Ombudsman to be put in charge of the Child Death Review Team

After the Wood enquiry they made the Ombudsman in charge of the Child Death Review Team. 

It's been a terrific outcome. It's avoided the waste of resources and it puts it all in the hands of an organisation that's got such a strong track record in keeping the research, keeping the data.", states Pru Goward ... The government wanted the Childrens Commissioner to be in charge but Pru Goward says that Child Protection is a specialised area. 

Damn straight it is ... it's a two billion dollar specialised area, and look out those who try and take those pots of gold away from the greedy legal eagles and child traffickers.

So who better to cover up the abuse and round the numbers down than the Ombudsman.  After all, that's their job.  Don't believe us?  Well we've just opened a register for those of you whom have written letters to the Ombudsman regarding the abuse of your child by either the Department of Community Services, or their associated agencies such as Catholicare, and of abusive foster carers.

We're yet to see a letter which actually addressed the issues and took the matter seriously, so how can we expect the Ombudsman to actually do proper review and investigations into Child Deaths when they're not even capable of investigating cases regarding children that are still (currently) alive.

And for the record, we have many photos, such as this one, of children who have been stolen by DOCs and shoved into the money-laundering-child-trafficking system we call child protection, however because the abusers have more money and power than the public, we cant show them.  Yet.


+3 #2 Pamela 2010-04-08 11:12
Our children have told of their abuses in OOHC and for their honesties they have been punished by the DPT.

OK ! Kids ... Now that you've been very naughty in telling your families what is happenning to you by your cruel unbalanced carers >>>> You don't get to spend quality time with your family anymore.

+3 #1 Hurting Nanny 2010-04-08 01:14
The Ombusman is just a PUPPET to DoCs/DoHs. They just believe what ever The Department tells. The Ombusman does no investigation. What the department says is Law. Yes we have seen this on a number of occasions.

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