
"Do you actually know what the hell your are talking about?"

From: Paul Manning
Date: 07/10/2012 00:58:31
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Subject: Do you actually know what the hell your are talking about?

Mr ward.

I watched you interviewed by a Slovakian journalist, on the subject of the policy of the UK social services, I have to say that what you said was ill informed and without knowledge on the subject. Tell me why it is that we are the leading European country that takes more children into care than any other? The drastic rate care proceedings is rising at an alarming rate. A recent report showed that in the last 6 months alone that 30,000 children were removed from their parents, and probably on the most frivolous of evidence.

This is a subject that I have researched and know about in great detail, and you sir know very little! I am a campaigner for parents and children's right, I have recently been involved with a case where a mother voluntarily took her 4 month old daughter to hospital because of a slight bruise on her wrist that was causing the child a little pain. Within 2 hours that child was in the hands of the Lincolnshire Social services. I know the parents well and became involved because I was outraged over their case and the bullying tactics of the social workers. Because the mother was not able to explain the bruise, she was treated as guilty until she could prove herself innocent. She is now to lose her daughter as an adoption order as now been sought. You cannot possibly know how this mother has suffered, the nightmares, the horror of it all, I tell you she is innocent and a very caring mother. How dare you say that such things don't happen in the UK?

You said in your interview that what the Slovak people were claiming was a lie, that the interests of the child was paramount to the social services. If this is so, how was it possible that in Sheffield and Rotherham that 12 and 13 year old children, (many of whom were in the care of the Social Services in care homes) were sexually abused by Asian pedophile rings? How is it that now the Police and social services have been accused of covering over the matter and knew that it was happening? Its all over the press man, do you read!

Unless you know what you are talking about I'd advice you to not call others liars, before you get your facts straight. It is no coincidence that Slovakia is taking the UK to the courts of human rights, it is about time our country was exposed for the quick knee jerk reactions of our care system. I hope they are successful in exposing what is going on.

I am telling you for a fact that hundreds of parents are living lives of pain, of hell and suffering, for what your government is doing in devastating innocent mothers and fathers and in turn their children. I have been involved in so many cases of child snatching that I have come to know for sure that it is happening, yes right here in our so called free democracy!

I ask that you talk to Christopher booker, to Lucy Allen, to John hemming, Ian Joseph... Countless journalists that are all beginning to open their eyes and realizing the injustices that are continuing to take place everyday. Your obvious ploy was to defend the policy of the UK and the social services, you spoke like some hired boy who was sent on an errand, like some robot. You have no justification for what you said in that interview, you just presumed that it must be true, because you live in the good old United Kingdom. I am telling you to educate yourself on the subject, to go and look at the figures and investigate a few cases of forced adoption, then you will know the truth. Until you do you will continue to talk utter nonsense! Suffer the little children, you have no bloody idea how they are suffering. They are being abused while in care, and you should know it.

I am telling you that children are being taken from innocent parents, its a fact. I should know I've had to many of them crying on my shoulder and met the uncaring social workers who took those they loved. Until it touches you, until you know for sure that it can happen, you can know NOTHING MR WARD, NOTHING!

Yours sincerely.

Paul Manning.

(Source : https://www.facebook.com/groups/362871483761685/permalink/420039248044908/)


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