"Out of Home Care"
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Created: Tuesday, 02 August 2011 23:30
- Written by Alecomm2
Mrs BARBARA PERRY: My question is directed to the Minister for Family and Community Services. How was the Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing able to secure a $300 million tax break for poker machine operators at the same time that the Minister for Family and Community Services failed to secure funding to implement her promise to transfer children in foster care to the non-government sector?
Ms PRU GOWARD: The time line and the progress of the transfer of out-of-home care to the non-government sector proceeds unimpeded. The New South Wales Liberal-Nationals Government recognises the substantial and unique economic and social contribution that registered clubs make to this State, not only to sport but also to community organisations. It was the former Government's unfair tax regime that put support for those clubs at risk. The Liberal-Nationals Government recognised this unfair tax on clubs. We must also recognise that the social enjoyment—
Ms Linda Burney: She wants your job, Barry.
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Canterbury will come to order.
Ms PRU GOWARD: We also need to recognise that the social enjoyment—
Mrs Barbara Perry: Barry, you didn't back this woman.
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Auburn will come to order.
Mr John Robertson: You made sure that she didn't get the money.
The SPEAKER: Order! I call the Leader of the Opposition to order for the second time. The Minister has the call.
Mr John Robertson: You don't want to—
The SPEAKER: Order! I call the Leader of the Opposition to order for the third time.
Ms PRU GOWARD: I reiterate the Premier's comment: I expect an apology on 7 September. In no way is the transfer of out-of-home care to the non-government sector being impeded. We have already formed a working group and the work of that group is proceeding effectively and in partnership, unlike what occurred under the former Government. There was a huge falling out between the non-government sector and the then Government because the one recommendation that Justice Wood made that it could not accept was the transfer of out-of-home care. When we took over we found that absolutely nothing had been done. All we found was an atmosphere of hatred between the government and non-government sector. We are committed to changing. We are taking a partnership approach. The importance of transferring out-of-home care to the non-government sector has been well recognised by both sides of the House. We are deeply committed to the transfer and it is proceeding afoot. (Source : http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Prod/parlment/hansart.nsf/V3Key/LA20110803018?open&refNavID=HA8_1)