The heartbroken father of a boy murdered by his mum on the Yorke Peninsula has told 7 News he was locked in a bitter custody battle.
VIDEO Father of boy murdered by mum on Yorke Peninsula in custody battle. Source: 7 News
He claimed he had raised serious concerns about the boy's welfare to authorities but says it fell on deaf ears.
'We've got some bad news for you': Jacob was killed by his mother before she took her own life. Photo: 7 News
When police officers knocked on Mick Clarke's door yesterday, his heart sank.
Child protective services visited mum and kids hours before murder
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Category: Death by family courts
Created: Tuesday, 31 May 2016 14:34
Written by Lauren Novak & Sean Fewster - The Advertiser
Social workers performed a welfare check the morning the Adelaide family was killed.
Adeline Rigney-Wilson and her children were visited by child protective services just hours before her partner allegedly killed them.
My child did exist
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Category: Court Ordered Abuse
Created: Wednesday, 28 June 2017 13:54
Written by Kathryn Y. (Hall) Warner
The price for a mothers own safety and freedom in 1996 was an imposed, unnatural and unwanted separation from my eight children, including my nursing infant. The injustice committed against her is not just the physical separation from her children, but the willful desecration of the mother-child relationship and bond, a sacred spiritual and emotional entity.
Many mothers who seek safety from abuse are routinely prohibited from having even the most basic contact with their own children, not because they were unfit parents, but because they were outspent, out represented, and out-maneuvered in a court atmosphere that seems to favor those who inflict domestic violence.
Evidence that Newcastle family courts erase parents
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Category: Family Law Courts
Created: Thursday, 13 January 2011 00:21
Written by Richard Partington
These orders were made by a Newcastle Judge against an innocent man who just wants to spend time with his children and who made it quite clear that he has no faith in our court systems ... Gee, I wonder why. Loughnan gave everybody reason to be scared of injustice in our family courts after seeing this :
You see, for the lovely little chump to do this, he can then prevent the father from bringing any more matters into the court without a Legal Appointed Guardian, who is at no obligation to do what he asks. This man MAY pay for his own lawyer but Loughnan has prevented him using anything but government paid crooks which will not help him.
But wait ... and to add insult to injury, there's more :
UK judges change court rules on child contact for violent fathers
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Category: Family Law Courts
Created: Saturday, 21 January 2017 21:45
Written by Sandra Laville - UK Guardian
Reforms aim to end presumption that a father must have contact with a child when there is evidence of domestic abuse
Senior judges are taking steps to end the presumption that a father must have contact with a child where there is evidence of domestic abuse that would put the child or mother at risk.
Cries of child abuse bounce back on mums
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Category: Family Law Courts
Created: Sunday, 28 March 2010 16:07
Written by Alicia Wood - Sydney Morning Herald
CHILD protection campaigners say women who accuse their former partners of sexually abusing their children are being unfairly labelled as mentally ill in the Family Court.
Child sex abuse researcher Freda Briggs and child protection advocate Charles Pragnell say recent cases show the emphasis on shared parenting responsibilities is putting Professor Briggs and Mr Pragnell are part of the Safer Family Law campaign and argue that amendments to the Family Law Act in 2006 were geared towards the rights of parents rather than those of children.