
Accessing and Amending Your DOCs File

foi3Members of the public can seek access to departmental records via an FOI request. Requests must be in writing along with a $30 application fee ($15 concession rate).

Applications to amend or notate DoCS records, for which there is no fee, can also be made to the FOI Unit.

Click here for the PDF Format Request for Information or Click here for the Word Format Request for Information


Contact details:

Freedom of Information Unit
NSW Department of Community Services
Locked Bag 4028
Ashfield NSW 2131

Phone: (02) 9716 2662

Applications can be mailed to the above address or lodged at any DoCS community services centre.

Source : http://www.community.nsw.gov.au/docswr/_assets/annual_report/documents/build_capacity.pdf

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