
The system in a state of crisis: the reforms needed to fix family law in Australia

The Australian family law system is to be overhauled.Panel members stand side by side in conference room.

Family law experts describe the current family law system "the system in a state of crisis".

Following the federal election, returning Attorney-General Christian Porter announced that his highest priority will be the structural reform of the family law courts.

What reforms are required to meet the needs of Australian families?


The Hon. William Alstergren, Chief Justice of the Family Court and Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court

Wendy Kayler-Thomson,Partner Forte Family Lawyers, immediate past Chair of the Family Law Section, Law Council of Australia.

Angela Lynch, CEO, Women's Legal Service, Queensland

Anne Hollonds, Director, Australian Institute of Family Studies

Source :  https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lawr








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