"This Nigerian Family wants to go Home – WITH their Six Kidnapped Children! "

The Most Evil and Corrupt of all Child Snatching Cases in the UK

With a view to the hearing at Haringey Magistrates Court [nearest tube Highgate] on Wednesday, 7th December [any time from 10am onwards], I put this summary together:

A Forensic Analysis by an Investigative Web Publisher
Covering the Lack of Equality of Arms, Abuse of Secrecy of Family Courts and other Legal Principles
in the Context of Human Rights Article 6: Right to a Fair Trial

The Malicious Intent by Haringey Council

  1. From the point of view of the parents whose six children were kidnapped, this case must be seen in the light of Christopher Booker’s 8th of 14 articles published on 18th December 2010 in The Telegraph: Does this family have human rights?[1]  – Social workers persist in their cruel treatment of an innocent family.
  2. The Musa case is described as the most evil and corrupt by a signatory of the online petition Send the Musas back Home[2]WITH their children- who has been an observer for eleven years.
    1. To date, the petition has been viewed by over 3,100 people and signed by 440 with most pertinent comments[3].
  3. All actions by Haringey Council and its colluding parties make perfect sense on the basis of the following assumptions:
    1. The malicious intent of the Council was to steal the children as part of its policy of making adoption easy, thus fuelling a major industry of social services, foster care and contact centres, leading to sexual abuse of children; once young adults, they are abandoned, looking for their parents.
    2. This sad fate applies especially to black Africans such as the Musa family and particularly in Haringey which is known to be the worst of all councils among experts who have been observing child kidnapping for many years.
      1. Ian Josephs, former local councillor in Kent, who publishes statistics on Forced Adoption[4] in Monaco and wrote Punishment without Crime[5] besides what’s Unique about the UK regarding child kidnapping by Social Services
      2. Christopher Booker of the Telegraph who has investigated and written about dozens of child snatching cases
      3. John Hemming MP, expert on Public Family Law, has some 1,500 cases on file and confirms “there’s something odd going on here” to the Deputy Commissioner of Sierra Leone, a family friend of the Musas.
    3. The malicious intent of the Council was also to criminalise the parents and ruin their lives as Nigerian citizens, by abusing secret family courts to achieve their profoundly criminal aims.
    4. Furthermore, the malicious victimisation included intimidation[6]of supporters of the family:
      1. their driver was falsely imprisoned for some four months,
      2. the children of six women were taken
      3. and one woman fled to Ireland with her son.
    5. To further their agenda, collusion with Police, NHS, lawyers and court staff included staff of the High Commission of Nigeria.
    6. Since Haringey Council, like all other local and national authorities, are protected from prosecution by Royal Charters[7], the Rule of Crime and the Rule of Money have, so far, replaced the Rule of Law.

The Principles of Justice and Publicity in the 19th and the 21st Century

  1. “Publicity is the very Soul of Justice. It is the surest of all guards against improbity. It keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial.” Jeremy Bentham, legal and social reformer (1748 – 1832)
  2. Given the international publicity[8]of this case thanks to the internet, it is hoped that Haringey Magistrates Court will not follow the opinions of highly biased previous orders and falsified evidence, but look at the facts with fresh eyes and listen with an open mind:
    1. The eldest daughter has not been seen since August 2010, after having reported to have been inappropriately touched by the son of the foster carers. A whistleblower said that she is dead.
      1.       Priority of the Metropolitan Police should be to find Favour Musa, before following false allegations and evidence by Haringey Council.
    2. Consular visits have been refused to the High Commission of Nigeria under the ridiculous pretext that the children are not Nigerian.
    3. The other children have not been seen since May 2011.
      1. Complaints about Haringey not producing the children have been going on for well over a year, even though a number of judges have ordered contact.
      2. The mother has travelled over 40 times in vain to the contact centre in Kent to see her children.
    4. Recently, the wishes of a 3-year old child have been heard in court. Hence the older Musa children should also be heard in court.
  1. In the spirit of the Coordinating Committee for Media Reform[9] which includes looking at the internet and phone hacking for the current Leveson Inquiry[10], it is felt that reporting restriction orders regarding the secrecy of family courts require further investigations such as The untold story of gagging orders[11], published by The Independent on 25thMay 2011:
    1. 69 injunctions refer to celebrities, while 264 refer to children and young adults.
    2. Since April 2011, the website #superinjunction[12] was viewed one and a half million times!
    3. The online petition The Secrecy of Family Courts should be lifted NOW[13] has been seen by over 11,000 viewers and signed by 794. Most revealing comments by voters and taxpayers can be found here[14].

