“So much of the crooked underbelly of the legal profession – of government and law – in Victoria and in Australia that has been hidden from the public for so long, that Mr Johnson, with our help, is determined to put in bright neon lights to all Victorians, all Australians and, indeed much like his fellow Melbournian (very much a younger brother) Julian Assange on the world stage as well.
We confirm that our volunteers will be out on the streets of Box Hill from tomorrow talking to your constituents ..
- About the need for your government to abolish (this time for good) that den of crime and corruption the Law Institute of Victoria (Limited) – for the second time in 15 years.
- Also about the treachery and treason (there are no finer words for it) of your lawyers agencies Victoria Legal Aid and the (graft funded) Victorian Legal Practitioners Liability Committee in funding the D’Orta-Ekenaike lawyer’s picnic of 2003 – 2005.
- Also about your criminals on the benches of VCAT (Mr Jonathan Smithers, Mr John Bowman and Mr Greg Garde amongst others)
- Also about your criminal, Legal Services Commissioner Mr Michael Keith McGarvie (who defies multiple Victorian Supreme Court rulings by refusing to police the 90% of the legal profession – family lawyers, wills administrators and litigators – the very lawyers that the public come most into contact with, and are no longer subject to legal duties of care thanks to that cunningly connived Victoria Legal Aid / LPLC High Court judgement in D’Orta.
- And we will be talking to your constituents about the need for widespread State, National and international protest at the sickening political crimes perpetrated by your bureaucrats (each of them named above and dozens of others) against one of Australia’s most talented and ethical human rights lawyers, whistleblowers and playwrights, Mr James Johnson.”
The following is the text of our reminder letter today to Victorian Attorney-General Robert Clark regarding the witch-hunting of James Johnson by his criminal and corrupt senior bureaucrats (named above).
If you can be in Melbourne (55 King Street) at 2pm on Wednesday 30 January 2013, this is one showdown between an outstanding whistleblower and humanrights lawyer and a Minister, and a posse of corrupt lawyer-bureaucrats and regulators that you do not want to miss.
If you can join us as a (choose your own hours) volunteer, door-knocker in Box Hill Victoria, as part of our OPERATION RESTORE THE LAW which runs from tomorrow 25 January 2013 up until November 2014 (next scheduled Victorian State Election) please contact us via email and we will send you the details, petition and letter forms.
Blessings (and stay positive)
Terry and Sue, for and on behalf of
Friends of James Johnson
web: http://friendsofjamesjohnson.com |
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
sms: +61 0402 094 047
post: GPO Box 2354 Brisbane Queensland Australia 4000
24 January 2013
Hon Mr Robert Clark
Hon MLA for Box Hill
Attorney-General for Victoria
24 Rutland Road
Box Hill Victoria Australia 3126
By Facsimile: 03 9890 7180 (25 pages)
(Telephone: 03 9890 6606)
Dear Mr Clark
All the Attorney-General’s Men – VCAT Political Show Trial and Crime Spree – VCAT Matter J134/2011 – Final Costs Hearing on 30 January 2013 at 2pm (55 King St, Melbourne)
We refer to our 21 page letter to you of 21 January 2013 (full copy attached).
We confirm that our volunteers will be out on the streets of Box Hill from tomorrow talking to your consituents:
About the urgent need for your government to reinstate the Kennett-Wade legal industry reforms of 1997, reforms that were wrongfully reversed (and some) in 2004 – 2005 by the former Bracks-Brumby-Hulls ALP government.
- About the need for your government to abolish (this time for good) that den of crime and corruption the Law Institute of Victoria (Limited) – for the second time in 15 years.
- Also about the treachery and treason (there are no finer words for it) of your lawyers agencies Victoria Legal Aid and the (graft funded) Victorian Legal Practitioners Liability Committee in funding the D’Orta-Ekenaike lawyer’s picnic of 2003 – 2005.
- Also about your criminals on the benches of VCAT (Mr Jonathan Smithers, Mr John Bowman and Mr Greg Gardeamongst others)
- Also about your criminal, Legal Services Commissioner Mr Michael Keith McGarvie (who defies multiple Victorian Supreme Court rulings by refusing to police the 90% of the legal profession – family lawyers, wills administrators and litigators – the very lawyers that the public come most into contact with, and are no longer subject to legal duties of care thanks to that cunningly connived Victoria Legal Aid / LPLC High Court judgement in D’Orta.
- And we will be talking to your constituents about the need for widespread State, National and international protest at the sickening political crimes perpetrated by your bureaucrats (each of them named above and dozens of others) against one of Australia’s most talented and ethical human rights lawyers, whistleblowers and playwrights, Mr James Johnson.
