life and make all her decisions, including banning her son, Rio, from the house they own together.

How courts and guardians exploit the elderly and their estates and get away with it

"The Perfect Crime"

A California man spent $50,000 in legal fees freeing his stepmother from the clutches of a so-called guardian in Las Cruces, New Mexico, who charged $140,000 for services over a year’s time.

Prosecutors in Pinellas County, Florida, on Nov. 15 charged Traci S. Hudson, guardian and then-president of the Pinellas County Guardianship Association, with felony exploitation of an elderly person. She’s accused of stealing $541,541, via charges of $1,600 per day, from a 92-year-old man she persuaded to assign his power of attorney to her. Within 10 months, she allegedly stashed nearly all of his money in her own accounts. The case prompted a judge to order a review of 31 other cases in which she acted as guardian.

Guardianship prisoner June Lynne Lacey Bill has Do Not Resuscitate orders taken out against her and her families will.

June Lynne Lacey Bill - Guardianship prisoner with Do Not Resuscitate orders against her will - killed by by guardian who placed another 100 victims on DNR orders against their will.

June was put into guardianship when her daughter (and Power of Attorney) refused to sign a Do Not Resuscitate order at the hospitalist's request. June Lynne Lacey was taken prisoner due to a petition by social services and the hospital to remove her rights.


'She was forced into a nursing home against her will and against her family's wishes. When she protested, she was drugged and forced to take a 210 mile ambulance ride to a nursing home far from her home. She was not permitted to have a phone, not allowed to use a commode (forced to use only a bed pan), not allowed outside and given only day old food.

Within less than a month, she developed pneumonia, a staph infection, septic blood, a urinary tract infection, bedsores and a fever of 102! With an extraordinary will to live and with many prayers and faith in God, June miraculously recovered, only to be put in hospice by social services. She was forced to take oxycodone, which made it hard for her to breathe and swallow, caused an irregular heartbeat, migraines and seizures and gave her intense stomach and chest pain with horrific constipation and nauseousness!

She and her family begged to get rid of the oxycodone, but hospice and social services insisted she take it and refused her medical attention when it made her so sick! Consequently, June died! No one should be forced to die against their will and their families wishes. Health Care Directives should always be upheld and those with Power of Attorney should not be cast aside.

Please support the JUNE LYNNE LACEY BILL to ensure those most vulnerable amongst us are protected and their United States Constitutional rights upheld. (For more info go to junelynnelaceyfoundation.com.)  June's rights were stripped from her. She has no right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Her freedoms were taken away, she was taken prisoner and received NO JUSTICE! PLEASE SPEAK OUT AGAINST THIS INJUSTICE! "-- Joyce Lacey

Source : https://www.facebook.com/397779416964315/posts/2635788203163414/

State report on guardian: 'Removal of necessary care directly resulted in ward's death'

Judge removed Rebecca Fierle from 98 cases.

A state investigation report indicates the professional guardian could face felony criminal chargers for withholding medical care from a ward she was appointed by the court to protect.

“She's put us through misery. It's not us. It's what she did to Steve. She killed him,” said Linda Lanier, who filed a complaint with the state against professional guardian Rebecca Fierle.

rebecca-fierle.pngLanier’s friend Steven Stryker choked to death at St. Joseph’s Hospital in May.

RELATED: Judge removes professional guardian from nearly 100 cases for alleged violations.

Stryker had a chronic condition that made it difficult for him to swallow.

He died after Fierle ordered his feeding tube removed, then signed a do-not-resuscitate order.

Abuser Name or Alias:: Rebecca Fierle
Abusers Organisation:: Guardian
Type of Abuse:: Physical, Neglect, Emotional, Psychological or Mental, Death
Matter Resolved?: No


  • Australian public guardian corruption

    Image result for guardianship corruptionThe following comments relate specifically to the Queensland entities QCAT (the kangaroo court) and the Queensland Public Trustee / Adult Guardian, however similar entities in other states and territories operate on essentially the same (lack of principles), consequently the exact same potentially applies to every Australian citizen who doesn't have a professionally prepared succession plan (ie at the very least an Enduring Power of Attorney and a Last Will and Testament).

