
"Adoption was a result of Forced Separations."

apology f5ea4There has been no charge placed on anyone, or against any Institution for the illegal unlawful and criminal abductions that the Senate Inquiry and its tabled report disclosed.

IN FACT . . . . The reason the issues of MOTHERS who had a son or daughter stolen in the labor ward during the birthing process or shortly there after, is that our 'movement' accepted the word 'adoption' as described by the Senate Inquiry.

We (the mothers) were never involved in forced adoption. Only our children were.  FACT: The adoption consent was illegal. It was not a Legal document. The Judge too broke the Law. He had no knowledge before signing to an adoption if the family of the child had agreed. He did not check.

Now the situation is the force of the revival of adoption.

I saw in NT were children are to suffer the same fate being taken for adoption against their families consent.
The more they do this the more fragmented our society becomes.

TO BE CLEAR. . . . Our son or daughter was taken from our body prior to any adoption taking place, before any decision COULD be agreed to, (because signing an 'intention to adopt,' known as a consent form), not till at least 5 days after giving birth!!! - WE HAVE BEEN CONNED! The words used 'forced adoptions' takes mothers out of the picture, and places the child removed from us on the top footing.

Those 'children' now adults have been 'groomed' by the perpetrators . . . oops!, i mean by the well oiled adoption industry - from day one hell bent on avoiding the truth from being heard, to imagine themselves .. the children of the second family, and to place their genetic heritage in the too hard basket. The politically active Adoptees unknowingly have split us apart, because they hold their pain up against our pain, and unconsciously still blame us for it. 

Adoption was a result of forced separations.

Only when mothers come together with this as our common truth will we have a chance to win back the ground we thought we might have had from a Senate Inquiry.

The Law is having a field day with us.  We will all be dead and our children non the wiser if we cant get the simple fact together in our heads that we had nothing to do with adoption, because the medical personal abducted our children in a very unethical manner causing us ( the mothers who said NO! to them taking their son or daughter off them, - not relinquishing mothers who believe in their hearts they did the right thing). 

So . . . causing us a lifetime of torment and anguish, that destroyed relationships with just about every person who knew us, and the the Organisation of Australia's MEDICAL Personal have said not one thing about the actions of taking a baby from it's mother against her will in the labor ward during the birthing process. They have offered us nothing! The pain and suffering inflicted on us by their brutality, harming us for a lifetime has been ignored.
THEY SAY THEY ARE TO DO NO HARM. yet here we are decades along this torturous path they set us on.

Why has this been ignored?

Why has every effort by Victorian Mothers who have fought for decades to expose this TRUTH been ignored.  The Medical research that women had done to their bodies in this state led to the opening of the IVF clinic in 1971.They had thousands of unsuspecting young girls, both pregnant and non pregnant whom they exploited for science.  A very big possibility is that many of our children may have had a similar experience. My son was in care - no adoption paper signed, yet they had already taken me from the RWH 4 days after his birth, and I have no idea what they did to him.  When will mothers of all states stand with us, IRM, Independent Regional Mothers Victoria and pursue justice instead of FUNDING.  These priorities will see the mothers in foreign countries exploited even worse than we were.  The priorities of Institutions is increased funding and wages. It has dirtied the waters for justice.

Justice will come when we all find a point in time that shows the crime.

The crime was forced separation, that is how they broke the law and committed a crime against humanity. No amount of funding or compensation can bring justice.
Only a movement that has reached the point of unity and has professional support through education of the facts, can we ever succeed.
I am here to do what I can.
I am tired and sick of the issues but I will not change my position till the truth reaches my son and my family feel an opportunity to heal from the illusions they have suffered from.

Forced Adoption was a misrepresentation of our truth.

It is a lie - its an abomination.
And it was a plan to increase potential adoptions for infertile people be they gay or medically unfit.

To assume the right to have a child even when the body says no, has led to further exploitation.

Our truth could have shone a brilliant light on this and instead we the mothers fought between ourselves dividing and dividing so the power motivated ones get the 'funding' and justice is almost out of reach.  Who will bring us all back together?  Wrap a magic cloak over our old bodies to nurture the love in our hearts for the ones we all have been denied, and who so confused deny us, our rightful place in their lives. 

Our children have not heard the truth, not until the true predators have been charged and sentenced, not until the medical profession makes amends to us, for their cruel callous crime of stealing our new born baby, before any adoption ever took place, and injuring both ourselves and or son or daughter.

We can stand up and applaud when and if our govt chooses to take the ROYAL COMMISSION ( into child abuse ) into the dark corridors of medical research, Monash University, Queen Victoria Hospital and RWH are all party to the crimes committed on young unsupported pregnant girls.  between 1958-1972 specificly.


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