"Lukes Army hot on the tail of Kathie Parker Now a Manager in DoCS Armidale. Ex-Husband who had sex with foster child tells all."

One of the incidences I told DoCS about when I was working for them was that a computer another Foster Parent (Phillip and Kelly Reynolds - Emmaville NSW) had got me to fix contained Child Pornography.  The money they payed me or my ex wife for respite care was given to us from petty cash, in our hands. It appeared to me that what my ex wife was doing was ethically wrong and morally wrong, I tried repeatedly to tell her how I felt but she seemed hell bent on the money and reputation she had gained from working for DoCS and her own family didn’t matter. 

Michael,I am writing to you because I came across your LukesArmy website and was greatly moved by the loss of your son.  I am in completely different circumstances and have not suffered the loss of a child, although I am basically estranged from all four of my children today. My involvement with DoCS NSW began with my ex wife gaining employment with them in Glen Innes NSW DoCS in 2006.

I have listed some headings in the preceeding pages with details that correspond.  I have attempted to share a balanced account of my expereices and have not excluded the reality of my failings as a Foster Parent/Husband of a DoCS Case Worker (child Protection), now a Manager in DoCS Armidale, Kathie Parker.

As we had the four children and owned a gift shop, I was the main caregiver of our children and my wifes neice (since she was four yrs old)(financed by DoCS “kinship care”).

I will attach documents that will pertain to what I say, including a statement made by my ex wife (who was acting Manager Moree DoCS at the time of statement), inwhich she states at the top of the page that I had been hospitalised with suicide attempts, that I was intoxicated all the time but the majority of the time my intoxication was “medium” (?!) and that I was “diagnosed” with Chronic Depression. At the bottom of the same page my ex wife states that “Glenn was the responsible (?!) adult while I was out of the house”.

All the DoCS workers at Glen Innes NSW knew I was not fit to be the main carer of myself let alone children. At the time I was morbidly obese with high blood pressure and kidney failure(Hypertensive Nephritis). On the occassions I had been charged with drink driving or made a suicide attempt the police and the hospital had made mandatory reports to DoCS and they (DoCS of Glen Innes and Armidale) came and interveiwed me. Nothing ever happened from these incidents, DoCS never folowed up with support for the children (not even checking on them) and no support or disciplanary action given to me. I beleive that no support or action taken against me was because DoCS wanted their “reputation” to be unaffected by what I (a Foster Parent/husband of a DoCS worker) was doing.

My ex wife was generally out of the family home every day of the week from 8am to 6pm and attended traing courses 1week out of the month in Sydney (away from the home and the children). My ex wife also stayed away from home when doing “acting” Manager (DoCS) jobs at which times I was always left to care for the children. DoCS had many functions that I attended at the Pub, Club and many cocktail parties at their private homes, Christmas parties. The alcohol was free and I was always drunk at these functions.

Knowing all this about me DoCS not only left me to care for my own children but kept sending foster children to stay with us. They knew I was the main carer but it never prevented the children from being approved to stay at our home. The money they payed me or my ex wife for respite care was given to us from petty cash, in our hands and the “carer allowance” would be paid into our joint bank account. There was always money, never any money worries with the extra children.

I was extremely unhappy with the situation and lost in a spiral of alchol abuse to the point where the Doctor had put me on Naltrexone for addiction and Cipramil (citalopram) and Effexor for depression.  And other medication for my high blood presure. I tried repeatedly to discuss a change of lifestyle with my ex wife, even telling her that I did not want anymore children brought to our home. My ex wife wouldn’t listen to me and I underwent 2 years of drug and alcohol counselling and AA . I was committed to the Psychaitric Unit of Tamworth Hospital and hospitalised at Glen Innes on a seperate occassion. As it appeared to me that what my ex wife was doing was ethically wrong and morally wrong, I tried repeatedly to tell her how I felt but she seemed hell bent on the money and reputation she had gained from working for DoCS and her own family didn’t matter.

As you will see from attatched documents I ended up committing a crime against one of the young people living with us, although at the time I honestly didn’t know it was a crime. I was drunk and left alone again with all the children; this time I had been caring for them on my own for 2 weeks while my ex wife (the DoCS worker) was away at Moree working as the acting Manager in the Moree office of DoCS. I do not excuse myself from what I did but I was accused of much much worse and my ex wife and all of the DoCS workers turned their backs on me and have continued to this day to do so. I beleive they ( my ex wife and DoCS) want to be dissassociated from any responsibilty or blame for what happened.

After leaving my home that I shared with my ex wife and children I was not permitted back and later went to jail and all my belongings were taken to the tip. My children were told lie upon lie about me by my ex wife (the DoCS worker) and all of them have suffered greatly because of this. My children all ended up living out of the family home within a year of me leaving and their ages at this time were 19, 17, 15 and 13 years of age. My children became sexually active, used alcohol and other drugs and one was caught stealing food from the local supermarket.

None of the children continued to finish their educations. The foster child that remained with her during the breakup is still at school as far as I am aware. There have been other foster children come and go from my ex wifes care since then.  My ex wife was not suspened from her work duties when the incident happened that caused me to leave home and subsequently go to jail, she was rather promoted to Manager in Armidale DoCS and receives around the $100 000 mark a year in wages (not including foster carer payments).

Another thing I found out when I received a child care bill last year is that my ex wife had been receiving the Family Tax Benefit for our children during the time that the children were not in here care. There are other legal matters that were handled corruptly, including a property settlement my ex wife arranged whilst I was still on remand in jail and we had not divorced yet.

I have remarried now and am no longer morbidly obese (lost 50 kgs), I am not on medication for my kidneys, I do not take blood pressure medication, I am not abusing alcohol, I am not on any medication for depression and am not depressed. DoCS opened a case against my wife because she married me and sent JIRT out to interveiw her children and told the children I had “raped” a girl. Which was untrue and proven so in court. DoCS now consider me a “high” risk to any child under the age of 18 years. DoCS has been asking family and freinds about myself and my wife.

It appears to me that my ex wife and her colleagues are persecuting me now because I have a voice and know what they did and failed to do. I know that they did not have my children or the foster children in my cares interest at heart. Nor did they take my ability as a carer seriously into consideration while repeatedly sending me children to care for.

One of the incidences I told DoCS about when I was working for them was that a computer another Foster Parent (Phillip and Kelly Reynolds Emmaville NSW) had got me to fix contained Child Pornography. The manager of Glen innes DoCS at the time, Connie, and assistant manager Tina Zart (now working Wyong DoCS) took a statement from me. I was told it would be investigated but they (Phillip and Kelly Reynolds) continue to foster children. This is one of the things that really did and still does disturb me but at the time I was having a battle just to stay sane and alive.

If I could go back and be well as I am today I would take my children and get as far away as possible from any involvement with DoCS. As a foster carer my freindships were limited and as a husband to a DoCS worker I was isolated in the community. My neighbours on both sides of me had had their children removed by DoCS and my wife had even fabricated truths and told outright lies to police about others. I was there at the police station on one occassion that my ex wife told police that an Aboriginal man had said he would kill us, but it was not true. On that occassion I was completely shocked and also drunk (2am in the morning Guyra police station).

There are more instances that involve the misconduct of my ex wife (the DoCS worker) and her co-workers. I will leave it at that for now as it is painful for me aswell to recall what went on and the fact that I was powerless at the time to do what I would today....THE RIGHT THING!

Medical history at time of living with ex wife.

Diagnosed Chronic Depression

Kidney Disease

High Blood Pressure

Morbidly Obese


Daily Alcohol Abuse

Charges of drink driving while living with ex wife.

1st Mid range, Loss of license for 6 months

2nd Mid range, Loss of license 2 years (2 foster children, 1 bio child in car and dog in the boot)

Ex wife’s away from home trips as a DoCS worker.

Monthly (1 week away from home) training in Sydney

Acting managerial positions when required (2 weeks or more at a time away from home)

Foster children coming and going (respite etc).

3 longterm foster children

Dozens of respite care foster placements

Money generated from foster kids.

Family Tax Benefit

Foster Carer Allowance

Emergency Placement allowance (Petty Cash)



Time spent caring for all children, who did majority.

I did, the alcohol abusing, chronically depressed, morbidly obese, suicidal care giver.

Level of training, education and workplace responsibilities of the ex wife.

My ex wife had no Degree whe

n initially employed by DoCS

My ex wife was allowed to gain her degree whilst employed by DoCS

My ex wife was a mandatory reporter of children at risk

Incident that caused the marital breakdown.

I had sexual intercourse with a 16 year old female foster child.

Consequences of incident.

I was accused of 2 counts of aggrevated sexual assault

I was charged with 2 counts of aggrevated sexual asault

I was unable to live at home

I was unable to talk to my children

I was held on remand for 14 months

I was found not guilty of 2 counts of aggrevated sexual assault

I plead guilty to intercourse with a person over the age of 16 years and under the age of 18 years in your care

I w

as convicted to serve 18 months in jail

I was convicted to 18 months parole

I am now listed on the CPR for 15 years

I am considered a high risk to reoffend by DoCS

I am monitored bt the CCMG

I am mostly estranged from my biological children

Current medical status.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Nolonger morbidly obese (lost 50 kgs)

No longer depressed or on any antidepression medication

Nolonger abusing alcohol

Nolonger have high blood pressure

Nolonger have kidney disease

Current legal status.

On parole

CCMG monitored


Current involvement with DoCS.

