"Human Rights Day - Saturday, December 10, 2011"

occupysydney2pm-6pm Martin Place, Sydney 2000

We would like to invite all Communities, Supporters and Organizations to participate in an Occupy Sydney Festival. The purpose of the Festival is to celebrate ''Human Rights Day 2011''. ''Occupy Sydney'' is a community group inspired by the ''Middle Eastern'', ''Arab Spring Revolutions'' and the Occupy movements that have blossomed on ''Wall St'', across the US, and throughout ''Europe''. Our goal is to organise, discuss, and build a movement for a better world. One that is truly democratic and that raises awareness at the individual and community level.

The opposition around the world to corrupt governments and the devastating effects of the global financial crisis has exposed many corrupted realities. We live in a world where we produce a surplus of food, and yet millions of children starve. We live in a world where the 1% that created the global financial crisis are bailed out and rewarded, ''while the 99% pay the price'' through their wages, their homes, their pensions, and their lives. ''We live in a country that has never been so unequal, our environment never so devastated''. 

The events of Middle Eastern Countries, Tunisia and Egypt, the events beginning in Greece, in Spain, and in the United States show us that united in action, the 99% can change the world and determine the type of society we want to live in. ''Occupy Sydney'' is part of a movement that aims to connect the important struggles now happening both here in Australia and around the world. They are creating new paths towards a society based on the needs and the democratic participation of all. We extend our hand and invite you to join us on December 10 in Martin Place to participate in the ''Occupy Sydney'' Festival for a better world. We also invite you to participate at our Open Mic, to speak about ''your Idea'', that a ''Better World'' is Possible!!

With Love, Respects and In Solidarity OccupySydney Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000 {module Latest Events}

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