Wyong and Gosford hospitals forcing electric shock treatment on mental health patients or not allowing them to leave, more suicides eminent.
- Details
- Category: Mental Health
- Created: Saturday, 23 January 2016 08:08
- Written by Administrator
Patients with mental health issues at Wyong and Gosford hospital are seen on a weekly basis by visiting magistrates of the local courts. Once a week, patients can ask to go home and or staff can say yes or no with the power of the magistrate whom is visiting.
Generally, if somebody has signed themselves in, they have the power to sign themselves out - or so it should be. However when you're already in a locked facility, where there is already strong evidence of use of tasers - before staff even ascertain whether their intended victims have heart issues or even pace makers, staff have been taking it upon themselves in deciding who will go and who will stay (which, really, should come as no surprise). This has now taken an even more sinister turn, whereby staff are colluding with these visiting magistrates, and patients are only being allowed to leave the mental health facility - after they have electric shock treatment.
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