
Modern Slavery Act 2018 - Schedule 2 – Offences (New South Wales Consolidated Acts)

(Section 5) - An offence against any of the following sections of the Commonwealth Criminal Code --

Section Description of offence
270.3 Slavery offences
270.5 Servitude offences
270.6A Forced labour offences
270.7 Deceptive recruiting for labour or services
270.7B Forced marriage offences
270.7C Offence of debt bondage
270.8 Slavery-like offences--aggravated offences
271.2 Offence of trafficking in persons
271.3 Trafficking in persons--aggravated offence
271.4 Offence of trafficking in children
271.5 Offence of domestic trafficking in persons
271.6 Domestic trafficking in persons--aggravated offence
271.7 Offence of domestic trafficking in children
271.7B Offence of organ trafficking--entry into and exit from Australia
271.7C Organ trafficking--aggravated offence
271.7D Offence of domestic organ trafficking
271.7E Domestic organ trafficking--aggravated offence

An offence against the following sections of the Crimes Act 1900 --

Section Description of offence
80D Causing sexual servitude
80E Conduct of business involving sexual servitude
91G (1) and (2) Children not to be used for production of child abuse material
91G (3) Aggravated offence of using children for production of child abuse material
91H Production, dissemination or possession of child abuse material
91HAA Administering a digital platform used to deal with child abuse material
93AA-93AC Slavery and slavery-like offences

 An offence against the following section of the Human Tissue Act 1983 --

Section Description of offence
32, but only in relation to tissue that is an organ Trading in tissue prohibited

Source : http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/msa2018179/sch2.html

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