Collusion and Corruption in Family Law
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- Category: Family Law Courts
- Created: Monday, 19 January 2004 11:29
- Written by John Stapleton
One of the sickest jokes of the whole fiasco of the government inquiry into child custody, which reported on December 29th 2003, was the sight of the Family and Community Services Committee members warning the Chief Justice of the Family Court Alastair Nicholson to accept the report.
While fathers and family law reformers were visceral in their contempt, in the end Nicholson, the living embodiment to many of everything wrong with family law, was one of the report's only supporters. And why wouldn't he embrace the report?
It set out, with clear collusion between the major political parties to protect the appalling legacy of the hated Family Court of Australia. It ignored the personal and social consequences of the conduct of Family Court judges. It ignored the massive bias in the system. It ignored the many moving tales of distress from fathers, second wives, grandparents and non-custodial mothers.
How domestic abusers get custody in family court
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- Category: Court Ordered Abuse
- Created: Friday, 07 June 2019 14:00
- Written by Alecomm2
How Good Mothers Lose their Children
Family Court merger plan dealt fatal blow before election
- Details
- Category: Family Law Courts
- Created: Thursday, 04 April 2019 22:46
- Written by Michaela Whitbourn - Sydney Morning Herald
A controversial Morrison government plan to merge the Family and Federal Circuit courts before the federal election has been dealt a fatal blow and would be torn up if Labor wins office.
Attorney-General Christian Porter failed to win crossbench senators' support to bring the bill to a vote on Wednesday, the final sitting day of the Senate before the federal election.
AFP dead wrong! Statistics prove jilted mothers not lying and caselaw proves family courts protect paedophiles
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- Category: Family court ordered child sexual abuse
- Created: Sunday, 28 October 2018 21:10
- Written by Alecomm2
It's a shame that mainstream medias’ (so-called) journalists followed suit like a bunch of lackeys, when they all jumped on the "criminal syndicate kidnapping children" bandwagon - instead of doing their own homework.
Though we are sick of hearing both women and men actually believing the rubbish mainstream media dribbles, it is a tad frustrating when people aren't smart enough to consider for one moment that what they're being told is a blatant lie, or refuse to budge from their perception of "it's another nasty woman getting back at her ex-husband".
Family courts are like Auschwitz - You will be called by your initials before being lead to the Gas Chambers
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- Category: Family Law Courts
- Created: Sunday, 23 April 2017 22:51
- Written by Niall Doyle
Yesterday I accompanied a distressed friend as moral support to a family court in Mullingar’s temporary courthouse, which is a GAA clubhouse converted for court business but looks more like an office building in a 1930’s Nazi concentration camp from the outside and had all the trappings of a Nazi concentration camp on the inside.
How many children are court-ordered into unsupervised contact with an abusive parent after divorce?
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- Category: Court Ordered Abuse
- Created: Monday, 22 September 2008 00:27
- Written by Joyana Silberg - The Leadership Council
According to a conservative estimate by experts at the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence (LC), more than 58,000 children a year are ordered into unsupervised contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following divorce in the United States. This is over twice the yearly rate of new cases of childhood cancer.
Experts at the LC consider the crisis in our family courts to constitute a public health crisis. Once placed with an abusive parent or forced to visit, children will continue to be exposed to parental violence and abuse until they reach 18. Thus, we estimate that half a million children will be affected in the US at any point of time. Many of these children will suffer physical and psychological damage which may take a lifetime to heal.
Children are reliable and truthful in their evidence of being abused
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- Category: Family Law Courts
- Created: Wednesday, 10 April 2013 22:18
- Written by Charles Pragnell
The legal presumption in the Courts of Australia is that the evidence given by children is reliable and truthful. This is embodied in various ways in the Evidence Acts of the Commonwealth and the respective States and Territories.
The presumption is not rebuttable and only a judicial officer can determine whether the evidence given by a particular child or young person may not be reliable in a particular case.
What is the law and penalties for child abduction and kidnapping charges in NSW?