Wife has an open case against her because DoCS has now classified me a high risk

How I feel about the system.

The Department of Community Services Child Protection, in my opinion and based on my real life first hand experiences is NOT about the children. It is all about the money and if your one of them (DoCS) worker or in with them you can be lapse in your duties if not criminal and get away with it. If you are not in with DoCS or you dont work for them and they decide to work against you look out. DoCS are liars and answer to noone but each other.

They will fabricate the truth, twist your words, defame your character, and put their own reputations far ahead of any integrity or ethical responsibilty. I am ashamed of what I did, how I use to live and the fact that I didn’t get out of the circumstances myself. I was forced out of my old life and I now thank God for that. I would rather be on the wrong side of DoCS and the right side of the truth any day of the week. I bare my shame but can they bare theres?!!!!!

So I rang the office at DoCS Armidale about Kathie Parker the DoCS manager there, do you think they will do anythig about it???

What about the DoCS NSW complaints line, will they do something about the corrupt manager Kathie Palmer at Armidale???

I rang the New South Wales Ombudsman in control of DoCS NSW Complaints.

I rang the ICAC NSW Independant Commission Against Crime New South Wales, when are they gonna do something about the DoCS corruption in NSW?

I have spoken to the office of Pru Goward, DoCS NSW minister, do you think she will do something about the corrupt docs manager at DoCS Armidale???

So I have rung the icac, the ombudsmen, pru goward, child safety complaints and the Armidale office. I just want people to see that if you ring up next week, this manager will still be there. So what do we expect for Luke? Nothing, the manager of DoCS Cairns north Pat Anderson will get away with kidnap and murder, and she is still the manager, and still stealing babies. Disgusting the whole lot of em, docs and anyone who sits by and does nothing while they know about this corruption.


Lukes Dad's picture


Sun, 05/27/2012 - 19:40 — Lukes Dad






2009/47424 - R v Victim of DoCS NSW


HIS HONOUR: The offender pleaded guilty to an offence under s 73(1) of the Crimes Act, which provides a maximum penalty of eight years imprisonment, where a person has sexual intercourse with another person who is (a) under his special care and (b) sixteen years old and under seventeen years old.

The victim in this case was a niece by marriage who was a foster child of the offender. On 5 April 2009 the offender drank a large quantity of beer and became highly intoxicated. His wife was working elsewhere in Moree and he had the sole care of the victim. He was then aged thirty-eight years and the victim sixteen years.

The victim was in her room and in bed. He entered the bedroom and sat on the bed with her. He became sexually aroused and had penile vaginal sexual intercourse with her, which continued until the offender ejaculated. He then got off the victim, pulled up his underpants and said “sorry darling, it will never happen again, I love you” before leaving the room.

Some days later the victim rang her mother from school and told her what had happened. A complaint was made and on 27 April 2009, the offender attended a police station by arrangement with the police. He was formally charged and granted conditional bail.

The offender was originally charged with two counts of sexual intercourse without consent. He was not charged with the current offence until after the commencement of the trial. He pleaded guilty to this offence before the jury at the commencement of the trial. The Crown did not accept his plea in full satisfaction of the indictment and the trial continued.

During cross-examination of the victim, she indicated she no longer wished to participate in the trial and the Crown offered no further evidence in respect of the two counts of sexual intercourse without consent. The offender first indicated his willingness to plead guilty to the current offence after the matter had been committed for trial and prior to the arraignment.

Counsel for the offender points out that but for the plea, the offender would not now be before the Court. I consider that a discount for the plea should be in the range of fifteen per cent to twenty-five per cent and in all the circumstances, I will allow it at twenty per cent.

The offender breached a condition of his bail by writing to his daughter, as a result of which he was taken into custody on 29 September 2009 and has remained in custody up to the present time, a period of approximately fourteen months.

Consistently with the fact that the victim failed to continue proceedings against the offender, there is no victim impact statement. The offender has no significant relevant criminal history.

The root of his problem seems to be an addiction to alcohol, which he has had for a long time and for which he has an urgent need for counselling and treatment. Together with measures to address a deep seeded grief, which apparently he experiences as a result of his mother’s death and the break-up of his marriage of some twenty years as a result of this offence.

He has demonstrated remorse for his actions. I am satisfied that he is willing to undergo rehabilitation in respect of these matters and I expect that his present situation is such that he will make a genuine and strong attempt to successfully complete programs made available to him.

I think he is unlikely to re offend and I accept that the offences occurred because his ability to control his actions and to make proper judgments, was seriously compromised by his drunken state at the time.

In that sense, the offence was not a result of planned or organised behaviour on his part. Nevertheless, the offence is inherently a very serious one, involving as it does a serious breach of trust and in this case, the fact that he was a mature adult and the victim merely an adolescent girl.

The offender’s pressing need for rehabilitation constitutes special circumstances, justifying varying the statutory parole and non-parole period.

Bearing in mind the maximum sentence of eight years imprisonment, I consider that an appropriate head sentence is a term of three years imprisonment in this case.

It is, as the Crown submitted, a matter of serious aggravation that the offender continued the intercourse to the point of ejaculation. I consider that a non-parole period should be fixed of eighteen months, followed by a balance of term of the same length.

I therefore fix a non parole period of eighteen months commencing on 29 September 2009 and ending on 28 March 2011. To be followed by a balance of term commencing on 29 March 2011 and ending on 28 September 2012. Whilst on parole the offender will be subject to the supervision of the Probation and Parole Service.

Considering the objective seriousness of the offence, I consider the offender has been treated relatively lightly and I have done so in the hope and expectation that he will take effective steps in cooperation with the authorities to achieve rehabilitation with respect to his psychological and addiction problems.


Balanced's picture

Truth, Justice and God !!!

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 12:35 — Balanced
Michael and G**n M****s A*********g, 

It is yes a tragedy of what happened to your son Michael, I am sure God feels your pain, and I am sure God feels your greif and loss. Too G**n from D******a who submitted the initial iformation virally. 

I find your information false and lacking in any real tangible credibility. You state a one sided vigilanty style attack on an individual who is no less a victim in all of this as you are.

You claim both claim God so I will talk God!!!  It is Gods commandment in witness and to what God command to us in how we should treat each other. Love one another, to pray for our enemies, etc etc etc. Michael -  I can't find reference, and yes I am open to correction that says biblically "Make enemies of your brethern" - treat your brethern in slanderous and contemptious ways" and to "Hate your enemies". Michael - this is not God's way and it is absolutely the sin that it is by your doing so. That's the fact of your actions and solely yours to take to God on. He knows all things Psalm 139 1:15. 

Michael I don't take away form you any anything of your loss with Luke. Yes tragedy can strike us all in life, you and I both, KP or anyone, it is a fact of life of teh misguided unGodly world we live in.  However, the way you go about things is not right in victimising people (innocent victims) from your pain and loss. You make victims of others from your own sense of being a victim and that's not right!!! We are told bibilcally to obey the laws of the land - even as badly corrupted as teh world is it is something we are required to do as Christians. You cite Nelson Mandella - and a call from God also - no Michael your way is not Gods way is it?? Truth - No!!!  Nelson Mandella had the intgrity of God in His way of acheiving all the great things he did for this world. It is about integrity, it is about being armed with a credible argument and knoweldge and truth and laws of our land, there are aprpriate places to debate this and to bring it to legal consideration and to be considered for change in laws or policy. True knowledge of how things work and how to do things right.  You actually only make your self look shallow and foolish by posting what you do in witch hunting individuals.  The only changes or effect that come from this (your way) is nothing!! No change from your way of things.A waste of time!! Your witness as a Christian is flawed also!! 

So how to you make the differences Nelson made?? He was educated, Godly, an example of truth and leadership and His vision and calling was from God not from self motivated reasons (self ideology). Yes Nelson was persuctuted we all know this basic fact - yes He stood for many without voices, we know this too, He was a hero in many eyes - yes we all know his name, but he did things properly, within the frameworks of integrity and a went through the systematic approach in the framework of process and he foudn victory here. I compell you this Michael, do things right, do things with real integrity for if you dont you simply dirty your hands in the ways not of God. 

As to your initial source (G**n) he is equally flawed and motivated by hatred, anger and no integrity. We are talking about a man who made some big mitsakes in his life, from foolish actions, from His own choices, and who thinks that it is big of himself to seek revenge and hurt others including every member of his family. G**n you are are very wrong and seriously lack integrity in what you do on all levels. If you think that by trying to hurt your family even more than you already have will solve anything your wrong!! You play the victim game - oh poor you buddy - you did what you did!!!! There are consequences from this and you know all of the truth in this in who you are, as God does, and you are simply trying to continue to hurt everyone around you to get some form of sick revenge on the people who supported you, stood by you, and put up with you for 20 years. You tell a one sided poor me story G**n - its pathetic really. Why did you hide your name from all of this (G**n A******) lives in D******a N** (how does that feel mate??? I could remove the stars if you wish???  to have everyone know where you who is on the Child Protection Register that lives in their area - it would however be wrong of me to put all that information out that there, and yes two wrongs don't make a right, but maybe you need to feel the shoes of others you accuse and run down. Deal with your Shame, your loss, all of the things that YOU brought upon yourself and grow up and be a real man who also claims God in truth not one who fails to walk the walk. I am sure God agree's and knows the truth in what you are doing, saying and portraying - it is wrong on every level, you know it, I know it, we all know it and see it in this. 

