
"Caroline Quaddrio – Dark Queen of the NSW Children’s Courts is at it again!"

carolyn-mediumDoes anybody wonder how this woman lives with herself after she continually writes psychiatric reports on people who she has either never met or she hasn’t seen in over two years.

Never to the advantage of the parent – this woman is one of the most evil hired guns used by the NSW Department of Community Services when they wish to prevent family reunification from ever happening – Quaddrio scoops in to save the day for DoCS – and usually at a cost of around thirty thousand tax payer dollars.

Yes you did hear correct – this woman gets paid up to thirty thousand dollars to write false and malicious reports full of hatred to separate innocent mothers and fathers from their children and you, the Australian public are paying for her to do this.

This woman IS the six degrees of separation she refers to in her pathetic speeches.


#1 mrsrobyn arkinstall 2012-10-10 14:51
could someone from alecomm please contact me by phone 0249945643 or mobile 0411030928 asap 5.5 years of trauma to all 4 children in our longterm placement.kids are currently active complaints to the commission of children and young people.n.s.w ombudsman dept. minister for community services and just last week seeked the assistance of legal aid to take their desperated struggle to court to have 3 younger siblings access to them be court ordered .mismanaged case work.broken promises and difficulties experenced by siblings seperated in care when they could have been placed together.l.w.b were active to have this happen 2 proposals were put forward and both rejected. a web of docs casework along with a so called independent assessment done by ms toni single sealed the deal for 2 younger siblings to remain in a docs multi placement[6mths ]of attachment override the attachment of placing siblings together whilst in the ministers care untill the age of 18 .just a few months later life without barriers recieved a notification on the system that an alternative placement was on the system for these 4 children in our care to be moved and possible split again .our care team were horrified as the childrn were attached,settle d and actively recieving psychlogical assistance from l.w.b and kaleidoscope health network.linda RAWLINGS snr social worker and Thomas Pepe snr psycholist were present and challenged her opinion our placement was made safe to the overwhelming support and evidence from 1 years progress and documentation.r eferences carer commitment reports.docs placed on us a six mth probation .agree to agree with the deps decision,sepera tion in care of siblings was in their best interest and we were not permitted to take on any of our previous disabilty or fostercare which was terminated with the placement of these children .no discussion or care about impact.heart felt sadness on every side but it was paramount to keep this family [4]together,thr iving.achieving in every aspect of their development the question that has never been answered why were they seperated in the first place?WHEN ONLY THEY RESIDE IN THE PLACEMENT'NO OTHERCHILDREN.O UR HOME IS BIG ENOUGH.THE CARERS WITH L.W.B PUT FORWARD 2 PROPOSALS TO REUNITE SIBLINGS. AND THE 2 NOW THREE YOUNGER SIBLING ARE BEING RAISED IN A MULTIPLACEMENT. IN 2007 4 OTHER FOSTER CHILDREN WERE PLACED IN THAT HOME FROM 3 DIFFERENT FAMILIES . FOR THESE4 CHILDREN JUSTICE IS NOT IN THIS WORLD YET FOR JUST RECENTLY THEIR SIBLING ACCESS WAS CANCELLED BY FACS NO REASON GIVEN 92 DAYS SINCE THEY LAST HAD CONTACT, THE SAME FOR THE PARENTS.FORMULA TING SIBLING ACCESS HAS BEEN FRUSTRATING BY OTHER PARTY.RECENTLY MOVED 5.5 HRS AWAY AFTER LONG NEGOTATIONS TOOK PLACE TO COMMENCE MONTHY SLEEPOVERS DECEMBER LAST YEAR, ALL THESE CHILDREN HAVE BEEN PROMISED AND WISH TO KEEP CONNECTED,GROW AND KNOW EACH OTHER WHY?HAS THIS BEEN A BATTLE EVERY INCH OF THE WAY? 7 full blooded siblings in care.Tragic???? ??????????could you please contact me on 0249945643 or mobile 0411030928

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