"PROTEST PROTEST PROTEST! Thursday 21st June. DoCS / FACS Child Protection Corruption PROTEST."
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Written by Alecomm2
The Protest Rally / March will commence at 9am on the steps of the Opera House ... through to Martin Place .. a STOP at the Sunrise News window and on to Parliament House.
Stop the Corruption within the Department of Community Services NSW.
Tell Pru Goward ... Enough Is Enough
Children are dying in Care of the State of NSW
Children are Drugged in the Care of the State of NSW
Children are Stolen for HUGE Financial gains by the State of NSW
Child Sexual Abuse in Care of the State of NSW is rapidly growing at a fast rate.
Caseworker corruption is instilled and condoned by the Department.
SPEAK UP !!! on behalf of the Children in State Care who no longer have voices.
Thursday 9am Protest against Corruption
Our Childrens voices have been SMOTHERED by a Cold and Cruel system that depicts the DICKENESIAN times of the 1800's.
Class cleansing of a class of people who warrant the assistance and support of the lucky country and not the Common Theft of thier Children.
90% of all tax payer funding that goes into Child Protection IS NOT BEING SPENT ON CHILDREN IN CARE. It is lining the pockets of the UNETHICAL , IMMORAL and CORRUPT people in the system.
NSW is running a GET RICH QUICK SCHEME and our Innocent , Vulnerable Children are the Pots of Gold in this EVIL scheme.
Protest LOUD & CLEAR