Neither of you sought the truth in this!!! you manufactured your own set of information to present your cause but where is the balance in what you state NONE You like all media seekers (ideology riders) tell half truth and manufacture and present information based on what you think or opion but do not know or present all the facts and the truth ??? You beat up a story to get attention to your cause and think it helps but it helps you not!!!  You make yourselves to be fools by doing things the way you do. Others may not see through you but the truth is what you do is wrong!!! Deliberately wrong by your chocie!! And God see's all of that too! There is no glory in what you have done in the past and what came from that G**n- none what so ever!! You claim you ave moved on but you havent because you still carry your poison and drink it readily. Take a hard honest non reactive truthful look at yourself and the truth is what your doing is wrong!! And you dont care - thats wrong too!! Dont be so confident in yourself actions God knows all!!! Pathetic is all it is - it is spiritual attack (Satin) in your midst and you cant even acknowledge or see it - Mercy be on your souls. 

To you both - maybe its time you took integrity checks - and really asked yourselves - how can I really make a difference in a positive way. Find Gods way in things, ask for His help, and REPENT and turn your back on all that is not of GOD! Seriously - it is time you asked your self what is morally right here under Gods laws you claim. If you refute God do so at your own peril but be honest about what your doing that this is your selfsih ways not Gods way - dont hide behind God and claim him when you don't witness of Gods ways!! God knows all things!!! The truth. G**n why did you not tell the true full story when you tried to hero yourself for your wrong choices??? Why did you not tell them of your threats against KP to send her broke, get her sacked from her job, destroy her life further, ...why did you not reveal this also when you were confessing your version of the truth!!!! 

It is Good Michael if there is an enquiry into all that happened with your son. I think this is a sensible honest way to look at all the facts of what ever happened and for us to learn and change from it in our Government and ways as people. That is a good positive outcome that has integrity, honesty, law, and God in it. I wish you the best here in finding some sense of understanding from all of this mess you find yourself in. Its not easy, life can be vicious and hard, but in God there is a path to healing and to not take away anything of your relationship with your son. I will pray for you also for Gods peace, love and joy to fill your heart and ways and for you to find more of Him and His way in your life. Also G**n I will pray that for you too!! 

Be accountable to God!! To repent is to do the right thing here - turn your back on eveil ways and to do what is right under God even if your angry and questioning God you have accepted him in to your life so you are convicted by teh Holy Spirit to do what is right!!!!! Remove the personal attacks of people who don't run or write the laws and system but like others do their Job in a framework gievn by a government we elect into leadership!. Find legal and non demeaning or attacking ways to fight your fight and fight it with Gods passion in the area's of government, law and systematic approach. Even if it takes your life dedication to it fight the battle with God beside you - not with God hurting over what you currently do. Give Him the glory of your repentence and show turning of your ways but removing anything that may lack integrity!!! Wear the breastplate of righteuosness the both of you and wear it in full truth and knowing you do all things with truth and integrity - and then maybe then God will raise you up to do His work and calling in His truth and way to be great real and honest Christians fight ing a battle with GOD on your side! In this you have so much to gain Michael and G***n. Do it properly - take a hard onest look at what your doing and why and just do it properly and in right integrity dirven ways - and then God will be your strength in all real battles. 

Learn of the laws and policies of the land, learn of the processes of change that are acceptible in our land, learn and study ethics of law and policy, and learn of Gods way and apply it all in the swrod you carry for truth and justice. Then maybe then will God be on your side through this and He may just raise you up to find victroy in change and preventing the things that happen in our world that are wrong. I pray in the hope for you to find Gods truth and way in all things and if it is His will and none other that He raise you to vitory in the correct and propper way of God and the lands way and laws. Then the true light shall shine upon you both. 

I am sure Luke (Rest His Soul) is looking down on all this and saying - Dad what are you doing??  Just do it right - do it right for me! I know you gerive, I know you hurt, I know its wrong but Dad do it right for me. It is time for Gods way to be in this! 

Lukes Dad's picture

You are forgiven but stop abusing, kidnapping, murdering

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 17:01 — Lukes Dad

Since your blog is so long, it will take me a while to reply but since you want to bring God into it, I sent Pat Anderson who could have quite easily saved my son's life an email on mothers day, I forgive you Pat.

Yes I forgive her, and the other docs managers. But to sit back and watch them continue their evil is far from righteous.

I must admit, though I rang a docs office today at Tweed and the front office girl was obviously malicous, I have encountered better employees since this embarkement / investigation.

Donna, manager of DoCS Complaints NSW although misguided and in a dreamworld about the authenticity of DoCS, was a shining light.  This is my opinion and I am sure there are those who lives are devastated by her lack of insight, but her heart is in the right place, that is for certain.

Mumwhererya's picture

Seriously I made the Mandella

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 19:49 — Mumwhererya (not verified)

Seriously I made the Mandella comment not Michael.

I'm the last person you want to have a God conversation with and pardon me but I think you might need to go back to your bible yourself.

Who are you to think you know what God thinks or says, and poor Luke.

Unfortunately, you are still missing the point. The legal fraternity have not acted IN GOOD FAITH.

DoCS do NOT answer to the laws.

I think you should perhaps go and read yourself the Charter of Human Rights, after you finish reading your bible.

Your blog post goes to show the deficites that are rather apparant within the Churches when one is so very in need that they go there to look for help and find that there is none. None in society, one in the churches.

You really do not understand the extent of what is being done here. So again I would suggest you do some more research and find out how many families have been destroyed by DoCS and Child Protective Services World Wide. Have a look at some of the kids who have been through the system and are still alive, or rather struggling to stay that way, not to mention the parents. If you are still not satisfied with your research into the bible, human rights, and the victims of foster systems, then perhaps you could do a bit of psych research into the lingering effects of familial breakdown.

Then when you are done there lets talk about the restitution of families, because the breakdown of family units and involvement of government to aid the situation and do nothing to continue working with a family once they have broken it up, well this is the very basis of why our society is breaking down.

You seem to be very onesided and blinded yourself and as a someone who does not want to see this tradegy get even worse, I would say that you are talking off the top of your head in response to someone you know becoming under attack. Again this is what Michael, who is a warrior choosen, I do not doubt, but still as human as the rest of us, is trying to explain to you. We had no recourse, our children were simply taken, and if you do the research you will see that the Church has had a large hand in this operation and still does and that once again, the abusers of the past NGO's (paid by government) are involved in the removal of children from parents who love them but have themselves been crucified by agencies like DoCS.

Again, I will explain to you, that Michael is NOT alone, nor is he ACTING ALONE. He is all that many people have to keep them holding onto their lives. I for one would say Michael has God on his side and he is doing GOOD STUFF, where no one else would help many of US.

I seriously have to say that perhaps you would like to think about REPENTANCE and I seriously would add to this that so too do many others out there WHO STOLE OUR KIDS.....

Obviously, DoCS have not taken yours, or hurt them, or given them to people who do hurt kids.... this explains your extreme behaviour and need to protect a DoCS worker when really she has all the laws of the land on her side because DoCS are a law unto themselves particulary when the VICTIM has no support network or is a vulnerable person themselves.

I say RESTORE THE FAMILIES. Bring your DoCS funding over to that so that mother and child can be reunited. Father and son reunited. I think God LIKES this and I feel the power of him telling me to write this here and to encourage Michael to keep up the good work in supporting people who have been devasted in their hearts by a government that just does not care for ALL its people.

One more thing.... "all ya need is love" -

Do you believe that what you say here is from a loving heart? I gotta say you don't get to speak for the Lord, or tell us we can't express what has happened to US and OUR FAMILIES.

We really can't feel for your precious DoCS workers job because many of US have been left so disabled from their behaviours acted out towards US and my dear we are VICTIMS, many of US from more than you can imagine probably. The people who promote and maintain these websites are the very last vestiges for many of US. So I hope if you are part of a Church group that you would encourage you fellowship to come to this and the other sites, and see the multitudes that have been left in shock and feel like VICTIMS - for a reason...

There is no battle with God here He does everything in his own time, He has a plan for all of US, He allows the world to function in exactly the right way at the right moment. As horrible as this feels to Michael he knows that their is a reason why his boy died, and I am sure he will explain that here, once again, for you in his own good time. Just for you.

There are so many things I could continue to explain but it is just simple really. The man has a mission, he is being guided in it. Not everyone is going to be impressed by him or what he says, his mind has been opened to things most of us will never understand, because it did not happen to us, like it happened to him.

You need to read the bible with a different translation maybe and you need to realise that the law has failed many of US which is the added kick in the head with DoCS, we are branded and excluded, not just from our own kids, but from working with children (even if this was part of our job requirement before) and we have to also live with our own conflicted emotion and thoughts at what "they" said but yet we never got to have our view and opinion even respected or listened to, again I will refer you to the Charter of Human Rights and I could give you a heap of laws if you like as well but really!

We all grieve, and you just dont get to tell a person how they should do this, but the thing is there was no need for many of us to grieve because we NEVER WOULD HAVE HURT OUR KIDS ANYWAY... but now they are gone from us.

I can't believe you went and inflicted this on Michael and say you come in Gods name but he doesn't. I am really glad that you understand that when you get to the end that God does the judging.

As an onlooker I will WITNESS and give TESTAMENT to the fact that Michael is coming from a place of GOOD FAITH. I also believe that his art work is part of the gift he has been given. I believe that God is truely with Michael and like many others that Luke really is with the Angels.

Do you think Michael could do all this without the backing of the supernatural?  Because I don't.

