Child Care Proceedings Exposed
- Details
- Category: Child Care Proceedings Exposed
- Created: Sunday, 02 June 2013 09:38
- Written by Child Care Proceedings Exposed

Welcome to Child Care Proceedings Exposed. This website has been started by a group of concerned people who have had first-hand experience of child care proceedings. What is happening in family courts all across the country is fundamentally wrong and has no place in English law.
Miscarriages of justice are taking place on a daily basis in secret family courts. Judges, solicitors, barristers, social worker and guardians collude together to remove healthy children from loving parents based on false allegations of harm, or the risk of future emotional harm.
Human rights are being breached on a daily basis.
Article 3 – No torture, inhuman or degrading treatment. The prohibition on torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is one of the most important provisions in the Human Rights Act.
Article 6 – right to a fair hearing. The right to a fair trial is fundamental to the rule of law and to democracy itself.
Article 7 – No punishment without law Article 7 provides that:
- No-one can be found guilty of a crime that was not a crime under the law at the time it was committed – the prohibition on retrospective criminalisation; and
- Anyone found guilty of a criminal offence cannot have a heavier penalty imposed on him or her than that which was applicable at the time the offence was committed.
Article 8 – Right to a private and family life. Everyone has the right to respect for his of her private and family life, home and correspondence.
From the moment the child is identified as adoptable, the social services move in for the kill. Vulnerable and frightened parents are like lambs to the slaughter, and once the social services have got their teeth in, they are not prepared to let go, even when they know they have got it wrong.
Nothing is left to chance when it comes to achieving the final goal of having a child taken for adoption, the lengths they will go to will leave you astounded, shocked and in a state of disbelief. They use parent’s lack of knowledge and access to information and legal help to push for adoption, the biggest weapon is the use of fear.
It is all done in the name of ‘child protection’, and whilst it is agreed children need protecting from any form of harm and/or abuse, what is happening is not identifying children who need protecting, it is about identifying children who can be easily adopted.
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