melinda george / gemma millar | department of community services | strawberry hills office ,sydney | nsw | | strawberry hills |
Lee Barron | manager | Wagga ans Cootamundra | nsw | | lying, manipulating evidence, bullying, intimindation, on the day I was to get my child back she stopped the reinstatement, placement of my child with non family carerrs when family were wanting my baby |
lee baron docs worker stalker abuser of families | WAGGA WAGGA | wagga cootamundra DOCS | NSW | | stalked my partner her case n kids from 2002 till 2011 n before that as a child of 11 she is now 24 and lee has tried to cripple our family over damages done by her office |
Bronwen Elliott | Burwood | Psychologist who formerly worked for DOCS | NSW | | Former DOCS Psychologist who now provides False statements and false and misleading psychological reports to back up DOCS at Eastern Sydney |
Catherine elizabeth Brodie | DOCS | Grafton ( now retired) | nsw | | 1 |
Catherine elizabeth Brodie (quit her job as so many complaints) | DOCS | Grafton | nsw | | no case plans, unregistered carers/abusers that could NOT get custody of their own granchildren, told me docs was unsuiable and laughed in my face. After going through FOI i have 10 folders of evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt Negliegence by DOCS, No case plans, cover up of car accident chlidren where in whilst in volunteery care with docs. Lied in Affidavits to the courts and had children [placed with convixted sexual assaultist exz husband, no case plans not supervised girls have been removed by police and docs after docs closed more than 30 reports of abuse on my girls ranging from emotional through to sexual officer laughed at me and told me that they are an unsuiable agency. False signitures on offical documents and the list goes on. |
Tim O'Neill | Department for Child Protection | Goldfields | Western Australia | | This officer was fucked |
Anne-Marie Trow | DOCS | Katoomba | NSW | | Using "jobs for the boys" tactics to secure her husband Bill a job in another DOCS department |
Dorothea Parsonage | Docs | Docs | NSW | | Disregarding evidence of corrupt activities within her own section by her subordinates, covering up for them |
Janet Mevill | Docs | Katoomba Docs | NSW | | Lieing in statements tendered to the family court to justerfy legaly kidnapping my children. |
graeme wright | DOC'S Chatswood | Chatswood CSC | N.S.W | | lying in affidavits, deliberately delaying process of care plan, false accusations, putting child at risk of harm in foster care |
sarah Bollem | DOCS Chatswood | Chatswood CSC | NSW | | lying in affidavits, manipulating, causing trauma to both child and parent |
Diana Zharovski | DOCS Chatswood | Chatswood CSC | NSW | | deliberately giving misleading false information, false affidavits, allowing child to be traumatised by foster care, corruption within DOCS and affiliated agencies/workers such as centacare with Melinda Cummings and Phoenix Rising? Sarah Friedgood |
Diana Zharovski | DOCS Chatswood | Chatswood CSC | NSW | | deliberately giving misleading false information, false affidavits, allowing child to be traumatised by foster care, corruption within DOCS and affiliated agencies/workers such as centacare with Melinda Cummings and Phoenix Rising? Sarah Friedgood |
alison kearns | assessments australia | kinship assers | nsw | | she made false allegations with no proof |
tanya smart | department of community services | stand over tactics | nsw tamworth | | stand over tactics |
Philip Paterson | Child and Family Services | Burnie | Tasmania | | Giving/ leaking information to alleged Sex Offender father in order to help him take custody of child off mother.Notifications of child sexual abuse were made to docs by doctors and family against father re little 4 yo girl who continually alleged sexual abuse of her by her father |
Caseworkers | DOCS | Lismore | NSW | | Denying us contact with our teenage child when our child repeatedly asked to see us.Our child was told we did not want contact. |
Sylvia Reiner | DOCS | Maitland | NSW | | lying, manipulating, unnecessary removal of kids, harrassment, restriction, persecution, cold & heartless |
Sylvia | Maitland | DOCS | NSW | | painted me as a potential killer because i have a mental illness, took away all my rights as a person & a mother, lied in affadavits, lied in court, tore my family apart, cut me out of my kids lives & want them in care til 18, destroyed my name, my family, my life, cold, rude uncaring, |