So much of the crooked underbelly of the legal profession – of government and law – in Victoria and in Australia that has been hidden from the public for so long, that Mr Johnson, with our help, is determined to put in bright neon lights to all Victorians, all Australians and, indeed much like his fellow Melbournian (very much a younger brother) Julian Assange on the world stage as well.
In this context, we are dissapointed to record here that you have not yet responded to our reattached correspondence, or even provided the courtesy of an acknowledgement of receiving it. Surely it is a basic enough ‘good’ let alone ‘best’ practice for a government Minister and Parliamentarian or any ‘servant of the public’ to acknowledge receiving correspondence such as ours within 48 hours of it landing?
We do need to know what your stance are on Mr Johnson’s and our demands that you reinstate these former Kennett-Wade controls on our out of control and running amok legal profession (including legal aid funding to reverse the internationally embarrassing and unconstititional D’Orta-Ekenaike High Court judgement – for all the reasons that Hon Justice Michael Kirby gave in his lone dissenting judgement.
Please advise us by email by no later than 4pm today so that our team can properly inform your constiituents whether you are with us, the people or against us (with the lawyers) on our demands to restore the Victorian / Australian law to where it was in 2004.
As you have been previously informed, a full house, more than 120 concerned citizens attended VCAT on 21 May 2012 to show support for James Johnson in this false and malicious rubber-stamping prosecution of him on trumped up professional misconduct charges.
Nearly every member of the public who attended VCAT on 21 May 2012 had their own stories of being criminally dealt with by members of the legal profession only to see those lawyers protected instead of regulated by your Legal Services Commissioner and/or VCAT. Horrific extortion of wealth. Horrific destruction of families, depression, suicide, poverty and all its consequences. A modern “Les Mis” created in order to make wealth and prosperity for a “lawyer class” “above the law” elite. Typical tactics include telling victims to stop complaining about being abused or they will be sued for defamation (a process that will financially ruin any already not totally wiped-out victims – regardless of the merits of their complaints and the strength of their evidence – which is routinely ignored (even deliberately excluded) by your bureuacrats and these tribunals).
We expect a similar number of concerned citizens to rock up to VCAT on Wednesday 30 January at 2pm (55 King Street Melbourne).
We require to know, by return email, no later than 4 pm today whether you accept or refuse your “Doc Evatt” moment to represent Mr Johnson before your bureaucrats at VCAT on Wednesday afternoon. If you refuse, Mr Johnson needs time to make other arrangements, and we will need to advise him of your response when we communicate with him tomorrow (as well as informing your electorate) of your response.
Mr Johnson would like to return to Victoria this year, including for the purposes of campaigning against his political foe (she who was instrumental in running multi-million dollar standover scams on Melbourne city building sites before being installed into Federal Politics via the safest “labor stronghold” as she crowed in her maiden speech of 11/11/1998). We speak of Ms Julia Gillard of course, the current ALP incumbent for Lalor (centred on Werribee / Point Cook in Victoria). However given the history of unprosecuted crimes (aggravated burgalaries) and unpoliced crimes (car bombing of 12 May 2009), not to mention the corrupt lawfare and abuse of government powers by your bureuacrats, Mr Johnson is not willing to risk returning to Victoria without your written guarantees of protection – including police protection rather than neglect / persecution.
Please add this request to your ‘do list’ for your written response when you do get around to personally replying to us.
Let us add that all of our homework strongly inclines us to believe that you are a very decent man who, at least in private, shares many of the concerns that Mr Johnson and ourselves (and dozens of ‘good guy’ lawyers – we mention ex-Justice Hon Michael Kirby’s sterling contribution above as the sole voice of reason, the sole voice of Constitution, human rights, rule of law and equality under the law in D’Orta-Ekenaike v Victoria Legal Aid and another (a barrister). The restoration of the lawyerocracy, the 2004 – 2005 reforms, are very much a legacy of the dismal ALP decade 1998 – 2010 of corrupt government in Victoria. It should be no-brainer politics for your side of politics, now in government for 2 years to restore to Victorians what the previous Liberal government gave them in 1997 and should never have been taken off them (and worse) in 2004 – 2005.
We humbly suggest it is a multiple professional misconduct (having regard to your responsiblities as a legal professional and as a Parliamentarian and as a Minister) not to give us a straight answer on both these questions – so that we can inform Mr Johnson when we have contact with him later today / tomorrow).
We look forward to seeing an email from you today, covering at least points 1 and 2 above, no later than 4pm today (because of practical constraints we will have processing your information if you do not respond prior to that time).
Blessings to you Sir from
Terry and Sue, on behalf of