My journey has taken me throught the Catholic, Jehovahs Witness, the Apostolic, Protestant, Pentacostal, the Evangelic, and the rest, only to realise that God is not in the Church in many of the Churches. I have met many wonderful people on this journey but they remain human, as we all are here. We are all sinners, but some people think they are not and are somehow above it. So anyways, I leave you with this.

"We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us, as you help by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of so many" 2 Cor. 1:9-11.

Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. Jesus, Luke 21:28

The Fathers presence encircled Christ and nothin befell Him but that which infinite love permitted... He who is embued with the spirit of Christ abides in Christ... Romans 8:28


....and isnt it funny that our Political and Judicial system was founded on the Churches beliefs yet here we are living in a time where a government employee can lie about us due to coveting us and a court can then ignore the innocent young VICTIMS of such crimes and the alleged "unfit parents" are not even allowed to protect their child and then in the CARE of the FIT ONES, the childs life is taken and NO ONE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

....this is but a small portion of the deaths caused by this department because they cause trauma and people then go and kill themselves. So think about all that who is the victim, the DoCS worker or the CHILDREN they were meant to be protecting from their own parents????

Child Safety Reform's picture

I admire this man for speaking out

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 05:56 — Child Safety Reform (not verified)

Janine Ann Mireylees Cooper

I admire this man for speaking out about docs illegal corruption and blaintant twisting of truth and outright lies. Yes sir u did wrong borderline morally wrong but once, out of all the chances u had with all the different children in and out of your care.....was a genuine bad alcohol filled truly bad act and breach of trust, but your ex wife crimes are truly more cynically illegally, eviler than your crime.
Thank you for having the courage to overcome the guilt of your own wrongs and the fear of judgement of others, to speak out for the sake of others. Docs laugh in our faces, tell us we are crazy and wrong, when they lie in official documents have friends as carers that are not registered for the financial benefits and in my day march1998 BEFORE NSW chid care and protection legislation was changed in july1998 the law was you had to be registered with the department to foster children on behalf of the department..
Why the minister in our case after my complaints to them could not find any evidence of our supposed registered carers "despite extensive searches" is cause they where not! they where friends of grafton docs officer Catherine"kate" Elizabeth Brodie originally from Sydney where I believe she was transferred from black town docs office to grafton due to complaints of misconduct.

I was studying a bachelor of social science majoring in social sciences at 25, 1996/97.
I am an only child from a working middle class family,that for constantly being naughty at 13, was locked up in Juvenile detention centre for being "uncontrolable" to teach me a lesson. I became a state ward till I was 18 and hardly at home.

So at twentyish I Thought good settled life marriage children and career, that is what led me to study the above, I thought with the life experience all I had to apply is the theory side and would have been a good worker.

I called and asked for respite care for a child with a disability as I was finding it hard to cope 2 years into being a single mum of 3 children under 5........

Docs thought and fought for the girls to be in my ex's custody to cover up their criminal negligence of my daughters in departmental care.
My ex at the time was a convicted sexual assaultistx3 back then . Now today all three of my daughters live with or close to me, all have talked about abuse in his care and now his current wife daughter lives with us also claiming abuse....
.this would not have happened in the first place if docs was not corrupt, meaning by placing my children on illegal unregistered foster care where two of my daughters where in a car accident when the unregistered carer ran a give way sign onto a major road into traffic y youngest was admitted to hospital where these so called carers discharged her against the doctors advice and know one while she was away fr my care sought follow ups for her even though she complained constantly about headaches and backaches.
I started screaming that these people where dodgy and made complaints about the docs officer to be told and made out to be crazy and an addict. They lied falsified evidence and I even have evidence against docs solicitor grafton Peter marr , an internal letter between the solicitor and the docs officer telling her that they where placing the children withy ex without the courts approval. Everything I claim I have hard evidence that I believe I can prove negligence without a doubt....yes pry Howard remember me and our meeting where you sat listened and saw the evidence???? What I learnt from her is that the ministers themselves do NOT even know their own policies and procedures, I was given the sympathic I'm sorry, got a letter stating ombudsman was dealing with it, the ombudsman only deals with current complaints that is classed as within the last three years seeing that between pru and Linda they did not realize their own ignorence of their guidelines and both gave me the letter pass the buck run around...
corruption blue collar how deep does it run???? So thank you for being brave to speak out and name as that gives others the courage to speak out and name to whether my life is in threat or not.
Child Safety Reform's picture

Pru Goward will transfer this evil DoCS Manager

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 06:20 — Child Safety Reform (not verified)

Cindy Foley i live 2hrs away from armidale soon she will be transfered to tamworth and they took my babies so that is just f$$$$d..and f$$k pru goward that women dont give a s$$it about yur kids .

Child Safety Reform's picture

Why is Kathie Parker not in Jail and sitll a DoCS Manager

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 10:39 — Child Safety Reform (not verified)

Catherine Barlow Light this is a very brave man......to open up and share all his misgivings must have been terribly difficult. This woman should be in jail, its disgraceful and immoral. Why is she caring for kids??????? Why is she still employed by the department????? and why are we the only ones asking these questions?????

Norelle Thornton's picture

If you knew this man you

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 18:30 — Norelle Thornton (not verified)

If you knew this man you would have a different opinion. He is my daughters future father inlaw. He only wants to know his children when he wants something off them. He has tried to blame everyone but himself for doing time in jail. In my opinion he got off lightly. I personally know the minor he raped and he should be still rotting in jail. He even resorted to using emotional blackmail on his children while in jail, threatening suicide if they didn't do what he wanted. Yes I read the letter and wondered at the time what sort of a low life does that to their children.

Kathie on the otherhand is always there for her children, she was there when her grandchildren were born, Glenn wasn't because he didn't want to know his children at the time.

Kathie and I are not close friends that may or may not change in the future, but I couldn't hope for a better mother-in-law for my daughter. Kathie is the most honest and kindest person I have ever come across.

Lukes Dad's picture

Thankyou for posting on the site

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 20:20 — Lukes Dad

This post is controversial and I apreciate you giving it a whole spectrum of input,



Child Safety Reform's picture

Will the Government even investigate this DoCS corruption

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 10:43 — Child Safety Reform (not verified)

Cheryl Williams why cant one just one government minister ask for an investigation into docs but from someone other than another government department so its kept honest

Mumwhererya's picture

One rule for DoCS workers,

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 17:59 — Mumwhererya (not verified)

One rule for DoCS workers, another for those being investigated by DoCS....

The thing is JIRT and DoCS, NSW police, mental health, etc, bla bla,,,, didnt care about sex assault on my child who was in foster care placement.... and she was under 16 (the age of consent)....

They did NOT care about this same child getting abused by her step father either, (not enough vagina showing in the pictures of welts on her bum for Heidi Payne and Deb Cornal ect ect so many more and an Anna Marie Daley for the Aboriginal part of it! JIRT sent DoCS to look at the pictures they did NOT even bother to come themselves or confiscate the computer hard drive to see all the pornography he was into)..... so they put the little one in foster home for a couple of months and then gave her back to her daddy in another state and would NOT help me to see her and then the "agencies" made sure I was thrown into the street with a mental illness (PTSD which they friggin caused (set off) again).....

WHY - Because I left Domestic Violence, and spoke out about it but was not willing to take an ADVO against the father of my child because who wants to make an angry volcano explode on the helpless people below it - (and because some of us believe wounds can be healed and fixed (symptom of PTSD!) and want to be nice regardless of previous abuse)

IT IS OK FOR SOME PEOPLE TO COMMIT SEX CRIMES IN AUSTRALIA - Ask Commander Holohan of Coffs Harbour Police.


IT IS OK FOR DOCS TO DO WHAT "THEY" THINK IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF YOUR CHILD - even if they do NOT know you from a bar of soap (probably they dont know what soap is they are so DIRTY, FILTHY AND CORRUPTED

The man is telling his wife he cant look after the kids and the wife is rubbing her hands going we are IN THE MONEY, then she dumps the poor bloke after he did all the work with the kids....

Another story with so many similarities, so much ignorance in HUMAN SERVICES about everything that HUMAN SERVICES is meant to stand and work for....

What about the girl who has been assaulted? Who is helping her now or is she out homeless in the streets after shooting her VCT money up the wall?

My teen came home addicted to ICE and speed, my baby got taken because I complained to the NSW POLICE FORCE, DoCS and Mental Health about her being in DoCS care with my drug dealing family members, who were supplying her with drugs.

WHAT HAPPENED - I got called tangential and thrown in the friggin mental health ward repeatedly, by the coppers, strapped to a bed and jabbed with drugs that I still do NOT know what was in them....


What do you think?

Is it ok to admit to having (some life problems) mental health problems?

I THINK NOT - I THINK THAT IS CORRUPTION IN ITSELF - How much money goes into promoting "no discrimination policies" regards "health issues" - reality mental health issues are NOT seen as health issues and are then used by agencies like DoCS in the COURTS to take your kids off you..

? Is this DISCRIMINATION - No!!!!

WHY NOT??? - Cause they are DoCS and they do and say what they like and they live above any other laws in this country.

Bianca Stark's picture

Why Not Post All Sides of the Story?

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 18:46 — Bianca Stark (not verified)

I am Glenn and Kathie's daughter-in-law, and I know for a fact that my mother posted a comment with regards to this to you which has failed to appear. If you are really after the truth and not just some bulls**t lies to backup your beliefs then I am sure you will post it for her. Let's see if you are really after the truth, or if you are just a bulls**it dropkick playing lies.