    Be wary of 'I found it on the internet' forms as there are many instances where those have been successfully challenged by either avaricious family members, the kangaroo court or even 'proper' courts. On the other hand, a good lawyer (no I don't like that breed either but there is actually the rare decent one) can patch most of the loopholes that can be exploited by bottom-feeding grubs like that greedy brother-in-law or even worse, the kangaroo court. 

    I wish to warn everyone, including those carers who think looking after a stroke victim is too much trouble, or those who have the mistaken belief that there is any semblance of decency at the Public Trustee, or for that matter the Adult Guardian. I elect to use the term 'kangaroo court' because that utterly evil entity totally ignores legislation intended to regulate its operation. Its really nothing more than a source of victims for the extortion racket trading as the Public Trustee.

    Published decisions of the kangaroo court invariably put victims in the clutches of the Public Trustee where their assets are systematically plundered. Anyone who lives in their own home is likely to cop a shonky ACAT test since owner occupied homes are protected from the typically exorbitant and unregulated Public Trustee fees whereas an unoccupied home (ie when the owner has been consigned to a nursing establishment) are not protected. Clearly owner-occupied homes are unprofitable business so the Public Trustee plays any number of dirty tricks to rectify that situation. Neither the kangaroo court, the Adult Guardian or the Public Trustee have proper complaints management systems despite such being a legal requirement in Queensland. Whilst there are sham facilities, responses to complaints amount to 'cut and paste' of official publicity.

    There are reasons to believe Public Trustee complaints are routed directly to its legal department which then uses its victim's financial resources to protect the interests of the Public Trustee. There is no point complaining to the Queensland Ombudsman, the Crime and Corruption Commission, the Queensland Attorney General, the Federal Attorney General, the Legal Services Commission, the Discrimination Commission, the Information Commission or the Human Rights Commission because the standard response is 'the Public Trustee is immune'.

    Victim's funds held 'in trust'; are regarded as the property of the Public Trustee which levies horrendous fees that typically consume a million dollar estate within a few years. Unlike every other financial organization, no auditing is performed since some moronic politician in times past 'deemed' the Public Trustee competent. Media reporters who attempt to expose the activities of the unholy triune beast are warned by management that exposure of these entities is strictly verboten. In the past, stringent secrecy provisions were imposed, ostensibly in place 'to protect the vulnerable' but which were undoubtedly intended to hinder communication and collaboration between carers and victims.

    Over the past year a number of individuals have discovered ways to circumvent the maze and now there is a significant group committed to bringing these bureaucrazies (MIS-spelling intended) to account. Its not a straightforward task as the Public Trustee has infiltrated a lot of 'apparently' legitimate support organizations. For example, Carers Queensland openly admits to receiving financial support from the Public Trustee and the relationship between the Uniting Church and the Public Trustee is subject to some suspicion.Many senior citizen clubs are receiving Public Trustee money albeit after having been 'washed' through third parties like Caxton Street Legal Centre.

    A significant number of people have been sucked in by Public Trustee promotions claiming to provide a 'free' will making service. Yes well, it is true that the document is made without charge, but on condition that the Public Trustee is nominated as executor. When the principal carks it, the Public Trustee fees are usually sufficient to soak up every single cent.

