
Dear Laura Banks,

I saw your articles in the Daily Telegraph yesterday (22/09/2016) and I must say I was shocked that the media refuses to ensure the government is held accountable as it should.

Once again the agency is given more money instead of being held accountable for putting the child in a position of danger. At least this time it is only 8.5 MIllion Bucks instead of the 3/4 Billion bucks they got when Ebony died as shown in my talk

In fact at every inquiry after a child dies they get a couple of a million more so I guess when they are running short of cash all they have to do is let another one die??? Of course no one is ever held accountable. Even the media is too frightened to publish something if the Minister does not approve.

I wrote a document back in mid 2011 about how the NSW Ombudsman, ICAC and the media covers up evidence DoCS/FaCS fabricates during child protection investigations to cover up their own misconduct placing children at risk.

Despite going through the entire process, from ICAC, Ombudsman, CEO, Ministers etc they ALL either backed up lies or excused false evidence by DoCS/FaCS and so refused to investigate the corruption.

As my submission to the Federal Government Senate Inquiry into Institutional Abuse of Disabled People shows

(see Submission 79 here

I had to take DoCS/FaCS to the judiciary to get them to change the false evidence in their records (after it caused a breakdown in our marriage). For years they covered it up and I had to represent MYSELF in court against taxpayer funded BARRISTERS to get them to change it despite being officially a VICTIM (and even getting counseling from NSW Victim Services). Yes - so like the Girl X case the institution blamed me, the victim, instead of admitting misconduct of their employees.

You can see by the NSW DoCS/FaCS response to to my submission they now made up a new excuse saying it was an "accident" and was "investigated" by the oversight. You can see by my link above the NSW Ombudsman and ICAC made up excuses for not investigating the DoCS corruption.

As well the claims that the Administrative Decisions Tribunal investigated it are also completely false. The people running the Federal Senate Inquiry said they could not do anything about false evidence submitted to them but did recommend a Royal Commission as their FIRST recommendation. This has not happened as the media has allowed the government to ignore it.

I did write in my submission to the State Inquiry into Child Protection in June

EVIDENCE that DoCS/FaCS lied to the Federal Senate to cover themselves. The State Government (naturally) refused to publish it as it is damning to their own agency so I have attached it to this email (NSW_Child_Protection_Inquiry_2016.pdf). See pages 29, 30 etc. As in your article I indicated that the people in positions of authority are quite happy to get their photos taken and talk about doing things to stop abuse yet in reality they refuse to see and listen to the victims or read the documents.

The simple fact is that the people in positions of authority use that authority to blame people with less authority (plebeians) when they do the wrong thing. They are supposed to be supporting the victims not covering up for liars.

I even have recent emails from the VOCAL (Victims of Crime Assistance League) CEO trying to excuse the false evidence from DoCS/Police. When I responded proving her evidence showing her were explanations wrong. She replied by saying she refuses to read anymore detail nor respond to further correspondence. It shows that people in positions of authority who have the responsibility to support victims simply consider it unimportant if they have to take on an institution.

Institutional abuses will continue to occur while the media continues to allow it and everyone thinks it is "too hard" to get the truth out there.

PS: Just in case you also claim they they have a "category entitlement" in the analysis discourse because of their supposed knowledge I have attached my resume which shows my scientific research. It also has and references from two Professors (including my research into Domestic Violence). I trust it demonstrates I am not as stupid as others claimed to ignore what I have said.

PPS: .The state Senate submission (attached), on page 36, shows that I calculated the risk of children dying in state care was 25 times that in the care of parents some time ago. So they have known about these issues for ages but failed to do anything until the media got hold of it.

I guess the children themselves are not important until the media decides they are and gives the institution / government a bad public image? I guess that is why the United Nations says the role of the media in a democracy is to act as a watchdog and guardian of the public interest - not just sensationalism.

Does the Australian media believe in this role as well? Will you advocate for a Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse of Disabled Children as the Federal Senate Recommended? Or is it Okey Dokey for child protection agencies to fabricate evidence in government inquiries so they look good?

When DoCS Lie Children Die.


Michael Hart
0427 829 038



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