Lukes Dad's picture

This site is Luke's Legacy and aims to improve DoCS

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 20:11 — Lukes Dad

Please do not swear on this site, it is a memorial site for my deceased son. I encourage all interaction, and welcome you to the site. As you are posting anonymously, not only does this detract from the validity of your comments, your post must be authorised by myself, and this may take a few hours, I apologise.

As with any story, there are two sides. One could argue there are many sides to this story.

Let us wait, and see how many people have fallen victim to not only Kathie Parker, but the corruption which permeates through this office.

Thankkyou for posting on the site.

Child Safety Reform's picture

We have got these bastards on the run

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 19:58 — Child Safety Reform (not verified)

Jackie Leonard Brazel

Hi there Mick, it's max there mate as you can plainly see that not even the complaints unit is any bloody good, don't worry there Mick it is unbelievable what they can do all what they do for either you or me plus other patrons out there isjust bloody take us around in f***ing bloody circles don't worry too much there mate as all that we can do is just press on and never ever bloody well loose hope there mate as you are a battler like the rest of us, and what i have done there for you there yesterday mick is just forwarded on your e-mails too Legal Aid, the ombudsman of nsw, my local member as well as our federal member here of lake macquarie as well as a Dr Frank Ainsworth of (FIN NSW ) or known as the family Inclusion Network of NSW, because at the moment there Mick right here in Lake Macquarie as well as Newcastle i am causing a very wild storm here at the moment and any other e-mail upon where i spot any corruption or conspiracy issues and if you do not here from me do not think that i am not doing nothing too help support the justification of thousands of families across Australia, as i am doing what i can for what i can do too strongly support you on all of these issues raised because i only read your e-mails first before anyone elses as i look very very hard and very deep into your resources and this is what a lot of these other people should be doing within there own electorates, by pushing these bastards too the Max and i do not will ever not give up, well by for now mick and stay very very strong and composed and believe you me we have got these bastards on the run, but bye for now Mick and take care.

Yours Truly,
Mr Maxwell Roy Brazel and Family

Lukes Dad's picture

Why is Kathie Still manager DoCS NSW Armidale

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 20:59 — Lukes Dad

My personal impression is that this man may have had sex with a 16 year old, no excuses of being drunk, he did it and admits it, and is the bigger man for doing so.

Now let's get down to the real nitty gritty. He does jail for this....

This man I take my hat off to. He saw child porn on a computer of a foster carer and went out of his way, to report it to DoCS corrupt managers, to make a statement. I don't see a statement from Kathie Palmer or any of the other DoCS skum. Yet he did time, and the the real pedeophiles are still in a postion to take child porn photos, or molest children.

This makes all of the docs workers, and anyone else who knew about this and failed to act pedeophiles in my book.

Easy to make character assasinations, but how do you go past this Kathie Palmer and family, not to mention The manager of Glen innes DoCS at the time, Connie, and assistant manager Tina Zart (now working Wyong DoCS), I say your an honest man Glen and a legend for helping to expose docs corruption.

Why have you allowed this to continue Kathie? You and your foul mouthed daughter with the bad attitude (are you trainging her to be a docs worker or is she one already) can not excuse the fact that these people are still foster carers.

Glen tried to stop this, but couldn't. How many other pedeophiles are you protecting Kathie, and you put the father of your children in jail for less, and robbed him as you did it.

You have been in a postiion to do somehting about it for a long time and refused to. This makes you a pedeophile in my books. A pedeophile who falsely portrays themselves as a government worker protecting children when really you sit at the bottom of the darkest, blackest cave, feeding upon the souls of children, with the skulls of babies as paper weight upon your desk.

It is not for me to judge, may God have mercy upon your soul.

Jackie's picture


Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:27 — Jackie (not verified)

I note that you have posted another remark around Kathie, however, you have failed to respond to my feedback provided at approx. 8.45pm.  If you truly represent a balanced argument, you will post my feedback.

I also wish to ask, were you privy to the case held against this individual - or are you just relying on the hearsay posted on your website?  Has it occurred to you that perhaps the charges were lessened?  As discussed previously, I have a lot of information that refutes your claims (including actual correspondence), however, I do not wish to post this because it affects a number of innocent individuals who have become entangled in this mess for the selfish gains of one person. 

I wish to inform you that I can keeping a personal record of your slander, & I am happy to provide this as evidence of defamation without a balance of evidence being provided by the aforenamed individual.  I would strongly encourage you to remove all slanderous remarks from your website effective immediately against Kathie, & offer a public apology as previously requested. 

I await to hear from prompt response to my request.

Thank you.


Lukes Dad's picture

I will go to jail before I bow to DoCS corrupt murderers

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:42 — Lukes Dad

Well excuse me! How does it feel to be dictated to? How about I go to your blessed comment, and change the words, twist it to suit my own distorted beliefs? You would hate that. Try losing your children because of it.

How dare you come here to my son's website who was murdered by these deceitful baby stealers and threaten me! Do you think I am about to give in over another legal threat?

Do you know what would happen if I went to jail over Jackie Parker's corruption? I know where she lives, and 70% of men in jail have been in your Jackie's care, foster care.

Here is an out of home care manager. I will send every victim of DoCS ex foster care person that I interview while I am in jail to her personal address for counselling. How about I tell them to look up the rest of her family too.

That is inside jail. God has blessed me as the person honored to step up, a nobody, and try to reform this system, and people know it, on the outside. You will only make me a hero, a political prisoner.

After this threat I am banning you from my son's site. Find a solicitor, and I will send alll the peole in jail I talk to who have been in foster care to their house for counselling too. 

Don't ever ever ever threaten me for trying to get the truth out and fix this corrupt system, goodbye, you are barred from this site. Jackie Palmer is free to contact me anytime, on or off the record, for a civil conversation.

Mumwhererya's picture

Im not Michael, just an

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 22:47 — Mumwhererya (not verified)

Im not Michael, just an innocent bystander but really???? hahaha

a balanced arguement for a DoCS worker - they would not know what that is!!!!!!

feel free to take me to court, DoCS made me insane.....

....and many many many many more like me......

This man is a father desperate for answers as to why his son was taken from him, for not being a suitable human being, according to the government of Australia, and those who work in these agencies like Kathie.........

If we are made to be accountable and face character assasination and severe treatment by others in our society surely we have the human right to say WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US - IN OUR OPINION ABOUT OUR LIVES. Which is why the internet is a free place to talk about our society and it's values, atm.

Furthermore, if the GUILTY PARTIES were actually convicted in the courts and treated to the hospitality that the POLICE have shown many VICTIMS OF DoCS, and if MICHAEL KNEW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS SON - He might be able to find some type of solace, but none of US get that - is the point - the TRUTH IS OUT THERE.... it really is.....

and some of us come.....

IN GOOD FAITH - regardless of what your family situation is or what you think every person has a right to express their own truth and it is up to individuals to believe it OR NOT!!!

and sometimes the police and the courts don't act in the best interests of an individual, this really happens!

and sometimes a whole family can gang up on a person and remove children and feel good about it!

When someone goes to jail the whole point is they are paying and meant to be coming out having been "corrected" but they don't get any training or enough psychiatric help and really the jails are full of psych patients who should be in mental health facilities or very specialised drug and alcohol rehabs, this is a fact. When they come out they are totally branded in every area.

Now - I am the last person to condone peadophiles - which is really my point - I am sorry if you did not understand my post or whateva but the point is DoCS continue to destroy families, and Michael no matter what you or I or anyone think of him is heartbroken and looking for answers as to why DoCS do not have to answer to the police, to the courts, are above family court orders, can just come into a house or a school yard and steal your kid, why they do not help the family and just accuse and abuse mums and dads. He is not one sided - he portrays what is offered and edits posts at times if you have lost it on the other end, to the best of his talents.

If you are offended then that is your way of seeing what is written - like - people are not stupid, they get it.... as for slander that is what DoCS do which again is the point of this website exposing the slander and everything that has come with it....

I am sure that you realise INNOCENT INDIVIDUALS ARE DEFINITELY ENTANGLED IN ALL THESE MESSES AND ARE STILL IN DANGER - which is also the point of this site and all the CHILD REFORM SITES out there.....

This story is GOLD for us because so many of us have been abused by the system and the powers that be, it shows really how it all is, as does the ensuing "cat fight" and the mega responses, even got me going again, I will never shut up about it, neva..... nor will Michael and the rest of us with PTSD and they/you/whoeva can throw us in jail and we will talk about it there to JUST LIKE NELSON MANDELA and all the other great leaders who wish to expose CORRUPTION AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS......

So great to see people commenting on LukesArmy and not being scared to SPEAK OUT and exercise the very basic human right to do that when all your other rights have been taken away with your kids. Good that you are all happy to stick up for DoCS too, there is always a support network there for them, and often a whole family lerking in the background or up front in the foreground when kids are taken from their real mum and dad.

It's all about whos got the biggest ARMY and the firing squad that is lined up to shoot the messenger.

God help us - Slander - that's the best laugh I had in ages..... Personal record of slander, when I said that to the DoCS worker they sent the police to my house and told me they were going to put me in jail for being upset that they put my kids in jail.....ha ha ha....

All a DoCS worker cares about is their pay packet and their mortgage they even hand their jobs over to NGO'S the verified abusers from the past now to pass the buck for reports over to them as well. So what... you say, but there jobs depend on writing a report for DoCS that compliments DoCS view and opinions about the parents and this goes to court so that your kids are removed.

