"Pick the Picture that Best Depicts the NSW Ombudsman's Oversight"

headupbumAt Alecomm we understand that the NSW Ombudsman's Memorandum of Understanding with Community Services is to try to "resolve" complaints without actually investigating them.  Secton 5.1 MOU DoCS/Ombudsman.  However we at Alecomm don't think that it is approriate that NSW Ombudsman completely ignores the fabrication of evidence, and covering it up even to the most seniour levels of DoCS. Alecomm is aware of cases where the Ombudsman knows about the fabrication of evidence and its cover up the NSW Ombudsman within DoCS but simply refuse to do their job.

Given the NSW Ombudsman appears to bury their head in the sand when it comes to uncoverring corruption (the fabrication of evidence) in DoCS we would like Alecomm readers vote on which of the following images best depicts the Ombudsman's attitude towards corruption in DoCS.

1. A General Idea

2. Without his jacket on, a more casual look

3. Actually doing some of the work (digging the hole)

4. Discussing DoCS problems with a staff member while the secretary is waiting

5. A team meeting discussing DoCS performance.

6. Morning tea thinking about a DoCS investigation

7. The naked truth about the Ombudsman's oversight policy

8. Even with the Elephant in the Room (no matter how big the problem is)

9. The Ombudsman training future staff in the role of overseeing DoCS

10. It doesn't matter how much you cover up the corruption - the main thing is to have your tie on for media shots

Like this one claiming "Its time to put kids first" even when He doesn't do this.

Alecomm readers are encouraged to comment on their experiences with the NSW Ombudsman in his oversight role in the space below.

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