
"NSW Stealing Another Generation of Children ..."

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The Department Of Community Services (inHuman Services) has covered all areas to ensure our complaints regarding Corruption / Victimisation / Bullying, and the basic human rights of our children in care, and keeps it well hidden from the public.

They take / steal / hide our children.  They pay untold amounts to DoCs Lawyers - The David & Goliath scene again.  They unethically blanket cover / diagnose thousands of parents / grandchildren / siblings with mental illness without a shred of evidence.  They Can Bully / Victimise and Alienate us from our Children.. But..... They cannot stop our right to protest outside their offices.  Would you like support for your Protest outside your allocated DoCS Office ? Please contact the volunteers here.

They raped and buggerised the child migrants.  They raped and stole the children of the forgotten australians.  They stole a whole generation of indigenous chidren.  And the bastards are at it again. New South Wales ... Stealing another generation of innocent australian children.

"A free people ought not only be armed and disiplined, but should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government" (George Washington)

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