"UNACKNOWLEDGED as at September 2013 : Michael-Coutts Trotter and NSW Child Protection Corruption & Prevention"
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Created: Wednesday, 26 February 2014 05:26
- Written by Alecomm2
We note that in an introductory conversation with the Daily Telegraph recently, you stated that the department is doing "amazing work"...
Well the ignorant-uninformed public possibly believes this, as nobody wants to truly believe this department is rotten to the core, but truth is, it really is "rotten to the core". And from past experience, we can say "ignorance really is bliss".
Fortunately however, the department has millions of dollars to spend on advertising campaigns, to purport itself completely different.
Unfortunately however, there is growing concern – to those of us whom have experienced the departments' ineptness – that the deep-stemmed corruption in the system, is driven by the dollar sign that each and every individual playing a role in the system, obtains, by keeping his or her mouth shut, and keeping the department happy.
As for the departments' personnel, I can only imagine that their corrupt practices are born from an extreme desire to ultimately control anybody and anything that they get their dirty little paws into, or maybe the majority of them have had some traumatic childhood event, with which they desire to play out through other family's circumstances.
Maybe we sound a little harsh? Please don't think my frustration is directed at you, as it's not. It's more directed at the previous list of departmental personnel and ministers that continue to ignore the systemic corruption, in order to continue their merry way through parliament, and their lucrative careers.
This document, or book as you may prefer to refer to it to, is a detailed list of administrative defects, that we have experienced first-hand within your department.
We send you this document, in the hopes, that as an experienced financial minister and "newbie" child protection minister (no offence), that you will read it from beginning to end, to find out first hand – what it is, that is wrong with the department.
We asking you to learn from this, so you may restore child protection to child protection, as what is happening in this system, (and worldwide), is nothing short of child trafficking – and all our laws support our statement.
We are asking you to take in what you have read, and take this opportunity to implement the changes required for this department to be accountable, and to stop the onslaught of indefensible corruption that one as to suffer the minute the department starts "working in the best interest of the child".
We are asking for your assistance, as our Director-General, on behalf of all people whom deal with the NSW Department of Community Services.
With your help and oversight we believe this is possible.
This document has been printed in hardcopy due to the department's inability to accept large size computer files, or receive large faxes.
We are available at any time to discuss the contents of this document.
We are also happy to provide you with the contents of all external data collected, regarding the department and its immoral and unlawful behavior, in order for you to gain a better insight into the systemic issues within the system, so you may work out how best to address them.
Some of the contents would be:
¨Fifty official complaints filed about corruption within the department, to date, that have never been acknowledged (or investigated) by either Ms Linda Burney or Ms Pru Goward, whilst holding position as Minister for Community Services.
¨Detailed in-depth reporting on the consistent failures of the Independent Children's Lawyers, whom are paid to represent the best interest of their client-children. Currently these lawyers' bills to the department run into the millions of dollars per year. My own case details these failures, and I can personally attest to the complete lack of "independence" shown by the ICLs, in order to keep their lucrative paid jobs within the department.
This includes five newborn babies in the NSW Central Coast area, taken from their mothers at birth, prior to any intervention by the department. All babies were returned eventually to the parents, some after being hospitalized multiple times because of extreme nappy rash gained whilst in care of department. This is required mandatory reporting – but I guarantee you those carer's were NOT reported to JIRT.
¨Official preliminary complaints data (filed anonymously) by dissatisfied clients of the department – which details a continuum of repetitive complaints including – false and misleading information in court documents submitted by the caseworkers, complaints of blackmail, and caseworkers committing perjury. All of this I can personally attest happens, because my own experience with the department.
¨Consistency in children being abused in care, and cover-ups by the department, (which is also claimed in many of the fifty official complaints about caseworkers), and or the department ignoring evidence of sexual abuse of children in care.
¨A repeated failure to inform parents of medical issues of their children. This includes children being sexually assaulted in foster care, and children being left in that placement, to vehicular accidents where a child's neck has been broken and back in three places, whilst in the care of a caseworker.
¨A repeated failure to take into consideration any aspect of a child's testimony, unless it suits department workers. And a system that denies children access time with their parents if the parent happen to file complaints about the departments handling of the case.
¨A failure to use information obtained by the departments' caseworkers, where the information does not suit the agenda of the department. (ie to keep the child in care).
For example, the department not using their own Court Ordered psychiatrist / psychologist reports, if it was not preferential to the caseworkers agenda, and or court reporters rewriting report to suit the department, and departmental caseworkers stating that they are prepared to pay up to fifteen thousand dollars, for a court report, so that they can get the report that they want, with the desired outcomes that they desire. (Reporters such as Caroline Quaddrio).
¨A continued policy of blaming mothers who are victims of domestic violence, and placing children either with the offender or into foster care.
¨A policy of not exhausting any avenues of support prior to removing children.
¨A policy of plainly just not doing anything to benefit the child or family.
It would be nice to see this department doing its job Mr Coutts-Trotter.
For four years I have been working to make changes in this system, but nobody in the position to do so is interested.
Please make my day, and let me help you make some positive changes to this department.
Warmest regards,
Marney MacDonald