Abuse of Reporting Restrictions to Cover up Crimes

  1. After Christopher Booker contacted Haringey Council, they attempted to impose restrictions in addition to the normal secrecy rules, before his first article about the Musas appeared.
  2. After publishing the website www.gloriamusa.wordpress.com, I received a “reporting restriction order” – supposedly to protect the identity of the children – even though all photos had been in the public domain, before they had been taken against their and the parents’ will.
    1. The fact that I am based in Germany means that I am outside jurisdiction.
    2. The allegations made against the couple illustrate the mindset with which black Africans are approached with a view to taking their children in Haringey:
      1. Mothers are accused of being sex workers with children being of different fathers.
      2. Parents are assumed to be supported by public funds.
      3. Haringey Council don’t seem to have known that the mother was a revered bishop and highly inspired evangelical preacher in Africa, with a number of videos and photos online and a major supporter base on Facebook.
      4. Their latest restriction concerned not just reporting by the media, but even contact with Maurice J Kirk BVSc who had acted as McKenzie Friend in court on 8th and 10th September 2011[15]. That’s when he experienced first hand the unlawful behaviour by a barrister who made false allegations and judges who renewed Interim Care Orders over the phone.
        1. The charge of “conspiracy to abduct children” was alleged against the parents as well as Maurice J Kirk none of whom know where the children are being kept.
        2. They are prevented from contacting each other – either directly or indirectly – following the pattern of intimidating witnesses and supporters.

Incompetence leading to Dishonesty and Criminality

  1. From the perspective of Haringey Council, a quotation by a whistleblower from the above cited article explains the highly irregular activities regarding “child protection” by Haringey Council and a great contempt for the Rule of Law, by abusing the secrecy of family courts.
    1. “A council whistleblower has said that, at a recent case conference, the social workers admitted that maybe they had made a mistake, and that the mother they had falsely accused was in fact devoted and blameless. But apparently, because of “press interest” in the case, the officials agreed that the council could not afford the very damaging publicity which might follow if the unhappy children were reunited with their parents. It was therefore vital that the council should continue to justify its actions.”
  2. The whistleblower policy[16] of Haringey Council is ignored even though it is known that a lot of staff have left and are deeply unhappy about what is going on.
  3. After the Baby P drama, Lynne Featherstone MP tabled Early Day Motion 53[17] which was signed by 111 MPs.

Equality of Arms

  1. Only at Magistrates Court were the Musas ever offered an interpreter, after having been dragged to court on a monthly basis for “interim care orders” as the backdrop for further “fact finding hearings”.
  2. Their written English is not sufficient for effective communication.
  3. Their understanding of legal argumentation needs translation into a different cultural background.
  4. Their experiences with solicitors and barristers include:
    1. a solicitor falsely claiming in a statement prepared on behalf of the Musas that they admit to the allegations by Haringey Council
    2. a solicitor advising allow Haringey Council to build their case as you know you are not who they say you are
    3. an independent solicitor privately paid saw how greatly abused by Haringey Council to the Musas family yet after briefing on phone by Jonquil Houghton changed her mind to represent the interest of the family rather the interest of Haringey Council
      1. instructing/advising the Musas to accept the allegations as true
      2. a solicitor apparently confessing to being scared of Haringey Council
      3. All parties involved in the Musa case have assumed the position of Haringey Council to make sure the family is destroyed and not working towards unification of the family
    4. a solicitor, upon being dismissed by the Musas, refusing to release their case files for several months until threatened with legal action and reporting to the SRA
      1. a solicitor, upon being dismissed, refusing to release the legal aid certificate
      2. a solicitor who, upon being dismissed, persuaded the Legal Services Commission
    5. to revoke the Musas’ legal aid certificate. LJ Coleridge stated on the 17th August that he had not the authority to restart it
      1. a firm of solicitors sought to obtain a certificate but were refused by the legal Services Commission.

Serious Crimes, Culminating in the Drugging of Baby QE Allegation

  1. The charges, allegedly committed by the accused, are based on false, fabricated and manipulated allegations which have all been refuted upon careful investigation.
  2. Instead, the CPS ought to investigate the crimes committed by the accuser.
    1. The kidnap of the elder five children on 8th April 2010 was carried out by eight Haringey Police officers without any justification or paper work.
    2. The sixth baby was taken after birth by nine police officers who attempted to murder the mother. She was strangled and pulled by her legs and arms, moved into a spare room when the other mothers on the ward woke up. Eventually, she was left unconscious, assumed to be dead.
    3. Gloria Musa was roughed again in a prison cell when arrested for “conspiracy to commit child abduction” and since then she is limping even more seriously and is in more pain.
    4. Given her experiences with their baby in St. Thomas’ hospital, she is too afraid to see anybody related to the NHS, since their name flashes up on the computer system. Last time, Haringey Council was called in which resulted in the ‘baby drugging’ allegation.

I am working on the evidence I’ve got access to, before I can present their innocence effectively.

Meanwhile, Ian Josephs, who has a law degree and who has helped hundreds of ‘child snatching victims’ over the years, recommends:

  1. Not to plead ‘guilty’
  2. To ask the Met to find their eldest daughter Favour Musa who has not been seen since August 2010, after she reported that the 19-year-old son of the foster carers touched her inappropriately.
  3. To argue that there is “no case to answer!”, i.e. let a Jury in a Crown Court decide! See Wikipedia.

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