"Falsely Accused of Child Abuse by Anthony Tadros , Miriam Ekladious and Kirran Jones"

alienationTo whomever is willing to listen,

I am Tracy William and in 1996, when I was 20, I had my first child, Indiana. Her father and I separated when Indiana was about 2 and a half.  Her father, Anthony Toadies, is of Egyptian heritage and is very involved with not only the Egyptian community but also the Coptic Orthodox church (Egyptian christian).  Whilst together Anthony and I had planned to be married twice, both times I cancelled, subsequently humiliating him in front of the Egyptian community.  Shortly after separating from Anthony, I moved into a 3 bedroom house with Indiana, while Anthony continued to live at home with his mother and siblings. 

Approximately 6 months after we separated, Anthony decided to go for custody of Indiana and with his family's support, obtained custody of Indiana in 1999 due to instability on my part because of the fact I had just moved  into a rental property and they viewed Anthony's parents owned residence as more stable. They also made up claims that I had a  gambling addiction, which was untrue.  When Indiana was almost 9 years old, she started telling me about the trouble she was having with her father's  new wife, Sherien Toadies. She said Sherien was being physically abusive by digging her nails into my daughter and twisted her ears, when nobody was watching.

She also told me that her stepmother had accused Indiana of molesting her little brother Michael Toadies, after putting powder on him after she changed his nappy.

The night before Indiana returned into my care, she rang me absolutely distraught saying Sherien was trying to get into her bedroom and is making threats against her life, which I could clearly hear while I was on the phone with Indiana. The next morning I drove to my daughters school, where I picked her up as her father was dropping her to school and told him Indiana was coming home with me, to stay. He had no objection. Indiana was home with me for almost 4 years until late in December 2009, when on one of her sporadic access visits with her father, he failed to return her. When I rang him to ask when he was going to bring her home, it was then he informed me that he had no intention of returning Indiana, because she wanted to live with him and that he would make sure I would never see her again. I went into total shock, I was 35 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child, Felicity, at the time.

After trying desperately to contact Indiana by email and phone for the next 6 weeks, with no success, in mid Febuary 2010, just 2 weeks after giving birth, I answered the door to police, informing me Anthony was applying for an Intervention Order against me on behalf of Indiana. It went to court at Dandenong Magistrates court on the 22nd of Febuary 2010.  After speaking with the duty solicitor and hearing the allegations that were being made against me in the application, I broke down in tears, told the duty solicitor I wasn't going to contest it if that's what Indiana really wanted. And walked out of the court absolutely beside myself, clutching my 3 weeks old baby.

During this time my 2nd eldest daughters father, Kirran Jones, was informed by Anthony of the fabricated allegations and decided not to return Charlene after an access visit and hid her from me so I couldn't find her for 2 weeks. Little did I know Kirran and Anthony had conspired together. I thought the matter was over and done with until I was out shopping with my 2 youngest daughters on the 10th of  Septemer 2010, when I received a phone call from the Frankston Police. They asked me where I was and could I come home. I said immediately and went straight home. When I arrived home I was met by approximately 8 plain clothed detectives  in bullet proof vests, I was reeling. I immediately asked why they were here, towhich I was told that it was regarding Indiana. Tears welled up in my eyes as I asked if she was ok, by then it had been 7 months since I had even heard her voice.  The police informed she was fine. I went into my house with the dectectives, it was then they informed me that they had a search warrant for my house and they proceeded to execute it, all in the presence of my 2 youngest children. I was then  informed that serious allegations of physical abuse had been made against me and that sexual abuse allegations had been made against my partner, Christopher Lacco.

According to the police, I held a 9 millimetre gun to Indiana's head and that  was what they were searching for. They said claims had been made that I stabbed Indiana in the back with a steak knife while she was doing the dishes, I broke her nose by punching her in the face, then kicked her in the back. These were the  most serious allegations against me, there were several more but my partner was accused of digitally raping Indiana and masturbating in front of her. All VERY serious and disturbing allegations.

