Apologies from Abusers Makes It Okay For Them To Abuse Again

It seems that although mothers are never able to mother again, even if their case / accusations are total bullshit, however for corporate conglomerates such as Uniting Burnside and CatholicCare, all they have to do is issue an apology and they are free, yet again, to rake in all the cash the government can throw at them to abuse yet more children.  Doesn't a bad track record say that religious institutions are now notoriously known for massive amounts of abuse upon our most innocent?

How is it that there are so many fingers in so many pies, that these criminals are still getting more money than god itself to abuse more children?

The only people that are profitting from "Child Protection" seem to be the abusers, and in great proportion.  How is it that the government sees fit to pay foster parents so much more money than the parents of the child themself?  Isn't this blatant discrimination? 

How is it that one party is able to have an endless supply of legal funding, yet the other party (parents) are not?  Isn't this too blatant discrimination?

Where are the mediators overseeing the governments personnel and reminding them, via way of persecution, that it is unacceptable to waste valuable government resources and to abuse our children in the process.  Why is there no enforcement of solicitors and lawyers  who blatantly abuse the system also in order to suck every possible cent out of the system too.  Why are parents the only ones being persecuted on a constant basis, when more than half of them have done nothing wrong?  Why is society so accepting of this abhorrent, child hating system we call child care?

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