Legal voting is illegal in South Australia
- Details
- Category: Election and Voting Fraud
- Created: Monday, 19 July 2010 09:41
- Written by Alecomm
Recently a Judge in South Australia dismissed the case where it was proven beyond reasonable doubt, and exposed the biggest voting scandal in the history or South Australia. Now if the job description of that judge was unfairly compromised, "i'll stand root'n" (as an old friend used to say).
What happened you ask, to have South Australia's election brought before a judge?
- Well, firstly, over 17,000 people were denied the right to vote.
- People who were not "dressed appropriately" were not allowed to vote. People were told that election candidates did not exist.
- Other people were told they were not allowed to vote for particular parties.
- People who made a mistake on their voting form were not given another form.
- Parties disguised themselves as other parties and thousands of people in retirement homes were not even given the opportunity to have a say.
And to top it all off, 40,000 people were fined for not voting, and with evidence that half had voted, and the other half were told they do not exist (and not given an absentee vote), the judge dismissed the case because there was to much paperwork for him to handle.
Where the f**k is this country going? And if this doesn't show that corruption goes all the way to the top of the judicial ladder then nothing does. Like the SA people keep saying "all they have is their vote". Well it appears now that they don't even have that. Labour won the election by a few hundred votes, and considering we're talking about (up to) 40,000 compromised votes / votees, and a judge who wouldn't rule in the favour of the complaining parties, we at alecomm suggest he obviously votes labour too or just accepted a big fat pay cheque to shut his (big fat) mouth.
Now the people of South Australia do have the right now to take their matter to the United Nations Human Rights people and have their matter investigated - which we strongly recommend. We also strongly recommend that all persons found to be having anything to do with such a gross violation of what we as Australian people pride ourself on - a democratic society - demand jail time for such flagrant corruption of our rights and civil processes. Australian Crime Commission must expand into areas of government corruption because it appears these days the criminals are all in the government and not in the cells, and after this fiasco, South Australian residents certainly have the right to demand the government set up its state Independent Commission Against Corruption as exists in NSW.
South Australia Consolidated Acts - Electoral Act 1985 - Division 3--Offences related to the conduct of an election
117. Candidates not to take part in elections
118. Persons present at polling
119. Offender may be removed from polling booth
120. Secrecy of vote
121. Conduct of officers, scrutineers etc
122. Cards in polling booth
123. Witnessing electoral papers
124. Other offences relating to ballot papers etc
125. Prohibition of canvassing near polling booths
126. Prohibition of advocacy of forms of voting inconsistent with Act
127. Failure to transmit claim
128. Forging or uttering electoral papers
129. Protection of the official mark
Source :
Click here to view the Australian Electoral Commission - Election Legislation and Acts for Australia