As the police were conducting their search a woman  from Child Protection introduced herself as Cheryl Cornish and proceeded then to take my 7 month old baby out of my arms and then took Charlene, my 5 year old and put them both in her car, saying she was taking Charlene to her father, Kirran  and Felicity would come with them to the police station while the police interviewed me. I was arrested and interviewed by Sen Con Robbie Culcott, all the while I could hear my baby in the room next to me absolutely inconsolable as she had ever spent a minute away from me since she was born.  Cheryl Cornish came in during a break in the interview and promptly told me to breast feed my baby quickly to settle her down before she then, again, took my baby away from me, where she continued crying. 

My mother Jennifer Butera, came up to the police station about 30 minutes later, where she was handed Felicity until I finished my interview at approximately 9.30pm at night. My baby's eyes were swollen from crying and it took me a while to get her to calm down.  Then Cheryl Cornish came into the room my mother and I were in and told me that I was not to be unsupervised with Felicity or Charlene. So my mother supervised me with Felicity by moving into my house for 4 weeks and a close friend from church, Mei Hall, was to supervise me during my time with Charlene. My partner, Chris, was not allowed anywhere near Charlene and was not to be unsupervised with his 3 children, Trinty and 2 other children from a previous relationship.   It was during this time that Kirran, Charlene's was awarded 50% custody of Charlene, based on the allegations.  He then informs me he will be moving down to Phillip Island and will be taking Charlene with him and is going full custody of her.  I tried desperately to stop this from happening but with allegations like this on the table, it made it easy for him to gain full custody of her. 

And in January 2011, final orders were to be made in the family court regarding custody of Charlene. I am told by my barrister that there is absolutely no point in taking it to trial because I will lose solely based on the allegations made against my partner and I.   So Kirran was granted full custody and in the final orders it states that Chris is never to be around Charlene, ever.  I walked out of court, knowing that now I have lost 2 of my 3 children due to false allegations.

A few weeks later, I received a letter from the Frankston Police informing me they have done a thorough investigation into the matter and had found absolutely no evidence to support the outrageous accusations made against me and they were closing the case and were not pursuing it any further.  A little too late for me as the final hearing for Charlene had already happened. 

I decided to contest the application for an extention to the AVO Anthony had taken out against me on Indiana's behalf. It was heard at Dandenong magistrates court again in the middle of this year. It was at this time, Indiana, was appointed an Independant Childrens lawyer, as the magistrate remarked, Indiana should have her own voice and that she didn't know if this was just a father trying to keep a daughter away from her mother. 

Then on approximately the 30th of August 2011, I went to the Childrens Court in the city and found her father didn't want to pursue the AVO for Indiana anymore but wanted a 5 year AVO for himself against me.  The magistrate asked Indiana what she wanted and my daughter replied ' I want to see my mum'.  It was the first time I had heard her voice in almost 20 months!!  The magistrate said to Indiana that she could see me towhich, Indiana asked the magistrate if she was allowed to hug me, upon the judge saying yes, Indiana almost crashed tackled me saying she had been wanting to see me this whole time but her father, Aunty and grandmother wouldn't let her. 

Indiana was residing with her paternal grandmother at the time and when she returned back there from court, her grandmother kicked her out saying if Indiana wanted to have anything to do with me she should pack her stuff and get out.  Indiana finally came home on the 30th of September 2011.  During this past 20 months Cheryl Cornish from Child Protection supported both Kirran and Anthony at court, recommending that Indiana not be anywhere near me and that Kirran should get custody of Charlene due to my lack of insight into the seriousness of the allegations.  She told my partner, who is aboriginal, that she knows he did this to Indiana as it is 'rampant in his community while she was interviewing Chris and I together. 

