Mel's thought for today
- Details
- Category: Inspiration
- Created: Tuesday, 31 January 2017 20:46
- Written by Mel

My thoughts for the day, on the weekend I stopped by a garage sale. It was at the end of the day and most of the items left behind were going to be donated to Charity. As they were considered of little worth to the people who had been before me. As I started going through the items, I soon realized that these items belonged to an elderly lady.
I inquired about the ladies name and her history. I was interested because there were so many beautiful vintage clothes with tags still on them. Beautiful pots and Kettles still in there boxes I could tell they came with a story and were precious to there owner. I was told that Mary was ninety years old and had been a war bride, she had recently been put into a nursing home because she fell and broke her hip.
While looking through all the beautiful things that Mary owned and had once treasured. It reminded me once again, that at the end of our lives, the material items that we worked and saved so hard for, will become a total strangers bargain at a garage sale. I say this to remind all of us do not build your life around stuff that has no worth. Build your life around relationships the people you love. Use that expensive tea cup set that you saved for a special occasion, use it to comfort a friend over a cup of tea. Use that expensive saucepan to make a meal for someone who is sick or without food. Give away that extra blanket that you have never used for the homeless, do something special with the things you own now, as they will have no purpose after we are gone!!