
""Reconciliation" Australia is a deceitful con by the Australian government"

Jo Hockey Reconciliation Scam ec428Reconciliation Australia belongs under the 'Department of Human Services' Portfolio.

The Black Laws dictionary describes 'Portfolio Analysis' as: “A careful examination of different elements of the products of a company, which are used to determine the best possible allocation of the resources of the company. Secondly, in terms of securities, a portfolio analysis is one in which the investment portfolio is checked, in order to optimize the allocation of holdings.”

The Government plan to profit from the 'inclusion' of 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander' People as an 'Investment'.

“In May 2006, the then Minister for Human Services, the Hon Joe Hockey, MP, the Acting Secretary of the core Department and each of the Human Services Agency Heads signed a statement of commitment to reconciliation.”
(Department of Human Services, Reconciliation Action Plan.)

Reconciliation Australia’s main campaign is 'Recognise' which aims to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Constitution.

'Reconciliation' in the Black Laws dictionary 'analogous' to “condonation.” Condonation is further explained as a ‘Conditional Remission, which protrudes to a “a release of a debt”.

Coming under a Portfolio of Department of Human Services is a clear indication that First Nations People Land Entitlement finance will expand to a Centrelink payment only. Although Billions of dollars a day is made off the lands we never sold.

“Recognition has a lot to do with reconciliation—the two go hand in hand.”  (Reconciliation Australia Website) http://www.reconcile.org.au/home/resources/constitutional-recognition

The Government is clearly saying that Recognition and Reconciliation are the same.

Beware the con of ‘Recognise’ created by John Howard.

Beware the con of 'Reconciliation' implemented by Joe Hockey.

Beware of Tony Abott who wants you to join their Department of Human Services Con.

Vote 'NO' To Constitutional Change. 

(Source : https://www.facebook.com/VotenoToConstitutionalChange/photos/a.353446334725850.77935.350355421701608/664579000279247/?type=1&theater)

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