If a parent is not emotional when a child is lost or taken, I would suggest then the family has a serious problem,,,,,, it is normal to yell when the stress outweighs  the support... NORMAL and those who think different are the real abusers in society. This is the point.

DoCS are confused and working in a mob mentality and people are not stupid, and there are far too many of us to keep the people silent.

You are threatening a man who has lost a child to DoCS through the child being murdered in foster care, no less. Have you ever lost a child this way?



Kids belong with their own biological parents they are not born to feed the greed and corruption of government departments and conspiracies of dysfunctional families.

See you in court trying to convict a traumatised parent even more, or perhaps at the Inquest into Lukes death by DoCS. There really is an ARMY behind this little angel and his warrior of a father. He is not sailing this boat alone.

If Australians got to know what is really happening to children in this country, if the mainstream media would have the guts to expose this, they would not be very happy, considering the way the country is going, it would be like a final knife in the guts for the people to see what government workers actually do, while hard working people actually work. The class system in Australia needs to really come into scruitiny. How dare DoCS judge average people and look the other way for some........  

let him who is without guilt come forward........


Lukes Dad's picture


Tue, 05/29/2012 - 07:32 — Lukes Dad

Five stars for that one Mumwhererya, well said.

Child Safety Reform's picture

Armidale docs management hide behind media laws to cover corrupt

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:14 — Child Safety Reform (not verified)

Hi Michael.... I realy wish I could post the evidence of corruption I have against Armidale DoCS, because I have literaly tones of HARD IRREFUTABLE Evidence... I presented that evidence to Court, to the Minister "Pru Goward".... to the complaints department, to the ombudsman, to members of both state and federal parliament... and the outcome of that evidence... DoCS sought to put a GAG order on me in Court...and the court accepted, so I am gagged from speaking out in detail on a public forum... and I am affraid that if I was to post all the evidence I have against Armidale DoCS , DoCS would be able to indentify me....even if I redacted names and dates, and while I am still trying to get my children back, I cannot take the risk of posting on the blog at lukes army.com.... however... I would love to be able to give my evidence to the ICAC, and the attorney General... because the corruption evidence I have is not only in regards to DoCS... I have evidence of the Armidale Court being involved in the same corruption and coverups as Armidale DoCS... if you could send me a private message.. I would be happy to talk to you and maybe obtain the contact details of the ICAC from you..... Thanks Michael.

Kath's picture


Tue, 05/29/2012 - 10:10 — Kath (not verified)


Just do it.....

This is how they do it......

By telling us to shut up......

But they get to say whateva they want......

Nice caring supportive people living in our communities.....

Knocking at our doors of our private homes where we live with our families.....

Without really wanting to give us any HUMAN SERVICE.......

Beware the wolf in sheeps clothing.......

Read some fairy tales like LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD who was just trying to look after GRANDMA.... when Grandma had already been eaten by the wolf.....

And know that those DEMONS from your childhood really exist and are living amongst us and pretending that they are the PROTECTORS OF THE LITTLE CHILDREN...... AND THE PEOPLE......

Read... De Bruders Grimme, it is real, and it is amongst us and condoned and not easily thwarted. It might even be your own real biological brother whom you should beware of ....

Really..... this is how they are getting away with it all and it is right through our SOCIETY and COMMUNITIES, to the point of using these words to describe their own organisations when really they are the CHILD STEALERS and FAMILY DESTROYERS and RUINING OUR COMMUNITIES.

Have a nice day!!!!



They should put us all in jail then we can really get organised and create a REAL political movement against the corruption RIGHT THROUGH THE SYSTEMS....

Don't think for a second that there are NOT people who are in mental hospitals and jail (gaol) because of these issues, THERE ARE... and many of the agency workers, across the board would like nothing better than to see US put away so we all SHUT UP....

They do what they do then they MOVE ON to the next family, with no regard and no conscience or concern for the people who's lives they impact on. There is NO VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENT because if you see yourself as a VICTIM they get to say that this is your mental disease in a court and the reason that they have taken your child.

I ask myself every day WHO IS THE ONE WHO IS "NOT NORMAL"? and while I know I am unwell these people do this (what they did to me) to people everyday and they do knowingly and happily. From my research I see who is the Narcissist and who has the personality disorders bla bla, me I have a reason for not having the ability to regulate my behaviour and I cant even have an opportunity to fix it or to offer the child they took any consolation, because THEY will not allow it or AID THE RETIFICATION of family unitys. All they do is break and say shut up or we will chuck you in prison....

"thats just the way it is.....somethings will never change"

Bianca Stark's picture

Thankyou for Listening to all Sides

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:18 — Bianca Stark (not verified)

Thank you Michael for posting all sides. Kathie is truly a wonderful woman and is certainly not corrupted as made out in the allegations.

Child Safety Reform's picture

In apreciation to Luke's Army and Luke's Daddy

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 07:43 — Child Safety Reform (not verified)

Wii Lde

Thank you ? You do not know how much you have helped us, even from so far away. How many days I thought I could not make it one more and I saw you pulling through, making it. You gave me strength and you gave My innocent Son a voice, you helped save My Son from them. ? Great actions, of yours, which promote and support true Justice and I will not soon forget.

I will always be able to say, My Son made it Home Safely thanks to the Help of Lukes Dad ?


Child Safety Reform's picture

DoCS stole my children

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 08:12 — Child Safety Reform (not verified)
Hi, I have 3 children currently in foster care (interim based orders) They were removed last yr due to my hubby may be a risk docs have now confirmed my hubby is not a risk to my kids yet are asking for orders til kids are 18 and it looks like we wont be getting a hearing for up to 6 months could be sooner but not sure anyway my hubby is ot the father of these three children nor is he classed as a risk to them or have any docs/cps files or risks against him..We are expecting our first child together in a few months and docs have put a birth alert out against me, i am just wondering if any one has had one of these against them and what has happened?? as i am not sure exactly what this is or what it means but if my hubby is no risk to my kids and they were only removed on the grounds he might be (thus saying i wasnt a risk to kids or they would of removed them for that reason) then it is suggested that baby is not at risk so why the need for an alert? i am just worried hat docs/cps will do once i have baby any ones advice whom has been in this situation would be apruciated thanks
Lukes Dad's picture

Advice and support from Luke's Army facebook group

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 08:17 — Lukes Dad
  • Cheryl Williamsomg get a real lawyer and head them off before they can get to you first
  • Danny O'Moorepure evil - my bad advice is pack up the kids & move as far from this evil as you can go
  • Serenity Wrightcant dani cuz that would mean stealihg my kids back from them n first place and being on run.. illegal
  • Serenity Wrightcheryl i am told that until a baby is actually born it isnt classed as a person by law so cant do anything before its born in the way of geting rid of docs.. but not sure if thats true will seek legal advice,
  • Danny O'Moorethe whole thing needs re-booting
  • Serenity Wrightneed a good lawyer tho
  • Tracey GoodallSerenity, try and find an email address or some way of contacting Barbara Holborrow who used to be a children's court judge. Perhaps she can advocate for you or put you in touch with someone who can as this is illegal not to mention immoral what DoCS are doing.
  • Serenity Wrightwat is a temp assessment order? ive never had any kind of orders done on my family so dont really understand this side of things too well
  • Serenity Wrightthey never had assessment orders done for my other three so im all new to this they waited tl my son was 4 months old before taking them.
  • Serenity Wrightwell they never have before.
  • Tracey GoodallSerenity, Google Legal Aid NSW. They have videos and links to other sites that can help you. You can also get phone advice so you know where you stand.
  • Em NuskeTracey Barbara died on Wednesday
  • Serenity Wrightyeah sad em i private messaged tracey before and told her.
  • Sue KannSerenity I gave you advise about this a while back......... you better act on it fast. What happened to Barister Glissan and Supreme court summons on DoC'S? The alert is called an s248 and is placed on your Medicare card by DoC'S........ I have heard of some mums using someone elses medicare card and going some where other than the hospital they go to for pregnancy checks to have baby....
  • Serenity Wrightyeah i know its a 248 section and MR G is acting on my supreme court stuff we have a mentio in supreme on 30th may he is not dealing with anything to do with baby. doesnts eem concerned said docs have no reason to take him and im just being negetive about it so stop worrying.
  • Donna Rayif u need to hide out i live in Adelaide and am happy for you to give birth here and stay at my place
    5 hours ago · Like
  • Jeffrey Fisher ?Serenity Wright. just reading sec 248 of the ckildren and young persons[care and protection] act 1998 nsw aus... I can see what they are[ docs ]going to do and how they can just make FALSE report to take unborn babies and sexualy abuse, then murder them as A offering the devil!!!. Youmust find out if docs have put alert sec 248 into play yet. you can APPEAL any gov decission with the admin - appeals - Tri. form are on line . YOU MUST STOP THEM.
madison cox's picture

im sick

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 12:05 — madison cox (not verified)

wow after all the years i have had to be involed with docs QLD i knew this stuff happens as they took my eldest son and i got a copy of his docs files through foi and i have looked and looked and looked and can not find the paperwork where i signed him over to them that terrible day in november 1988 or 89 as it hurts me the image of the car driving away and him screaming mummy and scraching at the window as it was voluntery care i was putting him in for back then it was 3 months and they told me nothing as to what i had to do so i can get him back i ended up return to the family home with my mother (birth) and that was on the 1 st of the new year and on the 2 nd day of january i rang to tell them i was home with her and that i wanted my son home they draged it out until the 3 months went by then hit me with they r taking a life order out on him due to the fact i abandon him and his is not the truth now due to  this my life has turned out a lot harder as well as my sons so in the end they stole him from me and my family and have never been held responsable for these things and with having more sons i have had to fight and fight and fight when i did nothing wrong to him i never hit him i never not feed him and yet now in  my 40's this still eats me as i wounder how many other people have they done this too and they have had to hang there heads in same for nothing that they have done wrong dont get me wrong there is kids out there that do need to be protected from monster that call them selfs perants but u dont need to do it to people that do the right things by there children and to hear this form the ladies husband just makes me sick to the guts and makes me think and bring up the wrongs they have done to both me in care as well as my boys 


Lukes Dad's picture

Too Painful to Read

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 18:49 — Lukes Dad

After every visit, I would pretend everything was normal, say goodbye then and they would drive off with my little angel. I would drop to the ground, in the gutter and cry and cry and cry. Your story is too hard for me to read but I thankyou so much for posting it on the site my friend.

