
What is a Hate Crime?

"In simple terms a hate crime is any crime that is committed where the motivation was wholly or partly motivated by a bias or prejudice towards a person from or believed to be from an identified group" ... Definition by Department of Premier and Cabinet.* (b)

 I understand the term "hate crime" to mean a criminal act perpetrated against someone because of an actual or perceived trait that they possess. These traits may include ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability. Bodinger-De Uriate and Sancho (1990) suggest that the following characteristics may indicate that a hate crime has occurred:symbols or words associated with hate;


  • activities historically associated with threats to certain groups (e.g. burning crosses);
  • jokes which are demeaning and offensive;
  • destroying or defacing group symbols;
  • a history of crimes against other members of the group;
  • crimes occurring shortly after group activities or conflicts involving the group;
  • the belief of the victim that the action was motivated by bias;
  • perpetrators demeaning the victim's group and exalting their own group;
  • the presence of hate group literature; and
  • previous hate crimes in the community. * (a)

Does anybody find this vaguely familiar ??  Hmmm, I do.  We certainly do have the history of crimes against other members of this group, we have crimes being committed shortly after group activities, such as parents having their contact with their children cut, we have our perpetrators constantly demeaning us, and there are a tonne (going right back to the 1940's) of previous hate crimes being committed in the community.

Now what I suggest you all do for today, is put file one Official DOCs Offence.  You don't have to do it all at once, and you may find that after you put in one, and someone else puts in one, we'll have a few hundred, and that may motivate you to find the time and scan another 2 documents and upload them and fill in the Official Complaints Form again.  Once we get the ball rolling (I estimate), we will have almost a thousand VERIFIED offences committed by DOCs and associated authorities.

Remember : Just put in one offence at a time, if you all do this over the next day or so you will be surprised at how much is in the system, and I WILL KEEP YOU ALL INFORMED.  Just go through your documents and pick the easiest provable lie that is in their statements, photocopy it and scan and upload it, give it the details including file date etc, and then photocopy and scan the other document that proves that they're lying and there you have it... One official (and very easy) complaint.

I know you have all been brushed by every other minister, director general, public prosecutor etc etc, but when its all together it cannot be ignored.  So just one.  Then like i said, im sure you will see whats going on and find the energy to do another one. :-)  You have nothing to fear, UNITED WE STAND.  And we will not fall.

For those of you whom have not been given answers, i recommend you put in email / registered post any questions you have and request response in writing / email within 2 working weeks.

Source :(b) http://www.secure.nsw.gov.au/For-individuals-and-community-groups/Community-engagement/Hate-crime-and-terrorism.aspx, (a) http://www.wwda.org.au/hate.htm


+3 #1 Pamela 2010-04-08 11:07
How seriously discusting it is for this immoral Child Protection system to Drug Addict up to 25% of children in OOHC.

Behavioural problems are brought about by alienating children from their Parents .. Grandparents ..families and communities.

The Millions of dollars being spent on Studies of our children in overseas univiverasties is a farcce. These millions should be spent on moral therapies for children in OOHC.

DoCs are creating a GENERATION of FUTURE Drug Addicts.

This Government Dpt has NIL moral ethics when it comes to our children.

Two of our children are being forced to take these horrendous drugs ... THAT ARE NOT IN THE BEST INTERST OF THE CHILD AND NEVER WILL BE.

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