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- Category: Family court ordered child sexual abuse
- Created: Tuesday, 23 October 2018 11:51
- Written by Sahar Adatia and Jimmy Singh - Criminal Defence Lawyers Australia
Last week, the Australian Federal Police cracked an underground parental abduction ring following a two-year investigation into the group that allegedly helped jilted mothers to abduct and hide their own children across Australia. Three men and a woman were arrested and charged for their alleged role in the kidnapping syndicate, which organised and financed the children’s snatching with plans to even use a yacht to smuggle them to New Zealand. The network managed to evade detection for a decade.
Among those charged include William Russell Massingham Pridgeon, a 64-year-old doctor from Grafton in NSW who is reported to have founded the Australian Anti-Paedophile Party. The party ran senate candidates in the 2016 federal election.
Prime minister will apologize to institutional sex abuse victims
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- Category: Family court ordered child sexual abuse
- Created: Sunday, 28 October 2018 10:55
- Written by Alecomm2
Family Court “Infinitely Worse”: “Small Army of Kids…Helpless to Escape”
“[E]ven while [Prime Minister Morrison apologizes], there is a small army of children who…are living with someone of whom they are terrified...[T]here are systemic failures [in Family Court] that break the chain of protection around each child, leaving them not only vulnerable to sexual abuse but also helpless to escape it.”
- Amanda Gearing, journalist and broadcaster
On Monday, October 22, 2018, six years after parliament decided to hold a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Australia’s new prime minister, Scott Morrison, is going to make an apology to the many victims.
However, even while he is speaking, there is a small army of children who even today are living with someone of whom they are terrified.
Ten years ago, a child of seven left a phone message on my answering machine, delivering a plea so heart-breakingly desperate that it still resonates in my ears.
Family law system may need royal commission scrutiny, Chief Justice John Pascoe says
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- Category: Family Law Courts
- Created: Wednesday, 03 October 2018 20:26
- Written by Melinda Howells and political reporter Matthew Doran - ABC
A royal commission into family law should be considered if reforms currently underway do not address serious failings in the system, according to the outgoing Chief Justice of the Family Court.
Chief Justice John Pascoe has told the National Family Law Conference in Brisbane family law had become increasingly complex.
Earlier this year, Attorney-General Christian Porter announced plans to merge the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court, promising it would ease the significant delays and costs for people stuck in the system.
The M List
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- Category: Family Law Courts
- Created: Wednesday, 11 April 2018 20:06
- Written by F. McKenzie
The M list referred to by the family Court is not about truth or justice. It is not about protecting abused children. It is a game, designed to create money for the people working there.
The court is the meeting place that hand delivers children to abusers and pedophiles.
The court is like an ocean, the independent children's lawyers, barristers, judges are sharks ? They look for the small fishes, the ones who are bleeding and devour them.
If a child is under the age of twelve, it doesn't matter how much faith you have or how hard you fight to protect them you can't. Our law does not allow protective parents to protect their children.
This is a game you can't win.
If I didn’t witness what happens behind these corrupt walls, I wouldn't of believed it.
Wolves do hide in sheep's clothing. And their lair is the courtroom.
Mothers labelled as delusional by courts
- Details
- Category: Family court ordered child sexual abuse
- Created: Wednesday, 28 March 2012 08:57
- Written by Sean Ford - The Advocate
COURTS are giving alleged sex abuser fathers custody of their children in Tasmania, a child protection expert says.
Mothers alleging such abuse are being declared mentally ill or delusional and to be the "dangerous parent", according to Professor Freda Briggs, a former Scotland Yard child protection officer who visited the Coast in September.
"Having recently spent time in Tasmania, I am concerned that no-one appears to be protecting very young children from father-child incest when there is a case pending in the Family Court or a Family Court order is in place," Prof Briggs said in a letter to Premier Lara Giddings in December.
Mothers 'labelled dangerous'
More Articles ...
- The high price mothers pay when filing for divorce
- Turnbull government orders first ever review of the Family Law Act
- 'Rest in peace, my special little man': Father of boy killed by mother was in bitter custody fight
- Child protective services visited mum and kids hours before murder
- My child did exist
- Evidence that Newcastle family courts erase parents
- UK judges change court rules on child contact for violent fathers
- Cries of child abuse bounce back on mums
- Mother dies of stress and lies from family court
Court Ordered Abuse
- Article Count:
- 15
Death by family courts
- Article Count:
- 8
Family court ordered child sexual abuse
- Article Count:
- 6