Lukes Dad's picture

What they are saying in the Luke's Army group on fb

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 18:39 — Lukes Dad
The Luke's Army website broke another record yesterday with over 400 people visiting the site, thanks to the Manager of DoCS Armidale, Kathie Parker. Her blogg has clocked up 500 hits in a day, way to go.


I am writing to you because I came across your LukesArmy website and was greatly moved by the loss of your son. I am in completely different circumstances and have not suffered the loss of a child, although I am basically estranged from all four of my children today. My involvement with DoCS NSW beg...
Like· ·Unfollow Post· Share · 9 hours ago
    • Jeffrey FisherThankkyou Michael have taken A copy for the awareness campaign.
      9 hours ago · Unlike· 1
    • Heather RaphaelI'm kathie Parker's sister in law my brother is a criminal I'm sick to my stomach him blaming everyone for his wrong doing. Glenn was always a messed up person and I have never trusted him even as children. I've seen his distruction I've seen How he treated his wife and family. He has damaged his own family more than anyone else could. You have a pedi file on here airing his apinion and he doesn't deserve to be heard. He can't change anything until he owns up to what he did.
      8 hours ago via mobile · Like· 2
    • Jennifer RattlingyouThere is always two sides to a story.
      4 hours ago · Unlike· 1
    • Freethe ChildrenNowSeems to me that it is highly likely Kathie Parker could be a bitter woman and somewhat "Anti Men"... in which case she should NOT be in the position she is in..... and when it comes to Glen, he pled guilty to his crime, therefore his honesty cannot easily be questioned.... I have fist experience of DoCS Corruption especialy with the Armidale office and therefore have no doubt that Kathie Parker may have or may be engaged in corruption within Armidale DoCS as Armidale DoCS is wrife with it... at the very least Kathie Parker should be removed from her possition untill the matter is investigated by the ICAC.... FREE THE CHILDREN NOW
      3 hours ago · Unlike· 1
    • Madison Coxwell heather i think i read it right and he did own up to what he did i dont think u could call him a pedo as she was age of concent to have sex as there is ppl trying to get there daughters away form there bf that r like 30yo and there is nothing they can do as the child has said that they want to be in the relationship but that is not what happened here he was under the most dier circumstances and it happened and he has paid the price for that and i have hurt my family more that i can count my fingers but they still talk to me it took time to mend stuff and i would of thought u being his family would stand by not pull him down now that he has got a conscious for the wrong him and his wife were doing he should be hear as it is not often that a person will come forth and say yes i did this and know that they will be locked up for some time so get off ur high horse and spill the skeletons that u have there oh thats right ur shit must not smell and to his wife then she should not be working in this field of work without the right education to enter and with her dealing she should now do here time in jail for the crimes she is commiting still today and what if it was ur kids she took for u heather and lied about u then how would u feel about this then and to ur brother i give him the biggest pat on the back for coming forth and being honest and not letting his own bad past stop him from doing so
      3 hours ago · Unlike· 2
    • Erica WheelerI think you totaly miss the point Heather, your brother has admitted to his wrong doing, he did so along time ago. He went to jail, has been put on a register (quite inapropriatly I might add) to this day has to explain his every move, has his friends and innocent people being constantly harrassed randomly by "DOCS" asking prying questions about him. This man isn't blaming anyone, simply asking the question....why in the hell isn't Kathie being held accountable for anything? At the very least she should still not hold the position she does. She as a responsable adult in a job that's purpose is to protect children, should never of taken children into her home.. Or continued to take children into her care and place them in danger with a known alcoholic! Simple as that!
    • Erica Wheeler?.....and I just might add that continuing to persecute and blame a person who has ALREADY admitted thier fault is exactly what the DOCS mentality is! Rather then admit ANY fault on thier side they stop at nothing to take the focus off themselves! They don't give a shit who's lives they interfere with, who they trample on, who THEY slander, just so long as the focus is off them! Well buckle up-because people are fighting back, we have a VOICE and it WILL be heard!!
    • Michael Borusieiwicz I love my crew. Heather, you have lowered yourself to Kathie's level.
Jacqualine Wheeler's picture

Queen: The lady doth protest too much (Shakespeare) The phrase h

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 19:20 — Jacqualine Wheeler (not verified)

DoCS has a current "case" against me......and they have been nothing but lapse in handling the matter. It has completely frustrated me to have to deal with these people. DoCS do not listen to their clients at a level you would expect "professionals" to listen, they hear what they want and use any indication of emotion you express as perhaps an indication you are emotionally/mentally unstable.

DoCS have treated me with indifference and made hollow attempts at "case" planning as they have no real case against me...except...I married the ex husband of a DoCS worker, who is now on the CPR and has cleaned up his act. This man was able to run around being the main carer of his children and foster children half drunk for years, chronically depressed with suicidal tendancies, while his wife (at the time) was busy off being a DoCS worker.

When finally a child IS harmed in his care and the light shines on the REAL situation all the coachroaches scurry for the nearest hole to hide in and he takes the full whack for all of it! And if thats not enough lets persue him for the rest of his life and scare any little children and there parents that ever come near his family now! Make him too afraid to say anything against DoCS if that is possible?!

The corruption in DoCS is well known by the general Australian community. The injustices that befall parents and children are irrecompensable. There are endless accounts of negligance by DoCS that has resulted in the harm of a child, children and entire families.

This story was only ever put out there because DoCS is failing their duty of care to children. THIS story is one individuals account of his dealings with DoCS and the haunting questions that still remain because of this DoCS experience.

It should also be noted that Kathie Parkers youngest daughter has decided to Facebook bully my daughter tonight  because of this story. This is being done from Kathie Parkers house in Armidale. So there you go DoCS and anyone they have onside is apparently justified in doing things that DoCS would be knocking on my door about and questioning my ability as a Mother.

Oh well the truth will win in the end <3


Norelle Thornton's picture

Yes DoCS do get it wrong

Thu, 05/31/2012 - 06:17 — Norelle Thornton (not verified)

Yes DoCS do get it wrong sometimes, but have any of you considered how many times they get it right. How many of the people complaining that DoCS took my babies can't take care of them selves let alone children. How many are drug addicts, alcoholics and gambling addicts that would rather spend their money on their habits rather than on their children. How many don't know what the inside of a supermarket looks like and are too lazy to cook a meal or do a bit of house work. How many hit their children resulting in bruises, broken bones and death.

So yes DoCS do sometimes get it wrong but I bet they get it right more often than wrong.

Lukes Dad's picture

Who judges DoCS... Only themselves

Thu, 05/31/2012 - 09:20 — Lukes Dad

So who thinks they get it right most of the time, DoCS. In their own twisted minds they think they are Gods gift to children, which couldn't be further from the truth.

They say they act in the best interest of the child, but how is telling lies about their parents, and running their parents down good for a child.

Why don't we ask the people who deal with them instead, parents, grand parents, foster carers and the children? You don't get many that say DoCS helped them, hence the need for this site. To get the truth out there.

Bianca Stark's picture

I agree; I have seen from

Thu, 05/31/2012 - 09:35 — Bianca Stark (not verified)

I agree; I have seen from experience that most of the time DoCS get it right and the children are alot happier and better off. Just because people are able to reproduce doesn't mean they should be parents. Some of them cannot even look after themselves let alone children. BUT yes, sometimes, they get it wrong (and I am so so sorry about your son; I couldnt imagine losing my daughter) But witchhunting one woman for mistakes made by a Government body and not her personally is deploreable and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Lukes Dad's picture

Witch Hunting Baby Stealing Witches

Fri, 06/01/2012 - 04:58 — Lukes Dad

These people wait beside hospital beds to steal babies. I am not ashamed to be screaming as loud as I can about these evil banshees.

Glenn Armstrong's picture

DoCS continue to get it wrong!

Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:45 — Glenn Armstrong (not verified)

B***** A******** I am angry. if that other incident didnt occur im sure within the next week i would of gone to the police

So the above comment was made by my eldest daughter B***** (last night) who I haven't seen since leaving the family home on the 9th of April 2009. It was a comment amongst many others made about a post my Uncle put up on Facebook. That post was the judges comments in sentencing me for a crime I committed against my neice/foster child.

My point in showing the above comment made by my daughter is that there was indeed a real need for intervention in our home and DoCS did not intervene.

