Susan Faye Mehlhopt missing since 1996
- Details
- Category: Tennant Creek
- Created: Thursday, 11 July 1996 00:00
- Written by Alecomm2

Susan was last seen at the Darwin Show in either July 1996 or 97. She told her mother at the show that she was leaving to join the circus. The circus was believed to the show circuit and she was to look after the children's horse merry-go-round. She has made no contact with her family since.
Name: Susan Faye MEHLHOPT alias Samantha FRANCIS
Date of Birth: 16/02/1979 (February 16, 1979)
Last seen: Darwin, NT, 1996/97
Build: Slim
Height: 155-165cm
Hair: Light brown, wavy
Eyes: Hazel
Complexion: Fair
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