We were also told by Cheryl that child protection doesn't need evidence to take my other 2 children away, she said if it were just 'likely' that it happened they could take action.  We were treated as though we were guilty and in the process my partner and I have been labelled abusers.  Since Indiana has come home she has told me how her father, Anthony, her Aunty Miriam Ekladious, who is a school teacher, her grandmother, Leila Toadies and Charlene's father Kirran all conspired together and made her make these allegations against my partner and I so Miriam could adopt Indiana and Kirran could get custody of Charlene. 

During the 20 months that Indiana was gone she began self harming. She cut her arms and her legs and was placed into psychiatric care for several weeks at The Stepping Stones Program at Monash Adolescent Psych Unit. She has shown me 'scripts' they made her write out before she spoke to DHS or the police, so she wouldn't stuff the story up.  She told me that when they were telling her what to say about my partner Chris, she had to ask them to pull the car over so she could throw up. I ask her why she threw up and she said because of what they were making her say. I asked her what happened next and she said even though they saw how much it upset her to do it, they still drove her to the police station to give their scripted statement.  DoCS and Broadmeadow Childrens Court Stealing Children

She has many minutes of recorded conversations between her father, herself and her grandmother, passively aggressively telling her what they want her to do.  She told me that when my conspiritors found out my house had been searched and the 2 youngest girls were taken off me they went out for celebratory drinks!!  They brainwashed Indiana into thinking I no longer loved her and if she didn't go along with what they wanted she would be homeless with nowhere to go.  So it seems as though their plan had succeeded, until my daughter found the courage 2 days ago to go the police and tell them the truth.  Now she has to make a decision as to whether she is going to make a formal statement to police regarding the conspiracy against me, which may see her father end up in prison. Too much for a 15 year old girl who has been through so much psychologically, mentally and physically in the past 20 months but now is left with the guilt of knowing what she was manipulated into saying has effectively meant me losing custody of her 5 year old sister Charlene. Who is not being cared for properly by her father. And desperately wants to come home. 

She asks me regularly why her other 2 sisters live with me but she doesn't, she wants to know what she did that was so bad. Can you imagine what that is doing to her psyche?  I believe wholeheartedly that my story needs to be told, so that it can not only highlight the extent a bitter ex partner will go to hurt you but also because our Child Protective Services are an absolute disgrace.  My whole family has been torn apart because of spite and revenge.  I cant even begin to articulate the heartache I have had to endure in watching my once normal family, be obliterated in a second. 

Or how hard it was to read the paper and learn of another child that DHS had failed to protect. I cant tell you the number of times I hurt for the children that were really in trouble because of the resources they so desperately needed, being wasted on me and my partner. We are by no means perfect but are far from child abusers.  I am absolutely flabbergasted at how someone can deliberately make false allegations against you and have your whole world turned upside down on absolutely no evidence. 

The irony is Anthony Toadies has not paid his taxes in several years to avoid paying child support to me and has psychologically damaged not only my 15 year old daughter but my innocent 5 year old too and Child Protection were trying to keep my kids away from me!!

Now my 5 year old daughters father, Kirran Jones, is not allowing me to see Charlene at all. Surely there is something I can do?!?! He won't even let me speak to her on the phone now. He says that because Chris Lacco and I are still together, he doesn't trust that the orders will be followed and if I want to see Charlene I should take him to court.

Now I have no idea when I will see my 5 year old daughter and I have no idea what he has told her and how much she must be hurting not only for not seeing me but not hearing my voice. Or seeing her two sisters Upon speaking to the Cowes Police Station they informed me that as the custodial parent, Kirran, can keep her away from me if he thinks Charlene is in danger.

What am I supposed to do now??????  I have been told by a solicitor it will cost me $2500 to file for a contravention of orders, which I cannot afford.  So unless I come up with $2500, I won't be able to see my daughter. This can't be right surely.  Indiana has decided to make a statement to Frankston CIU.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have advice or think that injustices like mine should be told.


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