It may be of interest to know that around a couple of months earlier to the incident(crime) took place with the young person in my care I had been to DoCS with my ex wife (DoCS worker) and informed them that we wanted to end our care of her. DoCS listened to me insisting that she be placed somewhere else as I didn't have the ability to cope with her needs at the expense of trying to care for my own 3 children and younger foster child.

DoCS told us that there wasn't anywhere else to place her so they would "reclassify" her as a "problem child with special needs" and significantly increase our carer payment because of this.

I didn't know what to do, I'd been to the "professionals", I knew I was struggling big time in running the home but here I am walking away from DoCS still expected to do the job and based on the outcome with DoCS,  just don't worry about anything because now we would be getting alot more money for the child.

Why can't DoCS give the real parents more money or buy them a better car or do up their home or some form of actual and practical assistance in their living standards (which is all some people would need). DoCS have no problem whatsoever giving more money to Foster carers and I know this, I told DoCS I cant look after her and my other children properly and they give me more money?!

My daughter is damaged by what she calls my abuse, not the crime in itself that happened with her cousin, but rather the home environment she and all the children lived in including the poor children who were placed in emergency respite care at our home. Is my daughter less important than any other child? Of course she is no less important and now I am estranged from her and there is noway I can justify my past lifestyle and I am not trying to. I am sorry for it and I have said so.

DoCS failed my children and their Mum was a DoCS worker, DoCS is not being run properly and children and families are suffering because of it. DoCS are out of touch with reality and unaccountability seems to be fueling this mentality. What am I to do? I know my failings and crimes belong to me and I do not wish to take away from my responsibility for that.

 As I heal more and time passes I realise to my horror the implications this DoCS lapseness and corruption and unaccountability has on so many families and my own family was one.

Now, within the last week, DoCS (Inverell and Armidale Offices) hasve been visiting my wifes family and freinds and even our neighbours children, (apparently they have all had reports of abuse made against them) and while DoCS is interveiwing them they are informing these families that I am a registered paedophile. I am on the CPR but not for paedophilia and have never even been accused of such an act. I am living in a very small town so this type of false information will spread like wild-fire. How does this help my family now? Is DoCS concerned for my wifes children?

They have an open case with my wife and it is supposed to be for the "best interest" of her children but DoCS have only ever spoken to my wifes children once.

What is the DoCS actual motivation for defaming me and causing social isolation for my wife and her children? What level of responsibilty do DoCS have in acting upon reports made? Is this interveiwing the children and families actually a way for DoCS to get a defaming story out and discredit anything I say about them?

I don't know, all I do know is that there are more families upset now, parents being told they cant see their children and children being frightened by DoCS and for what exact purpose?

DoCS might want to make my life hell but what type of government funds their workers to go out into the community at tax payers expense and harass children and families as an avenue to spread thier lying story about me? If my ex wife wasn't a DoCS worker would this be happening? Is my ex wife using her position to haunt us? Do they want me to stay quiet and too afraid to speak?

Because I have lots more to say!

God save the children.....please

Mumwhererya's picture


Thu, 05/31/2012 - 21:38 — Mumwhererya (not verified)



by Kathleen Dyett and Anna Morozow, ABC May 31, 2012, 7:33 pm 

The ACT Government has promised a $25 million boost for child protection amid renewed evidence of systemic failings.

An examination of the sector by Public Advocate Anita Phillips makes it clear vulnerable children still are not getting the support they need.

It is the second stage of a review commissioned by the Government after it emerged several children had been placed in the care of an unapproved agency.

She has uncovered a "plethora of problems" within the care and protection service.

Ms Phillips says despite the best efforts of front line staff, they are battling against systems which do not support them, and that has led to a reactive and defensive work environment.

Ms Phillips reviewed the files of 100 children placed in emergency care over the last three years.

She says there was no evidence of early intervention before the child was removed from the family and placed in emergency care.

"People are just making knee-jerk responses rather than taking measured, strategic approaches, and that is why this whole review was to look at the strategy around emergency responses, and we didn't find any," she said.

Ms Phillips said there was evidence of good practice but it was inconsistent.

She has made seven recommendations for change including a new framework, a review of all kinship care placements and better record keeping.

Community Services Minister Joy Burch says she has agreed to all bar one of them.

She says the Government will inject an extra $25 million into care and protection services in next week's budget.

"$15 million dollars of which will go to the out-of-home care system, we'll have $5 million in for more frontline workers, an additional $5 million that will go towards youth justice with a focus on outreach and community based programs," she said.

But the ACT Opposition says throwing money at the system will not change the problems.

Liberal MLA Vicki Dunne says a 2004 report made similar findings.

"I'm very angry at this report. The Vardon Report told the Government that this was what was wrong with the care and protection system," she said.

"Eight years later they're being told again. Why would throwing money in next week's budget make any difference?"

Greens Leader Meredith Hunter is also concerned about how the funding will be spent.

"It's good to hear that more money will be put into the system, but my concern is that we're not stopping to look at how we can best use that money, how we can best support the workers," she said.

"Management needs to understand that this is a call to action, they cannot be complacent."

The Government's full response to the report will be released on Friday.

Mumwhererya's picture

fyi no2

Fri, 06/01/2012 - 16:27 — Mumwhererya (not verified)

Care system fails children

Scott Hannaford

May 31, 2012

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/care-system-fails-children-20120531-1zkta.html#ixzz1wWKIUCyG 

The Canberra Times

A review of the ACT’s youth care and protection services has revealed widespread failings in the system designed to protect the territory’s most vulnerable children, from inadequate risk assessments prior to removing children from families through to virtually non-existent early intervention and prevention for those at risk of harm.

ACT Public Advocate Anita Phillips released her final report into the ACT’s emergency response strategy for children in crisis yesterday, noting a raft of problems and a reactive, defensive culture that had emerged from an over-worked and under-supported Care and Protection Services staff.

Ms Phillip’s report found poor record keeping, little evidence of case supervision or transparent decision-making and a large percentage of staff who had been brought in from overseas who had little understanding of the ACT community who were likely to leave their jobs unless the culture of Care and Protection Services improved.

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/care-system-fails-children-20120531-1zkta.html#ixzz1wWIun3q1 

‘‘Staff, despite their best efforts and hard work, were often battling against systems that failed them and as a consequence the case files reflected a defensive workplace environment.’’

Ms Phillips said the review of 100 cases confirmed the crisis situation identified in an interim report released in October was not an aberration and was systemic, although there had been some improvements with a number of early recommendations already implemented by the Community and Services Directorate.

The report recommended immediate changes including developing a strategic framework to improve case supervision, improving record keeping procedures and training and reviewing all kinship care placements to ensure young people’s voices were heard in the decisions that were being made about them and their families.

It follows the Public Advocate’s not been qualified for such work.

Community Services Minister Joy Burch said the ACT Government would agree to all but one of the report’s seven recommendations and would pledge a combined $25 million of extra funding to the sector in next week’s ACT budget. More than $15 million would be spent over three years on out-of-home care, including kinship care and foster care, $5.3 million would be spent over four years on additional staff, and another $5.5 million would go towards supporting youth justice services.

‘‘As the Public Advocate has recognised and welcomed, there has already been considerable reform within the Directorate in the past six months following her interim report and the Government will continue to implement these necessary reforms,’’ Ms Burch said.

But opposition and crossbench spokespeople said simply throwing more money at the problem would not fix it.
ACT Liberals Family and Community Services spokeswoman Vicki Dunne said there had been little progress since the highly critical 2004 Vardon report, despite significant spending to address staff  shortages of staff, growing workload and failures to properly protect vulnerable children and young people.

‘‘I speak to kinship carers who tell me they have never been police-checked. The culture is wrong, and that goes all the way to the top. It has to be asked, what have they been doing for the last eight years?’’

Greens spokeswoman Meredith Hunter said the government appeared to be taking the same approach that had failed in the past. Young people would continue to end up in the justice system, unemployed and homeless unless the failings could be addressed.

‘‘We can’t keep coming back here in six months, two years, three years and just throw more money into this bottomless pit. We need better training, support and to have the voices of children, foster and kinship carers respected and listened to,’’ Ms Hunter said.

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/care-system-fails-children-20120531-1zkta.html#ixzz1wWIun3q 

Lukes Dad's picture

Police can't bully me Kathie Parker

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 12:14 — Lukes Dad

I have friends who have exposed bigger people than you Kathie Parker. Judges, senior politicians and police. They have gone all the way to the supreme courts and never lost. Bring it on. I will go to jail before I bow to a DoCS manager.

G'day Michael,

I gather that LukesArmy.com is your own domain name and that you pay the domain registratioon direct.  Where is the host server for your website.  If if is in Australia you are vulnerable.  It is best to be with a host overseas.   In the US the Freedom os Speech Amendment to the US xonstitution applies.   The police will try to have the host terminate your website.  ou need a webhost who will defy Qust police and tell them that the US Constitution amendment applies and they need a US court order to close your site. 

The police would try to sue you per the Cth Croiminal code sec 474.14 Use of a carriage service to harass menace or cause offence.   They are having a lot of problems with me on that so they may be a bit reluctant in future.


#1 Lukes Army hot on the tail of Kathie Parker Now a Manager in DoCS Armidale. Ex-Husband who had sex with foster child tells all.Guest 2014-02-19 07:38
When I initially commented I appear to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and
now each time a comment is added I receive four emails with the exact same
comment. Perhaps there is a means you can remove me
from that service? Thank you!

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