    Typical fees are approximately five times what a private lawyer would charge to do the same work, and surely no sentient being believes private lawyers run a benevolent society. A report that was briefly published in the Queensland Sunday Mail concerned a disgruntled Public Trustee whistleblower who related details of an internal memo requiring all staff to drag on estate matters until the maximum possible fees has been levied. One particular case in which the beneficiary 'should' have inherited $1.3 million resulted in said beneficiary discovering the anticipated amount had been completely dissipated in fees. There are numerous other horror stories that need to be told but this probably isn't the correct forum. Bottom line is that everyone, regardless of how healthy they may be, is flirting with disaster if they don't have a professionally prepared succession plan in place.  Those who wish to explore Public Trustee  and kangaroo court misdeeds more fully can google 'Workers Bush Telegraph',  'Queensland Public Trustee Exposed'  and 'nswtgexposed'

    The Committee to expose the Public Trustee held the first of a series of pickets at Parliament House on Tuesday 16th January and will be continuing these at QCAT and the Public Trustee in due course. We've also contacted every politician in Queensland, the Queensland Law Society and the Queensland Bar Association.

    Next on the list are every senior citizens group, media reporter, magistrate, judge and politician in Australia. We are also preparing a group submission to the Crime and Corruption Commission and the United Nations Human Rights Council. The volume will be turned up until or unless the systematic abuse and misappropriation of victim's resources is stopped permanently, those whose estates have been plundered are compensated,.and the perpetuators exposed and penalized.

    Call me anytime 24 x 7.   We have a good team with substantial experience in battling the official crime gang. Despite what a lot of lawyers would have you believe, it is possible to beat the crooks. Only 5% of kangaroo tribunal matters are published, consequently only insiders know what is really going on.  My partner's victory is one that will never be published because it demonstrates just how corrupt are the kangaroo tribunal, Adult Guardian and Public Trustee.  There was also a very damning report on the guardianship racket in the Gold Coast Bulletin, Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age last weekend.   I don't want or need to make anything out of my advocacy efforts, simply seeing people whacking the criminals is all the reward I need. 

    Oops, I neglected to include contact details. Actually I have left details elsewhere in this forum but you may not have read all my posts. Mobile 0488531824 is best. I'll answer it 24 x 7 providing I'm not asleep or out of mobile range.  Don't worry about the time because I'm often communicating with others around the world at all sorts of times.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is also fine but ignore anything else I've published … I need to change email addresses regularly as the evil ones at the bottom of Queen Street keep giving my address to spammers.

    I receive a number of calls from this site regarding victims of the guardianship racket. Only a few leave messages here, the majority phone or text 0488531824. Quite often I or an associate in another state can assist with advice on procedures or referral to known trustworthy medical and / or legal professionals, but it needs to be recognized that the official perpetuators are both exceptionally well organized and well protected. Whilst only a handful of victims have secured victory, the main reason why so many lose is their refusal to do what it takes.

    There is a very steep learning curve involved, and that entails coming to grips with the realization that no politician, no watchdog, no media company and no community legal service will provide meaningful support. In 'some' cases the UN Human Rights Council, International Criminal Court, or international human rights organization will get onboard, however their criteria are such that only precious few will satisfy them.  In effect, unless you have a pathological obsession with winning, and the will to do whatever it takes, do yourself a favour and give up now. Personally I'd dearly love to see every victim of the guardianship racket get their life back, but after years in this game, I now realize that only one in a thousand will run the race. If perchance you are one in a thousand, call me ASAP.The Office of the Public Trustee is conducting what can only be described as officially-sanctioned organized crime. 

    This insidious and predatory organization has been endowed with total immunity and protection and it is consequently accountable to nobody. No media entity, no public sector or private sector watchdog, no church, and no politician is prepared to lift a finger against the PTQ. Typically, 'victim protection' is quoted as justification for non-disclosure of material which could potentially identify a victim, although it is blatantly obvious that restricting collaboration between victims and hiding deliberate fraud and embezzlement are the REAL reasons for non-disclosure directives. Mind you the contribution which the PTQ provides to consolidated revenue is such that no morally and financially bankrupt government could afford to lose the income stream. Legislation joins the PTQ to the non-constitutional QCAT kangaroo tribunal in every guardianship matter.

    The Office of the Adult Guardian which funded by, and is therefore effectively a branch of the PTQ, is also joined. This creates an unholy cabal which procures shonky medical and allied health reports certifying the victim suffers alzheimers dementia. Dementia is a valuable tool to the crime gang as it implies the victim is a danger to themself and others, and must be institutionalized forthwith. It just so happens that owner-occupied homes are non-profitable business as the PTQ cannot impose (MIS)management fees on owner-occupied homes. Separating owner and home is therefore imperative and there is no depth to which the PTQ will not stoop to achieve this objective.

    A major component of PTQ income is derived by its in-house legal department. Given the state government's demonstrated obsession with unaccountability, it is not surprising that the Legal Services Commission will not investigate public complaints regarding public sector lawyers. Furthermore, it is alleged that many if not most PTQ 'lawyers' do not possess the practicing certificate needed to practice law, although yet another legislative shenanigan provides that a practicing certificate is not necessary for 'lawyers' working for public sector entities.

    Compliance of senior citizen organizations and community legaal centres is assured by way of bribes which are believed to be bankrolled by the Gambling Benefit Fund. Not surprisingly, the PTQ gets to use this slush fund to induce what would otherwise be honorable entities to support the predatory antics of the PTQ. 

    Carers Queensland openly admits to accepting dirty money to produce a series of YouTube videos extolling the virtues of the OPG, PTQ and QCAT kangaroo tribunal, and Caxton Street Legal Service is also funded by the PTQ. An even more 'interesting' interesting example of PTQ skullduggery is its retention of spotters (typically social workers) in the hospital system. It is understood that these spotters are paid by cash deposits into offshore bank accounts to refer potential merchandise (PTQ internal term for victims with assets) to the QCAT kangaroo tribunal. Needless to say, the kangaroo tribunal invariably decides that the victims lack capacity to manage their own affairs and that there is family conflict and undue influence (both created by the kangaroo tribunal) which supports the decision made prior to any hearing to deliver the merchandise to the PTQ for asset plundering.

    The reader is invited to form his or her own opinion regarding the possibility / probability of further inducements by the PTQ for supply of the merchandise, although those who have personally witnessed interactions between PTQ operatives and kangaroo tribunal quasi-judges are in no doubt that there are 'interesting' features which lead to considerable apprehension about the relationships between the parties.  Despite almost complete media cover-up and protection of the PTQ and its incestuous cohorts, the odd snippet is mentioned. Several years ago, a Courier Mail reporter revealed a PTQ internal memo requiring all staff dealing with a deceased estate to delay settlement until the maximum possible fees had been imposed, and more recently another report exposed a matter in which the 'client' had been deceased for weeks before the NSWTG became aware of his plight. A comparable event occurred in the Brisbane northside suburb of Banyo in 2018, although there was no media coverage on that occasion. 

    In addition to the extortionate fees and charges mentioned in the previous post, there are also massive legal fees and charges which are never disclosed unless a victim dies or escapes the clutches of the guardianship racket.  There are only three known instances in Queensland of a victim regaining capacity to manage their own affairs, Bucknall QSC09-128, Maher QCA11-225 and Marmin G29078 in 2017. In all cases, the full extent of PTQ embezzlement was only discovered months after the victory.  In a current matter, the PTQ is believed to have helped itself to some four million dollars of the victim's fifteen million dollar estate, however numerous requests for provision of complete financial statements have all been totally ignored. Something worth mentioning is that the PTQ legal department is permitted and even encouraged by the kangaroo tribunal to use the victim's money to fight the victims attempts to escape the PTQ / guardianship racket web, however despite legislation providing that a person with impaired capacity has automatic right to legal representation, the PTQ consistently refuses the victim access to their own funds to fight the PTQ / guardianship racket.

    Source : https://enableme.org.au/Community/Forums/View-topic?id=7cae0b95-e248-4401-aef8-a6490e701e77

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